King & Country
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October 2024
Hi Guys,October 2024
By the time most of you read this myself, Tammi & Kristy from K&C Headquarters here in Hong Kong will be getting ready to fly out to America to take part in our very first ROUND TOP ANTIQUES FAIR which has been held at Round Top, Texas for more than 50 years!
Three times a year in Spring, Fall and Winter this huge event attracts over 100,000 visitors from all over North America (and elsewhere) to see (and buy) all kinds of antiques and collectibles of every shape, size and kind you can think of.
Well, we thought, why not introduce top quality toy soldiers and military miniatures into the mix. After all, a customer base at an event like this obviously contains a large number of folks who love history, celebrate heritage and perhaps appreciate hand-made, hand-painted, authentically researched military miniatures that tell some of the great stories from our past and even major conflicts from more recent times. ROUND TOP will give us a unique opportunity to introduce K&C to a whole new audience while at the same time promoting our own retail stores in Hong Kong and, of course, San Antonio, Texas.
All of us will be at Round Top from the 14-19 October and at Booth #333 in The BIG RED BARN from dawn to dusk each day! If you’re in the area come and stop by and say hello.

Now, that’s the introduction over let’s get down to business…
A.‘Black Hawk Down Transport’
By now most of you guys will know about our all-new ‘Modern War’ series based on the ‘Black Hawk Down’ story that follows the chaotic battle in Mogadishu, Somalia that infamously left 18 U.S. soldiers dead and 73 more wounded and injured on 3/4 October 1993.
K&C’s recent releases of fighting U.S. Army Rangers has been well and truly welcomed not only by U.S. collectors but others from all over the world with all of these guys eagerly looking forward to one of the very special ground vehicles that was at the heart of the whole operation – the American M1025 Armored Carrier, much better known as ‘The HUMVEE’.
These High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) were lightweight, highly mobile, diesel-powered, four-wheel drive tactical vehicles that utilized a common chassis to carry a wide variety of military hardware ranging from .50 cal. machine guns to tube - launched, optically tracked, wire- guided TOW anti tank missiles.
HUMVEES could operate in a wide range of environments from deserts to jungles for long sustained periods of time with minimal maintenance.
They were made to carry cargo and occupants in a degree of safety while dodging deadly instruments of war including bombs, bullets, mines and RPG’s (Rocket Propelled Grenades).
In addition, the HUMVEE had to be air-transportable and droppable and also capable of being sling – loaded under a helicopter.
Both of our K&C HUMVEES are based on the troop-carrying versions seen in action in the great Ridley Scott – directed ‘Black Hawk Down’ movie.
In real life, ‘Operation Gothic Serpent’, the plan to capture key Somali militia leaders loyal to local warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid involved a convoy of ground vehicles, mostly HUMVEES and manned by Rangers, extracting other Rangers who earlier had been inserted by helicopter and their prisoners back to safety at the U.S. base after the capture of the targets.
With the downing of two Black Hawk helicopters by enemy action the original plan began to unravel and it seemed the entire city erupted and engulfed the original convoy with Somali militia firing down on the HUMVEES from every rooftop and blocking routes and roads leading into and out of the city.
At this point it’s worth mentioning that one of the HUMVEE’s major weak points at this time was that although mounting a powerful .50 cal. machine gun there was no armour shield to protect either the gun or the gunner!
A second relief HUMVEE convoy, led by Lt. Col. Danny McKnight, also struggled to navigate the hostile streets of Mogadishu while suffering numerous ‘hits’ on their light weight aluminum doors, unarmored windshields and ranger personnel.
This was the perilous situation our new U.S. Army Rangers and their Humvees found themselves in…

BHD013 M1025 ‘HUMVEE’ (with Gunner cocking the .50 cal machine gun)
This fighting vehicle is painted in standard U.S. / NATO three-colour camouflage of that period. Each vehicle comes with two complete figures - driver and gunner.
In this vehicle the gunner is using his right hand to cock the heavy .50 Cal. while keeping a lookout for any of the local Somali militia.

BHD014 M1025 M1025 HUMVEE (with Gunner firing the .50 Cal. machine gun)
This second HUMVEE has a crouching gunner in the open roof hatch taking careful aim with this iconic heavy machine gun. A driver figure is also included.

BHD017 ‘Ranger Fire Team’
A three-man section including a Ranger NCO firing his Beretta M9 pistol. This semi automatic weapon replaced the venerable .45 M1911 pistol in 1985 and was widely carried by officers and senior enlisted ranks in addition to their M16A2 assault rifles. Our senior NCO (non commissioned officer) takes careful aim using the two-handed shooting style favoured by most police forces as well as many militaries around the world.
Backing up the NCO is a cautiously advancing Ranger with his M16A2 in the shoulder. A kneeling Ranger adjusts his helmet and is the third member of the team.
A very useful addition to the previously released Rangers!

AVAILABLE: Early October