KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- April 2015 (Part One) (2 Viewers)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
APRIL 2015 Part One

Hi Guys,

Here is just the first half of a 2-part “DISPATCHES” which will appear this month.
Because of a reconfiguration of our release schedule we’ve been moving some pieces around a bit. So this first part is considerably smaller than our usual cornucopia!
Here goes...


A. “Wehrmacht...Wunderbar!!!”
For collectors of K&C’s “Classic Field Grey” German troops April is one big bumper month!
No less than 13 all-new releases that should please Wehrmacht Collectors whether they like their figures “on Parade” or...”On The Battlefield.”

WH013“The 12-piece Classic Wehrmacht Band”
These 12 musicians will march proudly into any collection that features “feldgrau” infantry. Dressed in their traditional everyday uniform, albeit with decorative silver and red “swallow-nests” on their shoulders, German military bands were a familiar sight on the streets of cities and towns in Nazi-occupied Europe.

WH014 “At Attention”
A new version of a typical guard duty pose.

WH015 “Marching Officer”
On parade and leading the way...This officer has both the 1st and 2nd Class “Iron Cross” awards on his tunic.

WH016 “Marching Rifleman”
The perfect accompaniment to WH015.

WH017 “Wehrmacht Mortar Team”
Two kneeling “Soldaten” man their 81mm mortar and prepare to launch a bomb.

WH018 “Dismounted Armoured Vehicle Crewmen
With so many K&C German tanks, armoured cars and other vehicles in collections it’s always useful to have additional crew members available in “non-action” roles...
*WH018-G The two crewmen in “feldgrau” armoured vehicle jackets.
*WH018-B Two crewmen wearing the Panzer black wrap-around short jackets.
The choice is yours...

WH019 “Take a breather!”
His stalhelm held in one hand, this “soldaten” rests on his rifle...He’s marched over 20 miles this day and he’ll march another 20 tomorrow. It’s often forgotten that the majority of German infantry in the first half of the war journeyed into battle...on foot!

WH020 “Happy...!”
This field-grey infantryman seems pleased with himself...Has he just been given a leave pass?

WH021 “Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf.N”
The Panzer III Ausf.N variant was an “assault tank” that was produced to meet the specific need for a stronger tank that could more effectively take on the Soviet T34.
Designers decided to use the short-barreled 7.5cm main gun along with a special “hollow-charge” shell.
Additional armour was also included in this model, especially around the turret.
Production of these “N” variants began in June 1942 and continued through until August ’43. Just over 700 were built in this time. Most being conversions and upgrades from existing Ausf.L. and Ausf. M. tanks.
This new version earned a good reputation from its crews and mostly saw action on the Eastern Front. Some models were also transferred from German stocks to Romania, Slovakia and Croatia after their replacement by more updated German armour.
Our K&C model is in typical field grey and comes with a tank commander figure.

WH031 “Eat when you can”
As every soldier knows...”Sleep when you can...Eat when you can!” This man enjoys a mess-tin of hot food.

WH032 “The 20-piece Classic Wehrmacht Band”
12 x marching musicians look good... 20 look even better!
All of the different German armed services supplied bands and musicians to accompany their troops in the field. When not engaged in musical activities bandsmen often acted as stretcher bearers and assistants to the German military medical services.

WH-S01 “Standing at Attention Set”
This little 2-man set gives you two great figures at a “special” price.

WH-S02 “On The March Set”
A 3-man marching set to follow your marching officer (WH015). If you think 3 look good...try making it 33...! Now that will really impress your friends. A “special value” package again!



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B. “Policing The Trenches”
Even in the midst of battle it was necessary to employ Military Policemen...Their duties were many and varied...From directing traffic to ensuring supplies of ammunition get to the front. The Military Police also collected enemy prisoners and any soldier attempting to escape or evade their duties in the front line. They enforced military discipline and also provided security for the “top brass”. They were not alas, universally popular...

FW198 “WW1 Military Policemen”
A pair of “Red Caps” (on account of their red service cap covers) directing traffic and on the lookout for deserters, malingerers and others trying to evade their duties.

Special Note:All rank and file Military Policemen were Non Commissioned Officers. The older Corporal is pointing, the younger Lance Corporal is watching.

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late April


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C. “Into Battle...In the Middle East”
From the mud and blood of Flanders in 1916 and 1917 to the sand and dust of the Holy Land in the time of the Crusades...With a fine selection of warriors.

MK126 “The Kneeling Spearman”
Crouched behind his large shield this Man-at-arms prepares for the enemy...

MK127 “Standing, Firing Crossbowman”
A Germanic Man-at-arms fires into the enemy horde.

MK128 “Bending and Loading Crossbowman”
As he keeps a watchful eye on the enemy another German Man-at-Arms prepares his next ‘shot’.

MK129 “Kneeling Firing Crossbowman”
This soldier takes very careful aim at the enemy.

MK130 “Loading Crossbow”
Another Crusader Crossbowman prepares to shoot again.

MK131 “The Ballista”
This medium size weapon had been in use since Ancient Roman times and could prove deadly. Our rock-firing version is manned by one Crusader...backed up by others.

MK132 “The Rock Carriers”
This is one of the back-up crews of the “Ballista”. Here manfully carrying a stretcher full of large stones towards the weapon these two men-at-arms make their way forward.

MK133 “Single Rock Carrier”
One individual rock carrier.

MK134 “Saracen Assassins”
A pair of blood-thirsty Islamic warriors descend on a fallen Germanic knight.

MK135 “The Fallen Knight”
This Germanic horseman falls to the ground as his mount is fatally wounded. When surrounded and attacked by the MK134 set his outlook is looking matter how bravely he fights!

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late April



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Some interesting pieces here...Grab ‘em while you can!

LAH143 Standing-At-Ease SS Officer
MK094 Marching Bannerman
MK095 Marching Man-at-Arms
MK096 The happy Man-at-Arms
NA228 French Line Infantry Mtd. Officer
NA229 French Line Marching Officer
NA230 French Line Flagbearer
NA231 French Line Drummer Boy
NA232 French Line Marching Rifleman (right shoulder)
NA233 French Line Marching Rifleman (left shoulder)
NA234 French Line Marching Rifleman (w/ beard)
NA235 French Line Make Ready
NA236 French Line Advancing Forward
TRW027 First Aid
TRW029 The Trapped Horseman
TRW030 Dead Horse
TRW031 On His Knees
TRW032 Lying Firing Carbine
TRW039(P) American Horse

And that’s that...for a little while at least...As we said, look out for Part Two!
Best wishes to one and all...

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country​

I thought you'd just L O V E all the Grey Germans ...... what a feast ????

My favourite is the Medieval Artillery firing rocks :)

Yeah John that would make a brilliant stand alone piece and this is only part one for the month ^&grin
Maybe all the grey germans are an elaborate April Fools Day joke ...........
The Pz IIIN is a bit of an odd choice. I must confess I was hoping for an earlier version more suitable for 1940 or 1941. But I think some "N"s made it to Stalingrad. Still, as the PzIIIN originally equipped part of the early Tiger battalions it should make a ideal companion for that vehicle. Perhaps a "desert" version might be in the works as some PzIIINs served at Alamein and in Tunisia.

I thought you'd just L O V E all the Grey Germans ...... what a feast ????

My favourite is the Medieval Artillery firing rocks :)


That's my favourite too. The ballista, thee rock carrier and the crosbow loader will make a nice little grouping


Thanks they are a great bunch of recruits for the crusaders and the grey panzer111 are making it another expensive month.

I am not complaining they were on my wish list

Disspointed by April Dispatches!

Andy, We thought you were going to give us Collector's, a DAK,and 8TH Army MORE Reinforcements, such Mortar Teams-----Anti-Tank Gun Teams-----Armor,---- Trucks--Bofors 40mm Anti-Aircraft Gun and DAK 1.5CM-150 sFH18 Heavy Field Howitzer Gun ? CIAO! :( :confused::(
Loving the Grey !!!

We do need a Grey truck with passengers !!!
Some great looking releases Andy. I'll be getting the Panzer III N for sure.

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