Keep the boxes or not, what’s the answer? (1 Viewer)

The more people that throw away boxes, the more the remainder will be worth in the future.
as somebody that buys back old collections. YA GOTTA HAVE THE BOX. If you want TOP DOLLAR!!!

As brad says the box also helps with the year etc. FOV is not going to go up in price like K&C so i can see the box not being that important.

At the very least, if you're not going to keep them, sell them on ebay. Someone could use them.

Yes. Me!

I agree with Brad on this. I've certainly got a few sets of Conte figures that I've purchased minus boxes, resulting in a significantly cheaper purchase.

The figures are what I'm buying and are what's more important to me, but having the boxes would be nice.

Chuck 'em on ebay. Nothing to lose by it, and it will no doubt go towards funding more figures.

Or shoes (glad I'm not the only one who's in that situation).


Keep the boxes, especially K&C and Britains. Your grandchcildren will be eternally grateful when they appear on Antiques Roadshow and are told that their grandfather's "Winter Tiger" mint in original box now has a conservatively
estimated value of between $4000 and $6000........ almost enough to buy a tank of gas for their SUV and a cup of Starbuck's!:)

I always keep the boxes, I'm sure it makes my collection a little more professional.. It does take a lot of place, but thats where you have an attick for :D I also think that if you sell a set, an original box makes a better price..
All great advice,

I'd like to keep all of the boxes (except FOV's) for obvious resale value they secure associated with my collection.

It's a given that I'll keep the KC boxes because they offer the maximum resale value today. My plan was also to keep the boxes on selected sets manufactured by the other companies especially some of the vehicle, artillery and armor sets.

However, I am severely limited by space since most So. California homes DO NOT have attics or basements for storage purposes. Paying for self-storage (another good idea) fees over time will erode the appreciation usually experienced by collectors therefore rendering this unfeasible option.

So you see my dilemma. Yes I know I could move out of state and believe me that has crossed my mine more than once.


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