KC Operation Greif....near the River Meuse........ (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Apr 26, 2012
Operation Greif was a special false flag operation commanded by Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny during the Battle of the Bulge. The operation was the brainchild of Adolf Hitler, and its purpose was to capture one or more of the bridges over the Meuse river before they could be destroyed. German soldiers, wearing captured British & US Army uniforms and using captured vehicles were to cause confusion in the rear of the Allied lines. A lack of vehicles, uniforms and equipment limited the operation and it never achieved its original aim of securing the Meuse bridges.

This happened often behind the lines and thankfully the operation failed.

Here is my rendition of one such road block. Note the KC German Stug made up to be an American tank.

29JUL12 020.JPG29JUL12 022.JPG29JUL12 027.JPG29JUL12 029.JPG29JUL12 030.JPG
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Very nice Ludwig, love the combination of high and low ground just like the real thing, but let me make a few constructive remarks
On the 16th of december the weather was aweful, thick cloud cover and constant snow storms . So a little bit more snow should be welcome.
Some more historical information: Greif was carried out by the 150th Panzer Brigade in the Northern part of the Ardennes. Because of the low number of US equipment, 5 Panther tanks and 5 Sturmgeschütz were modified with steel plates to look like US tanks. Only one captured M4 was operational. The English speaking volunteers were selected to form a special commando unit"Einheit Stilau" to operate behind US lines.To avoid friendly fire they all were to wear blue or pink scarfs. Operation Greif was stopped by the US troops at Malmedy about 60km away from the Meuse river.. No Germans were ever captured wearing British uniforms simply because the Germans knew that the Brits were not near or in the Northern part of the battle field when the attack started.

something I have been asking for a while to be released in the BOB range. A heavily converted Panther disguised as an M10 tank destroyer. These were very well done and, looked more realistic than the stug's.

Nice set up that you have done
A classic "Wolf In Sheeps Clothing" there Ludwig !!!


something I have been asking for a while to be released in the BOB range. A heavily converted Panther disguised as an M10 tank destroyer. These were very well done and, looked more realistic than the stug's.

Nice set up that you have done

Very nice Ludwig, love the combination of high and low ground just like the real thing, but let me make a few constructive remarks
On the 16th of december the weather was aweful, thick cloud cover and constant snow storms . So a little bit more snow should be welcome.
Some more historical information: Greif was carried out by the 150th Panzer Brigade in the Northern part of the Ardennes. Because of the low number of US equipment, 5 Panther tanks and 5 Sturmgeschütz were modified with steel plates to look like US tanks. Only one captured M4 was operational. The English speaking volunteers were selected to form a special commando unit"Einheit Stilau" to operate behind US lines.To avoid friendly fire they all were to wear blue or pink scarfs. Operation Greif was stopped by the US troops at Malmedy about 60km away from the Meuse river.. No Germans were ever captured wearing British uniforms simply because the Germans knew that the Brits were not near or in the Northern part of the battle field when the attack started.

Thank you three for your posts. Mitch I like the Panther tank idea. I would buy one. Guy great little piece of history there. I did not know much of this.

Again thanks!!!

Good the idea to show german soldiers dressed in american uniforms..Original ^&grin
Operation Greif was a special false flag operation commanded by Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny during the Battle of the Bulge. The operation was the brainchild of Adolf Hitler, and its purpose was to capture one or more of the bridges over the Meuse river before they could be destroyed. German soldiers, wearing captured British & US Army uniforms and using captured vehicles were to cause confusion in the rear of the Allied lines. A lack of vehicles, uniforms and equipment limited the operation and it never achieved its original aim of securing the Meuse bridges.

This happened often behind the lines and thankfully the operation failed.

Here is my rendition of one such road block. Note the KC German Stug made up to be an American tank.

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Really cool Diorama! Really like the way the Germans look dug into the brush!
Best regards
Kings X
Really cool Diorama! Really like the way the Germans look dug into the brush!
Best regards
Kings X

Martin my friend!!

As always thank you for your response. You and the other employees do such great dioramas at KINGS X that a compliment from you as an artist and an actual employee of King & Country is well received.

Take care and hope to hear from you soon,


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