King & Country Dispatches -- July 2018 (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
July 2018

to another great edition of ‘DISPATCHES’. As you can read this particular July Edition is being released a day or so earlier than normal... just in time for the weekend!

However, before we begin let me say a great big THANKYOU to all those dealers and collectors who made this year’s ‘TEXAS TOY SOLDIER SHOW’ one of the very best and most enjoyable!

Also, another well-deserved ‘THANKS’ to Amber, Jason, Jake, Norma, Laura and all the rest of our KINGS X team in San Antonio as well as Chris & Julie who flew in from California to assist.

THANKYOU also to Tammi and the entire K&C crew in Hong Kong for their very able and important support.

And now onto the main event that you’ve all been waiting for...

1. Enemies & Friends of Rome

Any imperial power that builds an empire is never short of enemies... However not every person in every conquered land reacts to the invaders in exactly the same way...

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RnB003 ‘The Farewell’
When the Roman Legion took over an area of conquered land they built forts and garrisoned them with troops, who in some cases, might stay there for years.
Often in such circumstances and depending on the local conditions they might find ‘wives’ among a few of the native population.
Here, one such soldier prepares to go on duty as his wife and child look on.

RnB004 ‘Guarding The Prisoner’
Less amicable relations with the local population can be seen in this 2-man set... A recently-captured prisoner, hands tied behind his back, is made to kneel by his Roman captor.

RnB008 ‘Short Back & Sides’
A different prisoner... a different Roman soldier. As the captured warrior is made to lie prostrate under him the Roman Legionary appears to be waiting for instructions from a superior as to the prisoner’s fate.
In general, warrior prisoners of Rome could expect either ‘a life as a galley-slave’... ‘a brutal and bloody future in the Arena’... or perhaps ‘a relatively swift end’. None of the options pleasant!

SPECIAL NOTE: These are just a small detachment of the many new Romans and Celts, Britons and Gauls in a wide range different poses that will be appearing in successive months.



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Throughout history warriors have always engaged in military games both to prepare for war itself and to perfect their skill-at-arms for pure enjoyment.
From the 10th Century onwards tournaments were an integral part of a knight’s life... and sometimes death. Tournaments and jousting in particular could be a deadly and dangerous pastime.
The image however of armoured and surcoated knights on their charging horses racing towards each other remains the epitome of the chivalric ideal.
Here are two additional versions of K&C’s own colourful jousting scene...

MK177 ‘Sir William Carlisle of Allerdale’
Sir William also known as ‘The Red Knight’ at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
A native of Cumberland in the North West of England he had friends and enemies on both sides of the border between England and Scotland and was an avid jousting participant.

MK178 ‘Sir John Ross of Galloway’
Sir William’s opponent, Sir John Ross of Galloway hails from the south west part of Scotland and was an early supporter of Robert the Bruce, King of Scots from 1306-1329.
Sir John’s heraldry includes both the ‘Lion Rampant’ and ‘The Ship’, much favoured by Scottish knights of that time.

MK-S01 ‘Let The Joust Commence!’
This colourful ‘BONUS SET’ combines both knights together with the ‘Jousting Barrier’ that separates them at a very favorable price!



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3. POLAND 1939
From medieval jousting in Britain to September 1939 in Poland and the outbreak of war in Europe. In August 1939, the ‘German-Soviet Pact’ was signed which among other points stated, in secret, that Poland was to be partitioned between the two countries. This enabled Germany to attack Poland on September 1, 1939, with no fear of any Soviet intervention.

On September 17, just over two weeks later the Soviet Union invaded eastern Poland and within days met up with their advancing German ‘partners-in-crime’ from the West.
Instantly Poland was dismembered and a reign of terror began...

FOB168 “Searching The Prisoner”
A captured Polish infantryman has his pockets and ammunition pouches searched by one of the victorious ‘invaders’ ... A scene that must have been repeated many thousands of times.

FOB169 “The Invader meets The Backstabber”
A senior German officer shakes hand with one of his Soviet opposite numbers. Friendly for the moment... in June 1941 all that will change when ‘Operation Barbarossa’ erupts!



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Alexander Dumas’
historical adventure novel recounts the many adventures of a young D’Artagnan as he travels to Paris to join the Musketeers of the King’s Guard. Along the way he befriends the three most formidable members of the Musketeers and finds himself involved in great affairs of the state and the court.
Among the great and the not-so-good he and his ‘Three Musketeers’ encounter are both the fictional and historical characters that inhabit the novel...

Here are three of the actual historical personages that feature in the story...

PnM076 ‘The Duke of Buckingham’
George Villiers
, 1st Duke of Buckingham, was a handsome and charismatic man used to getting his own way and not too particular about how he achieved that. He thinks nothing of beginning a war between England and France for his own personal convenience and advantage.
He is also, quite dangerously, the lover of Anne of Austria... now the Queen of France

PnM077 ‘King Louis XIII & Queen Anne of France’
As portrayed by Dumas in the novel Louis XIII is a weak and indecisive monarch easily manipulated by his chief minister, Cardinal Richlieu. In reality Louis was more taciturn and suspicious by nature however he did rely heavily on his ministers, particularly ‘The Red Eminence’, Richlieu.
During and after his life there were strong rumours about Louis XIII’s sexual preferences which, if true, might explain his wife’s attraction to the Duke of Buckingham.

Anne of Austria followed the long tradition of cementing military and political alliances between Catholic countries with royal marriages.
Her marriage to Louis was only briefly happy and the King’s frequent absences often kept them apart which might also explain her attachment to George Villiers (The Duke of Buckingham).

She did however eventually give birth to a son, Louis XIV , the future ‘Sun King’.



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Armies for many centuries have always attracted ‘Camp Followers’... Females willing to follow a soldier, his flag and the drum in exchange for regular food... a free bed... and a degree of protection against the trials and tribulations of both other men and a hard, brutal civilian life.
Of course, a pretty face and a comely figure also helps as we can see here...

NA413 ‘A Girl of The Old Guard’
Here, we see one such lass... partly dressed in the uniform of one of Napoleon’s own Imperial Guard Infantry ... How well she might fight... who can say...? But she would certainly keep you warm at night!



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After the very successful launch of our new ‘VIETNAM’ series at the recently-past ‘TEXAS SHOW’ K&C are delighted to announce
FOUR MORE MARINES in great combat poses...

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VN003 ‘Standing Ready’
This ‘GRUNT’ stands poised to go into action his M16 at ‘port arms’.

VN004 ‘Standing Firing’
One more Marine takes careful aim at some enemy soldiers. In the U.S.M.C. it is a tradition that every, single Marine is a ‘trained rifleman’ irrespective of what branch of the Corps he will eventually serve in.
Marksmanship is highly-prized in the U.S.M.C. and the Marines specialize in it.

VN005 ‘Shotgun Ready’
During the Vietnam War Marines carried a variety of different weapons. Among the most effective both in close-quarter jungle conditions and in house-to-house fighting was the shotgun... A number of different makes were employed in the battle to retake HUE... Our Marine carries a ‘Mossberg 500’ ... Other favoured shotguns include the ‘Winchester Model 1912’ and the ‘Remington Model 870’ . Special length barrels could also be ordered as short as 20 inches or as long as 36 inches.

VN014 ‘Marine NCO w/Binos’
As he peers through his military-issue binos to seek out the enemy this Marine Non Commissioned Officer also carries his M16 and a Colt. M1911 .45cal. semi automatic pistol, the standard U.S. Military sidearm from 1911 until 1986.



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Just that one word could spread fear and loathing among anyone who ever had to fight them!
Cunning, resourceful and highly skilled guerilla fighters the Apaches proved to be one of the most formidable enemies the U.S. Army ever had to face.
Just as the Apaches themselves expected little or no mercy from their Mexican and American foes so they too showed the same disregard for their opponents... or indeed anyone who had the misfortune to fall into their hands alive...


TRW142 ‘Captor & Captured’
As his Apache captor patiently looks on this poor, unfortunate Cavalryman is in for a slow, lingering and painful death as he is ‘staked-out’ under a blazing sun.
As an additional torture the Apaches liked to smear a captive’s face and mouth with sugar or molasses to attract all kinds of insects onto the scene...

TRW143 ‘Crouching Apache’
Moving stealthily forward this warrior silently approaches the enemy.

TRW144 ‘Apache Standing Firing’
Among the Indian tribes that faced the American Army during the Indian Wars after 1865 the Apaches were often considered to be the best ‘shots’.

AVAILABLE: Mid-Late July


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Earlier you saw our additional ‘VIETNAM MARINES’. Now, we present their Pacific War ‘brothers-in-arms’.

USMC041 ‘USMC 75mm Pack Howitzer & Crew’
Originally designed in the 1920’s to meet a demand for a howitzer that could be moved across difficult terrain, the gun and carriage could be broken down and moved by pack animals.
In the U.S.M.C. from 1943 onwards, divisional artillery always included three 75mm battalions with 12 guns each.
Our new Pack Howitzer comes complete with three Marines manning it.

USMC047 ‘Marine Casualties’
The price of victory is never cheap!
These two Marines prove that... As one Marine falls to the ground his buddy next to him takes a bullet to the chest.

AVAILABLE: Mid-Late July


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Well, as per normal as some items come in some others have to go out... Grab’em while you can!

Advancing w/Rifle #2
BBG061 Advancing, well-wrapped up!
BBG062 Sergeant w/MP40
BBG074 Kneeling Tank Rider w/Rifle
BBG076 Kneeing Ready Tank Rider
BBG077 Standing Officer w/MP40
BBG080 Standing Ready w/Rifle
BBG089 Advancing Turning
SP039 Desert Palm Trees (Single & Double Trees)
TRW038(P) Sun Bear
WH011 Dispatch Rider
WH047 JagdPanzer Pz.Kpfw. Ⅳ L/70
WoD016 The Toy Shop
WS230 Demag Ambulance

And that my friends is that for another month. In the meantime I leave for Australia on July 12 to meet ‘n’ greet K&C collectors in Brisbane (13-15) ... Sydney (16-19) and Melbourne (20-22) and our great dealers Brett, Peter & Sven and Howard n all three cities... Looking forward to seeing many old friends in each venue and making lots of new ones too!
All the best & happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country Ltd.


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Another vast array of intriguing pieces. Like the trooper staked out, different. Romans and Marines for me this month. K&C comes thru again. Thanks Andy. Robin.
In the meantime I leave for Australia on July 12 to meet ‘n’ greet K&C collectors in Brisbane (13-15) ... Sydney (16-19) and Melbourne (20-22) and our great dealers Brett, Peter & Sven and Howard n all three cities... Looking forward to seeing many old friends in each venue and making lots of new ones too!
All the best & happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country Ltd.

Looking forward to going over the 'The Mysterious EAST' again and meeting many like minded collectors, see you in 3 week's time Andy,

YES! Those new Three Musketeers releases (including the Milady from last time) are fantastic! I will be placing an order for those in the course of next month! {sm3}
Early despatches!!!!!!!!!!! What will be complained about now??
Thanks Andy, this is the surprise of the day!
And yes there is certainly something I buy.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

I really "VN005 Shotgun Ready" as the Mossberg 500 was the first shotgun that I ever purchased.
Earlier you saw our additional ‘VIETNAM MARINES’. Now, we present their Pacific War ‘brothers-in-arms’.


USMC041 ‘USMC 75mm Pack Howitzer & Crew’
Originally designed in the 1920’s to meet a demand for a howitzer that could be moved across difficult terrain, the gun and carriage could be broken down and moved by pack animals.
In the U.S.M.C. from 1943 onwards, divisional artillery always included three 75mm battalions with 12 guns each.
Our new Pack Howitzer comes complete with three Marines manning it.
AVAILABLE: Mid-Late July
YES! Nice addition Andy.

Tarawa & the 75 mm
Hoping the 67 Israeli-Arab War isn't fizzling out. A Syrian/Egyptian T-54/55 and Israeli Centurion would round out this series.
The Jousting Knights are attractive but more Crusaders and Saracens would be welcome as well.
Now, we present their Pacific War ‘brothers-in-arms’.

USMC041 ‘USMC 75mm Pack Howitzer & Crew’
Originally designed in the 1920’s to meet a demand for a howitzer that could be moved across difficult terrain, the gun and carriage could be broken down and moved by pack animals.
In the U.S.M.C. from 1943 onwards, divisional artillery always included three 75mm battalions with 12 guns each.
Our new Pack Howitzer comes complete with three Marines manning it.

USMC047 ‘Marine Casualties’
The price of victory is never cheap!
These two Marines prove that... As one Marine falls to the ground his buddy next to him takes a bullet to the chest.

AVAILABLE: Mid-Late July

Happy day in Waldoboro! ^&grin

The USMC 75mm Pack is a wonderful addition. I can see a few on them pounding the Japanese positions in preparation for a Marine advance inland.

As sad as it is true ... the COST in USMC lives is a harsh reality of the Pacific War. These figures will be needed to show the reality on what the Marines did on the dozens of islands and what they were willing to do for an assure victory. They will be making there way to Maine shortly.

MANY, MANY thanks Andy,

--- LaRRy
Marines both Pacific and Vietnam will be heading my way and those Superb Romans joining a bit later for me.

Have a brilliant time in Australia Andy.


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