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APRIL 2015 Part One
APRIL 2015 Part One
Hi Guys,
Here is just the first half of a 2-part “DISPATCHES” which will appear this month.
Because of a reconfiguration of our release schedule we’ve been moving some pieces around a bit. So this first part is considerably smaller than our usual cornucopia!
Here goes...
A. “Wehrmacht...Wunderbar!!!”
For collectors of K&C’s “Classic Field Grey” German troops April is one big bumper month!
No less than 13 all-new releases that should please Wehrmacht Collectors whether they like their figures “on Parade” or...”On The Battlefield.”
WH013“The 12-piece Classic Wehrmacht Band”
These 12 musicians will march proudly into any collection that features “feldgrau” infantry. Dressed in their traditional everyday uniform, albeit with decorative silver and red “swallow-nests” on their shoulders, German military bands were a familiar sight on the streets of cities and towns in Nazi-occupied Europe.
WH014 “At Attention”
A new version of a typical guard duty pose.
WH015 “Marching Officer”
On parade and leading the way...This officer has both the 1st and 2nd Class “Iron Cross” awards on his tunic.
WH016 “Marching Rifleman”
The perfect accompaniment to WH015.
WH017 “Wehrmacht Mortar Team”
Two kneeling “Soldaten” man their 81mm mortar and prepare to launch a bomb.
WH018 “Dismounted Armoured Vehicle Crewmen
With so many K&C German tanks, armoured cars and other vehicles in collections it’s always useful to have additional crew members available in “non-action” roles...
*WH018-G The two crewmen in “feldgrau” armoured vehicle jackets.
*WH018-B Two crewmen wearing the Panzer black wrap-around short jackets.
The choice is yours...
WH019 “Take a breather!”
His stalhelm held in one hand, this “soldaten” rests on his rifle...He’s marched over 20 miles this day and he’ll march another 20 tomorrow. It’s often forgotten that the majority of German infantry in the first half of the war journeyed into battle...on foot!
WH020 “Happy...!”
This field-grey infantryman seems pleased with himself...Has he just been given a leave pass?
WH021 “Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf.N”
The Panzer III Ausf.N variant was an “assault tank” that was produced to meet the specific need for a stronger tank that could more effectively take on the Soviet T34.
Designers decided to use the short-barreled 7.5cm main gun along with a special “hollow-charge” shell.
Additional armour was also included in this model, especially around the turret.
Production of these “N” variants began in June 1942 and continued through until August ’43. Just over 700 were built in this time. Most being conversions and upgrades from existing Ausf.L. and Ausf. M. tanks.
This new version earned a good reputation from its crews and mostly saw action on the Eastern Front. Some models were also transferred from German stocks to Romania, Slovakia and Croatia after their replacement by more updated German armour.
Our K&C model is in typical field grey and comes with a tank commander figure.
WH031 “Eat when you can”
As every soldier knows...”Sleep when you can...Eat when you can!” This man enjoys a mess-tin of hot food.
WH032 “The 20-piece Classic Wehrmacht Band”
12 x marching musicians look good... 20 look even better!
All of the different German armed services supplied bands and musicians to accompany their troops in the field. When not engaged in musical activities bandsmen often acted as stretcher bearers and assistants to the German military medical services.
WH-S01 “Standing at Attention Set”
This little 2-man set gives you two great figures at a “special” price.
WH-S02 “On The March Set”
A 3-man marching set to follow your marching officer (WH015). If you think 3 look good...try making it 33...! Now that will really impress your friends. A “special value” package again!