KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- Mid Month November 2014 (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Here’s an update on some new releases that are arriving a wee bit earlier than expected...


The first figures and buildings of this whole new version of an old favorite are going to be available in less than 2 weeks time!
They are as follows...

WoD001 “Bill Sikes”
The real “Villain of the Piece” in “Oliver Twist” and memorably portrayed by the late Oliver Reed in the 1968 Oscar winning musical “Oliver!

WoD002 “***in”
Another villain, if ever there was one, although to be honest (not that he was) definitely not as bad or as cruel as Bill Sikes. He ran a “den of thieves” where, for a time, young Oliver found refuge...Thanks to...

WoD003 “Dodger”
Or to be more precise...”The Artful Dodger”...***in’s young apprentice and destined, from an early age, to be a thief himself. Although he was always kind to Oliver.

WoD004 “Mr. Bumble”
The Beadle, a kind of community policeman and yet one more memorable character from “Oliver Twist”. In films, plays and television he is usually portrayed as a bumptious, officious kind of fellow.

WoD010 “The Postman”
In Dickens time a regular postal service had just been established in London and several other major British cities. Here, our hero delivers a cheery greeting...and a letter.

WoD011 “Jack & Sarah”
An older brother looks after his younger sister...and her favorite “dolly”.

WoD015 “Ye Old King’s Head”
An updated and upgraded version of part of our original “Dickens Street Façade”. This time we have combined the traditional, timber-framed old English Ale House with a “Tailors Shop” on the ground floor and living quarters above.

WoD016 “The Toy Shop”
Another revised and upgraded single shop/house façade from the original “Dickens Street”. This time “KING & COUNTRY TOYS” occupies the street-level shop with a very nice “bijou” residence on the upper floors.

WoD017 “Christmas Lamp Post”
Every street needs a little light and this particular gas lantern is decorated with a gaily-coloured “Christmas Wreath”...Perfect for your Yuletide display

WoD020 “The Post Box”
With the arrival of a Postal Service you must have a Post Box to post your letters in...A typical mid Victorian piece of “Street Furniture” in cheery bright red and bearing Queen Victoria’s own Royal Cypher...”VR”...Victoria Regina.

WoD021 “Lamp Post”
A plain and simple version of WoD017.

AVAILABILITY: 3rd-4th Week of November

WoD005 “Bob Cratchit & Tiny Tim”
Father and son from Dickens’ immortal “A Christmas Carol

WoD007 “Miss Lucy”
A fine young Victorian lady from a very good family...or so I am told.

WoD008 “Mrs. Brown”
Warmly-wrapped up to face the rigors of a very chilly English winter

WoD009 “Miss Greene”
A pretty young lass and popular too!

WoD012 “George The Grocer”
George goes about his duties delivering two overflowing baskets of groceries to his local customers.

WoD013 “Mr. Chuckster”
This pleasant looking gent can be found in the pages of “The Old Curiosity Shop”.

WoD014 “Dick Swiveller”
A good-hearted fellow and a lawyer’s clerk who “sometimes found time hanging heavily on his hands.” Happy enough here though and usually with a friendly greeting to one and all.

WoD018 “The Winter Fountain”
A very useful and handsome piece of snow-frosted “Street Furniture”...Looks especially good connecting two of our buildings at right angles. This winter version also has 3 little “Robin Redbreasts” sitting on the lip of the fountain.

AVAILABLE: Mid December...just in time for Christmas!

Look out for more “World of Dickens” characters, buildings and accessories in the coming months.

All the best and happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Co-founder & Creative Director
King & Country​


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Bright and colourful to say the least. The buildings are a bonus and will set the series of beautifully. Robin.
Nice to see some non-militaria coming out, just in time for Christmas :)

Will also suit collectors who want to introduce ladies to our hobby :)

I think that WoD014 “Dick Swiveller” looks a lot like 'Mr Johnny Walker', or am I just looking at it through the bottom of a Scotch Glass ?????


These look truly fantastic. I can't wait to get those buildings. Great job Andy!

Does K&C pay mortgages?
Yup - All on on these as well!

Here's a little known fact of how Dickens chose one of his most popular titles!

Olive or twist.jpg
Well done K&C.
This is a stunning series to lighten everyone's mood and get us all in the Christmas spirit.
Fantastic characters.
Nice !
I'm sorta hoping my wife (AKA the boss) might like this release added to her home Christmas decoration collection for the Holidays.
That is a fine line of figures, and the buildings look great too.
I think it is a very smart move to have them out in time for Christmas :wink2:
Evening all

Any chance someone could post some comparison pictures of the original releases, especially the buildings.


Here are some of mine. There are a few figures missing and that is only building that I have.






Now you can save a lot of money by just buying the new ones :wink2:
The buildings are identical. The toy shop has been separated from the Tavern. otherwise identical

I wonder what the pricing will be? Opp's The web site has bee updated and the Toy Shop is $149 and the Tavern/Tailor is $199. Total cost of $350. Now add shipping, and these are not light pieces.

Nice when you don't have major sculpting to consider. I believe it was $200. for the original.
The original was $200 but times have changed and so forth. The figures, however, look to be light years better.

Well, I just saved $350. The building are very nice, but inflation is not as high as what these new prices.

To me, that is why the membership in various club is not increasing. Double low incomes, less free time and higher prices do not translate into increased hobby interest.

Just how many can afford that wonderful display. Professional sport players in there spare time recovering from injury?

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