KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- September 2014 (1 Viewer)

Although I have no room in my Arnhem display, I will find room for Frost. Maybe I will swipe the one off Andy's table when he isn't looking :tongue:

Several of the Poilu's will also find a place ^&cool
Yes it will be a real Frog-a-thon...:wink2: the Renault is a crowd pleaser no doubt.....:salute::
Hmm, only 250 Jerry Medical Halftracks! My order is already done on this one along with the new MG's!

I was wishing for that grey 20mm flak gun ever since the AK version was released! Also liked the new Arnhem figures very much! The Salamander is also a must have, so all I can say is great dispatches! :wink2:{bravo}}
This one looks good:



Indeed the He162 looks nice better than the one from TG imo...
I like the Medic. Although I am trying to slowly pick up the FL Iron Brigade. I can see myself picking up a few of the Arnhem Pieces.
Looking at both planes the K&C version has a better paint finish :salute::

I downloaded the pics and have been comparing it to a 1/48 Tamiya kit that I built a while back. The panel lines and other surface detail match up pretty well. This has to be considered a positive, given that this kit is pretty much the standard in the smaller scale. The landing gear is a little heavier looking on this one, but it's got to support a LOT more weight (me thinks). I don't know that I'd have painted the interior of the nacelle-intake red, as that will tend to draw attention to the cavity. I'm not a huge fan of polystone model airplanes, but I may take a chance on this one. It's certainly encouraging to see KC up its game like this.

Superb edition of Dispatches:salute:: Love the Arnhem figures and want to to echo Wayne (Glad you got some Luftwaffe Wayne^&cool) here in that its great to see that two fig set with no bases, will want all these Arnhem figures^&cool French WW1 Poilus look splendid too. Big thumbs up to K&C for all these releases:salute::

:salute:: so sad, so sad! And for October a green and a red Knight. And for November ..........

Please Andy! Stick to your own great line!

With all due respect, I'd like to present a somewhat different point of view on the new Tournament Knights direction for the Crusades range. While there are definite similarities to the Blackhawk Tournament series, the Blackhawk tournament knights are wearing 14th century plate armor. Those figures are from a different era, long after the King & Country Crusades era. The King & Country Tournament figures are in chain mail, during the era of the Crusades. I see this as a segway from Crusaders actually engaged in battle in the middle east, to some knights of that same era, currently away from the fighting, keeping their skills honed for battle, through a "friendly" joust. For me, it is a welcome variance. This Segway could lead to all kinds of interesting possibilities, such as returning Crusaders, like Ivanhoe and Robin of Loxley. How about "The Black Knight"? What about Robin Hood's camp in Sherwood Forest, or the gateway with drawbridge of Nottingham Castle? There could be the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men. I am personally glad to see a slight divergence in the Crusades series at this point in time.. I personally welcome the slight departure from Crusaders engaged in battle and I have to say I really like the two first figures. I think this is just the shot in the arm that the Crusades range needs at this time. Just another Treefrogger's point of view, F.W.I.W.
Absolutely stoked to see a new Arnhem medic set and some welcome reinforcements for the MG range.......the Frost & Kilt figures look superb!:salute::

I bet the WW1 boys are very pleased as well, with some new Frenchies and a nice wee tank to add to the mix.{sm4}
Yes it will be a real Frog-a-thon...:wink2: the Renault is a crowd pleaser no doubt.....:salute::

......has to be the quote of the week that one Wayne 'Frog-a-thon'.....that's awesome mate!^&grin
Large number of excellent releases but for me the cream of the crop are the French Poilu. They look excellent. Unfortunately, their 1914 brothers are being retired and now I have to divert funds to those!{sm2} -- Al
The more I look at these new Poilu, the better I like them. Details all seem correct and I really like the fact that all the infantry are in their greatcoats, with the exception of the Captain, who wears the tunic as outerwear. Like the full beards on the 3 figures and the fixed bayonets, as well. They all look very French, or what I imagine they should look like. These figures will take their place alongside the earlier 1914 French figures that KC did as some of the best looking figures that KC has done, IMO. The Renault looks fantastic and will be in my French armored assault along with the figures. -- Al
Lots of great items spread across many ranges.

WH005 “Sd.Kfz251 Armoured Ambulance” is my favorite.
For me, it is a welcome variance. This Segway could lead to all kinds of interesting possibilities, such as returning Crusaders, like Ivanhoe and Robin of Loxley. How about "The Black Knight"? What about Robin Hood's camp in Sherwood Forest, or the gateway with drawbridge of Nottingham Castle? There could be the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men. I am personally glad to see a slight divergence in the Crusades series at this point in time.. I personally welcome the slight departure from Crusaders engaged in battle and I have to say I really like the two first figures. I think this is just the shot in the arm that the Crusades range needs at this time. .

I agree, I would like to see some spectators for these jousting knights, would make a great diorama. Lovely figures.

The more I look at these new Poilu, the better I like them. Details all seem correct and I really like the fact that all the infantry are in their greatcoats, with the exception of the Captain, who wears the tunic as outerwear. Like the full beards on the 3 figures and the fixed bayonets, as well. They all look very French, or what I imagine they should look like. These figures will take their place alongside the earlier 1914 French figures that KC did as some of the best looking figures that KC has done, IMO. The Renault looks fantastic and will be in my French armored assault along with the figures. -- Al

Somehow knew you'd be a happy collecting bunny mate!:salute::


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