KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- December 2014 (1 Viewer)

You ran out of imagination? or just looking for a quick profit on old re runs?
The house is the old French Farm house from earlier times.....NOT THE LEAST AN ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE COTTAGE...still carries the French flair to it....Were you to have included a more TUDOR or late English Renasance, maybe...would pass as English Civil War..and the walls are the desert walls with a few twists ..... the old wall sections with the hen pen and the double gate and little roof was way nicer....
Sorry a feeling a bit left down by the creation department here....
I see this type of quick buck move in the 1990s US Auto industry when year versus year they would promote a little change a detail here and there, a new fender style but the Car was the same....Have you been hiring old DETROIT FOLKS lately?

I do not collect theses, but my guess is to give other collectors a chance to get it. They are re-doing the Dickens Collection, which for me is intriguing. Because now I can get it. Without the Outrageous prices, that the secondary market offers.
From England’s green and pleasant land and bubbling bucolic streams and rivers to...The pure blue skies and waters of the Pacific...and the Hawaiian Islands on the morning of December 7, 1941!

JN001 “The A6M Mitsubishi ZERO (1JNS “Akagi” version)
K&C’s first major release of a Japanese fighter aircraft and an iconic one at that!
At the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese Navy “ZERO” was, without doubt, the finest carrier-borne aircraft in the world. Fast, light and packing a punch from 2 x machine guns plus 2 x cannon it literally flew rings around its opponents.
Our first “ZERO” is in the markings of Lt.Saburo Shindo flying off the Imperial Japanese Navy carrier “Akagi”...It was him who announced “Tora! Tora! Tora!” over Pearl Harbor to signal the surprise attack.
This K&C aircraft includes a figure of Shindo in the cockpit of his aircraft “saluting” as he prepares to fly off the carrier on his historic mission.
Only 250 of this aircraft have been produced.

JN002 “Flight Deck Crew Set”
Two kneeling crewmen with aircraft “chocks” ready to pull them away before the aircraft takes off.

JN003 “Imperial Japanese Navy Bugler”

JN004 “Flight Deck Flag Man”
Japanese flight deck crews used small coloured flags to indicate positioning of aircraft on the deck and “readiness to start engines and take off”.

JN005 “Imperial Naval Pilot w/Parachute”

JN006 “Imperial Naval Pilot w/Headband”

JN007 “Banzai!”
Japanese sailor shouting “Banzai”...Long Live The Emperor!

JN008 “Admiral Yamamoto”
A standing, saluting version of the “architect” of the Pearl Harbor attack. Here, he wears the “winter” version of the senior Naval officers’ uniform.

JN009 “The A6M Mitsubishi ZERO”(1JNS “Hiryu” version)
This second “Pearl Harbor” ZERO was piloted by a Petty Officer from the IJN carrier “Hiryu” and bears the blue stripes on the tail and fuselage. This model has NO pilot in the cockpit allowing collectors to select either JN005 or JN006 to accompany the aircraft.
Only 150 of this aircraft have been produced.

AVAILABLE: Mid-December

Harkening back to a recent forum discussion regarding figure bases, great decision here to go minimalist/symmetrical on these:

Harkening back to a recent forum discussion regarding figure bases, great decision here to go minimalist/symmetrical on these:


I agree with respect to the bases.
Although not perfect, it will blend in (much better) with a wooden carrier deck for a pre-launch diorama. If brave enough the bases would be easy to repaint to match just about any surface (wood deck, steel or rubber deck in towers).

Also glad to see NO bases on the kneeling guys.....

--- LaRRy
I do not collect theses, but my guess is to give other collectors a chance to get it. They are re-doing the Dickens Collection, which for me is intriguing. Because now I can get it. Without the Outrageous prices, that the secondary market offers.

Hi Spartan71.....
But then just re run the original sets that were by far better than these "new" there is a lot of less details in special on the walls...guess to make them cheaper to produce!!! Log on to the K&C site and you will see what I mean....And then why publicize as new Civil War accessories going all the way to Normandy invasion.....just manufacturer the previous one.....{sm3}{sm3} And you would still get your side effect of avoiding the high prices of the secondary Market and would not seem to be buying a 1980 Crysler Le Baron in 1991 with a few new touches to the front grill 1991 Market prices....
Hi Spartan71.....
But then just re run the original sets that were by far better than these "new" there is a lot of less details in special on the walls...guess to make them cheaper to produce!!! Log on to the K&C site and you will see what I mean....And then why publicize as new Civil War accessories going all the way to Normandy invasion.....just manufacturer the previous one.....{sm3}{sm3} And you would still get your side effect of avoiding the high prices of the secondary Market and would not seem to be buying a 1980 Crysler Le Baron in 1991 with a few new touches to the front grill 1991 Market prices....

Isn't it crazy! I bought a white shirt, some khaki pants and a brown belt from Nordstroms years ago...and they are still selling those same basic items. I am outraged! How lazy and uncreative!

btw, you must really be irked that Ford still sells the Mustang, BMW the 325i and Toyots the Camry. It's just unconscionable what these manufacturers are doing.

Btw, when one loses their creativity, where does it go? I'd like to find me some.
Isn't it crazy! I bought a white shirt, some khaki pants and a brown belt from Nordstroms years ago...and they are still selling those same basic items. I am outraged! How lazy and uncreative!

btw, you must really be irked that Ford still sells the Mustang, BMW the 325i and Toyots the Camry. It's just unconscionable what these manufacturers are doing.

Btw, when one loses their creativity, where does it go? I'd like to find me some.

Clearly customers will resolve this issue. KC's English Civil War is a nice example of creativity, and I am purchasing the first series of KC's Crimean war figures as they are outstanding.

To be honest, both KC and Britains are running on fumes in the creativity department. Notice that Andy's cockleshell heroes appeared after Openfire figures released their commando/marine sets. If you want evidence of creativity take look at Thomas Gunn's figures. As a customer I no longer look to KC and Britains as their is from my point of view, a lack creativity.
Clearly customers will resolve this issue. KC's English Civil War is a nice example of creativity, and I am purchasing the first series of KC's Crimean war figures as they are outstanding.

To be honest, both KC and Britains are running on fumes in the creativity department. Notice that Andy's cockleshell heroes appeared after Openfire figures released their commando/marine sets. If you want evidence of creativity take look at Thomas Gunn's figures. As a customer I no longer look to KC and Britains as their is from my point of view, a lack creativity.

Yeah, sorry mate would have to disagree with regards to your comments about the lack of creativity coming out of K&C, the new Pacific stuff is looking pretty good and the WW2 German Hospital range seems to have taken off, not to mention all the WW1 items currently being produced and the diorama pieces, such as the desert village is second to none in my opinion. Of course K&C also release a pile of new figures etc each and every month unlike many other manufacturers.

Fair comments about the wall and farm building sets, however Andy has mentioned in the past moulds wear out, so it may simply be a case of not having the original moulds to produce the older items as you suggest. It could also be a question of pricing too and trying to keep them in check?

On that note, this hobby is an expensive pass-time and if produces can do anything to keep them down to an 'affordable' level that's fine by me. Right now, I think K&C's biggest issue along with most other TS manufacturers, is the pricing of their products.

If there is one thing that will drive loyal customers away, it's high prices.

You mentioned a number of good points. For better or worse when I think of KC I think WWII Europe.
It doesn't matter if the old moulds of the farmhouse are still good. The old French farmhouse was at 1:32 scale as were the old Normandy village facades. The buildings are being reproduced at a larger size to better go with today's larger vehicles and figures. The only complaint I have with the farmhouse is that it doesn''t look 17th century English.

Couldn't disagree more with Benjamin's posts. Now, you may not like everything they make but the hospital sets, Pike and Musket, re issuance of Dickens, Japanese sets and so forth are examples of creativity at work, a man at the apex of his powers.
Couldn't disagree more with Benjamin's posts. Now, you may not like everything they make but the hospital sets, Pike and Musket, re issuance of Dickens, Japanese sets and so forth are examples of creativity at work, a man at the apex of his powers.

Totally agree Brad. Today I saw the new releases for ECW and they are just terrific, great poses, full of colour, very well made, and by all accounts very popular indeed. I think I'm about to fold too.
It doesn't matter if the old moulds of the farmhouse are still good. The old French farmhouse was at 1:32 scale as were the old Normandy village facades. The buildings are being reproduced at a larger size to better go with today's larger vehicles and figures. The only complaint I have with the farmhouse is that it doesn''t look 17th century English.



Square on the bulls eye!!!! Not to mention way less detail...


Like the new English civil war sets and can see the appeal of the Japanese sets, but not my interest, look good however. No US troops for the Battle of the Bulge yet?

Saw Andy at the London Toy Soldier Show today. The US Bulge releases will be next month - including guys in foxholes.
Hey Guys,
I stand corrected, what can I say.


Wasn't trying to belittle or criticize, just to note that Andy is still coming up with some interesting ideas.


Square on the bulls eye!!!! Not to mention way less detail...



It's spot on the bullseye, not square. Bullseyes are round, after all.

You actually did mention the less detail before, fyi. So you'd rather say "to mention again" I think.

In any successful business there must necessarily be a compromise between creativity and effiency. K&C excels at maximizing both - thus their long standing dominance in the hobby.

Personal views are fine, recognizing that advising a business on its practices carries much less weight if you've never been in the those exact shoes.

Wasn't trying to belittle or criticize, just to note that Andy is still coming up with some interesting ideas.


Hi Brad,
No offense taken. I appreciate your points as I overlooked other lines that KC has started.
Best wishes,
Hey Guys,
I stand corrected, what can I say.

It's all good Benjamin, it's what the forum is all about mate, expressing your views and creating dialogue. We may not agree on everything, but generally speaking the forum is full of good blokes with similar interests, having fun.{sm4}

Cheers Toddy
Hi Spartan71.....
But then just re run the original sets that were by far better than these "new" there is a lot of less details in special on the walls...guess to make them cheaper to produce!!! Log on to the K&C site and you will see what I mean....And then why publicize as new Civil War accessories going all the way to Normandy invasion.....just manufacturer the previous one.....{sm3}{sm3} And you would still get your side effect of avoiding the high prices of the secondary Market and would not seem to be buying a 1980 Crysler Le Baron in 1991 with a few new touches to the front grill 1991 Market prices....

I will concede the point, I do not collect these. We have a classic car show every year here in Monterey( Concours d' Elegance) a few years ago they were concentrating on wooden panel cars, they were selling for over $200,000.00. And sold quite many, including Ambulances. It was quite a treasure to see. Including a Concept car that I was informed that sold for for 2 million. My point is some of the cars is real old. But someone will always want. Oh, I had a 1976 Charger growing up bought it new, got it for $13, 000, the same exact car( don't know what engine it had though) car sold for $71,000.
It's all good Benjamin, it's what the forum is all about mate, expressing your views and creating dialogue. We may not agree on everything, but generally speaking the forum is full of good blokes with similar interests, having fun.{sm4}

Cheers Toddy
Indeed, even allows Kiwis to post! (those that can read and write that is) talk about modernity.... Baaa :wink2:^&grin

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