KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- November 2021 (1 Viewer)

In actuality, @rekp was commenting on what I had written, in response to my defense of Boyer. For those who missed it (since it’s now deleted) here’s what he said:

“Trust a filthy rich lawyer to stand up for the bankers of this world ....surprised Louis hasnt flashed his cash on here yet.”

Now, I take exception to his comment because I had taken a shower already and was hardly filthy.


Aw mate I like that reply!

Gosh, what a to do about Louis! I joined the right thread for an argument.

But no harm done, not even a flesh wound.

Louis is a top bloke, I would defend him to his last man. He is always as straight as a lumberjack and as perky as a Norwegian blue. As a lawyer he can also recite the rules (you know - the ones that nobody can say anymore).

The only two things I could see he was missing from his fabulous collection were the Kamikaze Highlander figures, two halves of a coconut (horse) and a holy grail.

Drat. The only three things missing were the Kamikaze Highlander and Hell's Grannies figures, two halves of a coconut horse and a holy grail.

Drat. The only four things missing .... ad infinitum.

And now for something completely different.

(Where are the inquisition when you need them?)
Wow what a thread..

The Ford truck..yea a bit steep (this whole hobby is steep) but I do like the removable benches, I have to think actual fold up ones would have increased cost as well as possible breakage later.
I like the seated infantry a TON. The rest is not my area but I will say the polar bears look excellent.

Now as far as the professions. Yes Every attorney is a criminal, Every banker is greedy, Every salesperson lies, All nurses are hero's, All cops are honest and so on and so on.
Gosh that makes judging people so much easier than on their individual merits.
I have a quick example. I had a cardiologist give my wife a diagnosis of needing a pacemaker six months ago.
However something felt off about the whole process and their insistence that she get it quickly. Second opinion oh yes.
Now I ask the first DR? if there was medicine we should try first or another option before a pacemaker? I was told a hard NO .. Well turns out that there is a medicine as well as a simple fix says the second Dr and it is the prescribed treatment.
We have learned recently that the 1st DR forget to get pre approval for 30gs of work. Was he trying to bury it in a new surgery?? Who knows.
But if I thought Every Dr was honest and caring my wife would have a pacemaker and be looking for a new profession.
Sorry Ill climb down form my soapbox

Louis please keep flashing your collection or cash or what ever it is your flashing?{sm2} Your collection is inspiring to me.

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