King and Country Glossy (4 Viewers)

That is a great set Brad, I've always loved mine. ^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool Did it come with a big presentation box?
Louis, no it didn't, just a K & C box (although bigger than the normal one).

At the Valley Forge show I picked up an unusual K&C variation: the Seaforth Highlander officer holding the Regimental Colors is holding dark blue regimental colors, when every other version of this figure I have seen, including the ones I own, all carry yellow regimental colors. I will post a photo of it, as well as an old glossy Napoleonic Curassier absolutely mint in the box I picked up for $25.
Here are some shots of the two classic K&C Glossy Figures I picked up at Valley Forge, the odd variation of the Seaforth Regimental Color Bearer (blue rather than yellow color) and the mint Napoleonic Curassier:


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Here are some photos of my early K&C "Relief of Chitral" diorama. Pretty much every early glossy K&C victorian figure unrelated to the Zulu War or the Streets of Old Hong Kong is depicted, on a diorama designed by Gordon Neilson at the 4th New York Symposium, using a K&C wood and papier mache fort, and diorama materials purchased at a local Hobby Shop (there are also Heco Tinplate Models and Trophy figures on the diorama):


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The Zulu War related figures are depicted on this shelf diorama around a K&C wood and papier mache burning Zulu War farm house. There are all but one of the K&C Zulus, the one 24th Foot figure K&C produced, a wounded officer shooting his pistol over his dead horse, and at least one of each red coated Seaforth Highlander (yes I know they were not involved in the Zulu War, but that's how K&C displayed them in their Zulu War flyers):


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The following pictures are from Louis' collection. I will post mine after that.

These are great am deathly my brother has the Guards Camel corps ones in his cabinet. Does anyone know who owns the molds for them now? I know there very old models from the late 80's but I would love to have some cast these so I couldn't paint them.
I’m sure the molds aren’t around any longer as those models are from the 80s. You can find them on eBay at reasonable prices.
At long last I have become the owner of some KC glossy figures, ones that I have always liked but never been able to afford before. I got lucky on an E-Bay auction (another first as I have never purchased a TS off E-Bay, only books), and was able to win a 7 figure grouping of KC Indian Camel Corp figures. I got 5 Birkanir Camel Corps (white coat) and 2 North-West Frontier Mounted Rifles (Khaki color coat). They all arrived in great shape, about as close to mint as 30 year old figures are going to be and I love them. They go perfectly with my Somerset Camel Corps. I am really pleased with them and glad that I was finally able to obtain such nice examples of KC's charming gloss figures. -- Al
At long last I have become the owner of some KC glossy figures, ones that I have always liked but never been able to afford before. I got lucky on an E-Bay auction (another first as I have never purchased a TS off E-Bay, only books), and was able to win a 7 figure grouping of KC Indian Camel Corp figures. I got 5 Birkanir Camel Corps (white coat) and 2 North-West Frontier Mounted Rifles (Khaki color coat). They all arrived in great shape, about as close to mint as 30 year old figures are going to be and I love them. They go perfectly with my Somerset Camel Corps. I am really pleased with them and glad that I was finally able to obtain such nice examples of KC's charming gloss figures. -- Al
I got addicted to glossy as most careful!

I have a trove of K&C Camel Corp figures. I don't remember how I acquired them, but I will not have any space for them in my new office. In fact, I have never displayed them and have no clue what to do with them.

Hit me up if want a list and pics of them.

John from Texas

I have a trove of K&C Camel Corp figures. I don't remember how I acquired them, but I will not have any space for them in my new office. In fact, I have never displayed them and have no clue what to do with them.

Hit me up if want a list and pics of them.

John from Texas
Hi John, sorry to be so late answering but have not been on TF due to being ill. Am in hospital since April 6 and will be so for a few more days. If it is all right, I will reconnect when home and feeling better. Thanks for writing me.
Best regards,
Hope you’re better soon Al. We will blame the Nats and the Os.
Thanks guys. Brad, I'm sure it's both, but that Nat's pen is the major culprit...:wink2: -- Al
The K&C Glossy Cathay Pacific Flightcrew with a Vintage K&C mohagony Ford Tri-Motor passenger plane (both made in the early 1990's) on the tarmac of one of my airfield dioramas:


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Today my very first gloss K&C figure arrived today from an interstate collector who sold it on Ebay.


He is a Mameluke of Napoleon's Imperial Guard and will now join others of his regiment in my collection.


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