KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- January 2021 (1 Viewer)

I'm NOT very pleased to see another repaint of NA208. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Marching infantry is useful, but mounted officers are not as we already have two from this regiment !!


Agree, we are getting a lot of repaints over the last year ort so from K & C. I can understand it as the profit margin must be higher as the design and moulds are already done, other manufacturers do it.
Like the Aussie MP Landrover and Mine Clearing sets, more on the buy list.
Who cares about re-paints? If you have them, so what. If you don’t it's a bonus. For example, I have all the ACW so it’s a shame there are no new figures, but I missed out on some of the naps and I’m getting some now so that’s good. I’ve been looking for NA213 for ages. Now I can get it. Swings and roundabouts
Life is very sad at the moment. I’m just very grateful that K&C, TG, WB and other manufactures are still releasing new fingers. They are doing their best and every bit they do helps to make life a bit normal. Not forgetting they still have to make a living.
Thank you Andy Sir,
Who cares about re-paints? If you have them, so what. If you don’t it's a bonus. For example, I have all the ACW so it’s a shame there are no new figures, but I missed out on some of the naps and I’m getting some now so that’s good. I’ve been looking for NA213 for ages. Now I can get it. Swings and roundabouts
Life is very sad at the moment. I’m just very grateful that K&C, TG, WB and other manufactures are still releasing new fingers. They are doing their best and every bit they do helps to make life a bit normal. Not forgetting they still have to make a living.
Thank you Andy Sir,

I see where you are coming from on repaints, i have commented on repaints, but in the context of highlighting they are reused moulds and repainted, i have a little bit of a downer, as firstly if i already have them then some, not all, i would not buy again, secondly once again slightly disappointed as there are no 'new' sets for that range and finally it is never the repaint that i really want, such as 2llb gun [current desert] for the Field of Battle range or the BergePanther for the Battle of the Bulge in winter camo. I hope, as with the new repainted mounted officer, K & C will highlight when they are repaints. They have to make money and more power to them to do so, K&C have been the forerunner in the last 20 years and i do not think that the TS market would be so diverse and moved as for forward in quality breath of ranges without K&C.
Must haves, despite the budget....keep them coming.
What budget, I dont have a toy soldier budget anymore, just credit card debt. I have all but the officer with pistol from the first release but will get almost all of these...Love the repaints. Hope Andy will release the Confederate foot figures in a repaint as well...That would be awesome
The Confederate Cavalry are decent. K&C toned down the yellow cornflower trim that dominated the first wave of mounted Rebels into a more plausible and realistic look. Glad they are producing ACW product.Seems like the engagement of this conflict back into their production fold was necessitated somehow almost a 180 degree reconsideration. ACW Cavalry is all I collect so feel free to also re purpose some of the dismounted Union sculpts into grey/butternut troopers. Collectors get a good realistic depiction with dismounted troopers as the conflict evolved that type combat deployment became a more common tactical method of engagement for cavalry. I see no downside in that strategy. As for the 29th Texas good call. Important to see Trans Mississippi units in the loop.

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