KC Confederate Withdrawal from Fort Donelson..rear gaurd action and Ambulance... (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Apr 26, 2012
..In this diorama there are no named soldiers...the KC named soldiers are regular officers and enlisted. In this display I tried to capture what could be the only battle in the Civil War that actually happened in the snow or a little snow...and in me recollections and study that could only be.....................

The Battle of Fort Donelson, which was was fought from February 11 to February 16, 1862.

This battle defined the largely unknown and untried U. S. Grant. It put him on the page so to speak.

I tried to depict an Army defeated and pulling off licking its wounds with its officers coming back to check on the men and offering their ambulances to aid them...God Bless them....All.


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I hope you all like it..Ludwig

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May we never fight amongst us again.

To you Mitch from Ludwig....
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Ludwig, I just knew you were doing "Confederates" !!! :wink2: That is an awesome terrain base that you have there !. Just think you can use it for other dio's as well !
I see General Hood has made his appearance also.
Thank you for this great diorama Ludwig! It is touching to see the confederate generals saluting their men...These southern gentlemens were so human and so sensible to the sufference of their troops who fought for freedom...respect for the " Confederacy"
The only ones to escape Fort Donelson were Forest Calvalry. He refused to surrender and took his command and left for Nashville. If Beauregard or Johnston had sent word that a relief force was coming, then the defenders probably would have attempted to hold out but who knows? 2 Confederate Generals had already fled Donelson like rats and the third surrnedered the next day. Politics between the generals doomed the Confederate war efforts in the Western Theater over and over again. This event would also set the stage for Johnstons own Death. But that is another story. The 14th Tennessee Regiment Infantry Rebel Sons of Erin were at Fort Donelson {my avatar}

In my humble opinion the diorama would better depict the retreat after Shiloh. It snowed as the Confederates retreated to Corinth. Polk, Hardee, and Breckenridge would have more than likely checked on their men.
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The only ones to escape Fort Donelson were Forest Calvalry. He refused to surrender and took his command and left for Nashville. If Beauregard or Johnston had sent word that a relief force was coming, then the defenders probably would have attempted to hold out but who knows? 2 Confederate Generals had already fled Donelson like rats and the third surrnedered the next day. Politics between the generals doomed the Confederate war efforts in the Western Theater over and over again. This event would also set the stage for Johnstons own Death. But that is another story. The 14th Tennessee Regiment Infantry Rebel Sons of Erin were at Fort Donelson {my avatar}

In my humble opinion the diorama would better depict the retreat after Shiloh. It snowed as the Confederates retreated to Corinth. Polk, Hardee, and Breckenridge would have more than likely checked on their men.

Thanks for the...whatever I guess.. I thought for my first CW display that It might get some points....I guess....MaybeView attachment 100486 I will go back to this line....maybe you will be in Shiloh...eh
Thanks for the...whatever I guess.. I thought for my first CW display that It might get some points....I guess....MaybeView attachment 100486 I will go back to this line....maybe you will be in Shiloh...eh
Its a very nice diorama thought you might have studied Fort Donelson history and want to discuss it My Bad.
Thank you for this great diorama Ludwig! It is touching to see the confederate generals saluting their men...These southern gentlemens were so human and so sensible to the sufference of their troops who fought for freedom...respect for the " Confederacy"

Thank You Poppo and all for the compliments.

King and Country makes the best Forest Figure ever. It would be great if you found a King and Country CW001 Nathan Bedford Forest Mounted figure. I'm not sure how much one would be but it would be perfect for this diorama.
King and Country makes the best Forest Figure ever. It would be great if you found a King and Country CW001 Nathan Bedford Forest Mounted figure. I'm not sure how much one would be but it would be perfect for this diorama.

Hey, I got Wadepat to pull the Grandsons funny joke photo. Can you believe that was on Ebay? There is a certain eldest Grandson who just got his list of items he was going to get on Ebay thrown away.

Anyway, yes I am searching for this figure and it is very hard to find. So is the Stonewall Jackson. I bet they would go for a pretty penny indeed.

These CW figures are so nice and life like. I just love them. KC has so many great lines. I have often wanted to rate favorites and it is something like this:

Crimean War; if you have not held one of these Lancers in your hand, you have got to.
Light horse/ WWI
Civil War/ Napoleonic/ Afrika Korps
Market Garden/ Battle of the Bulge

But then you look at them all again and it is so hard. How about they are all the best!!

Thank you for your kind words knowledge and posts. Do you have any of your collection pictured. If so post them on here if you would like. I love to see everyone's work..it gives me new ideas for dioramas.

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..In this diorama there are no named soldiers...the KC named soldiers are regular officers and enlisted. In this display I tried to capture what could be the only battle in the Civil War that actually happened in the snow or a little snow...and in me recollections and study that could only be.....................

The Battle of Fort Donelson, which was was fought from February 11 to February 16, 1862.

This battle defined the largely unknown and untried U. S. Grant. It put him on the page so to speak.

I tried to depict an Army defeated and pulling off licking its wounds with its officers coming back to check on the men and offering their ambulances to aid them...God Bless them....All.


View attachment 100447View attachment 100448View attachment 100449View attachment 100450View attachment 100451

Wow! Got to hand it to you, this is one incredible diorama! I don't think I have ever seen the civil war depicted during the winter in dio form. Love to have that dio in the store here at Kings X!
Best Regards
Kings X
I also have some confederates, I really like them...But I wonder why they have been maCIMG8696 (800x600).jpgde in a clear blue- gray, instead of just gray!!
I also have some confederates, I really like them...But I wonder why they have been maView attachment 100577de in a clear blue- gray, instead of just gray!!

Poppo, I do not know enough yet about there uniforms to answer the question. I will bet someone on the forum does and will respond. I just love these figures.

However, I do not have that walking flag bearer......and I think he will look better in my diorama^&grin^&grin^&grin

Just kidding Poppo..Stay Real!!

Great looking figures from K&C! Does anyone know if they plan on making more civil war figures? I would love to purchas some but I don't want to get attached to something that is no hope for the future. :confused:
Great looking figures from K&C! Does anyone know if they plan on making more civil war figures? I would love to purchas some but I don't want to get attached to something that is no hope for the future. :confused:

Hi Lo,

I had the same feeling. But when Andy released that there would be Civil War back next year I went for it. We can wait until next year. Go for it and I shall wait to see pictures.

Hi Lo,

I had the same feeling. But when Andy released that there would be Civil War back next year I went for it. We can wait until next year. Go for it and I shall wait to see pictures.


Oh wow...I did not know there was any news about the civil war for next year. Sounds interesting! :)
On my recent travels I stopped at several battlefields in the Carolina's and Virginia. I also live 2 hours from Gettysburg so needless to say I go there often. Amazingly I have never purchased 1 Civil War soldier but after seeing a nice dio like this I may go for a few pieces to make a small dio. Thanks Ludwig. Keith
Great diorama Ludwig!
And with regards to the history...

Maybe this could be a retreat back into the fort following the almost successful break out attempt on the 15th? Or it could be the men marching out to surrender the following day on the 16th? Just some ideas. Only about 2,000 of the original 16,000 confederates at the fort managed to avoid being killed, wounded, or captured.

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