King & Country Feb. Dispatches (2 Viewers)

Thanks Ron,the everglades will be just fine compared to the danger at home!

Napoleon Lives!!!!!(even though i'm on Wellingtons side!)

For FRENCH Commrades we have hot showers and wine. :D

WELLINGTON supporters sleep with the gators! :eek: :eek:
Hi Guys,

You guys are something else...K&C has not even brought out the two versions of the Opel Blitz truck for two minutes and already there is, “Where’s my field grey version and...what about the half track Maultier one?”

At the same time other “posters” say, “Oh you’re bringing out too much...too soon!”

I’ve said it before...I’ll say it again...K&C could release a thousand new items tomorrow and there would be some voices on this forum saying “Yeah, but where’s the piece I want!”

Please guys, remember there’s a lot of collectors out there who collect more than just WW2. We have to try and please a lot of people a lot of the time with a lot of different subjects.

Best wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C.

Well he didn't so no to the grey Opel!
Don't stress Andy. We appreciate what you do produce. They are truly works of art.
Having travelled to the US on several occasions i know what a friendly welcoming nation you are.So when my wife finds out about Naps,WW1 can someone put me up whilst i'm in hiding!!


I have two guest rooms Rob, so you can hide out here for a while, but if your wife gets wind of where you are, you're on your own!

She will look for you in NY - better stick to the Everglades :D

Rob, If you need a place to hide due to this hobby (obsession) of ours, why not hide in the most obvious place, the K&C shop in Hong Kong or even closer to home, with the Nevilles in the UK at their K&C shop. She more than likely, won't think about finding you in the midst of the basis for your problems:eek: :p :rolleyes: ;)

Lets face it - YOURE TOAST!

Buy some handbags and plead insanity........:D
Hi Guys,

You guys are something else...K&C has not even brought out the two versions of the Opel Blitz truck for two minutes and already there is, “Where’s my field grey version and...what about the half track Maultier one?”

At the same time other “posters” say, “Oh you’re bringing out too much...too soon!”

I’ve said it before...I’ll say it again...K&C could release a thousand new items tomorrow and there would be some voices on this forum saying “Yeah, but where’s the piece I want!”

Please guys, remember there’s a lot of collectors out there who collect more than just WW2. We have to try and please a lot of people a lot of the time with a lot of different subjects.

Best wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C.


Is that a yes on a Field Gray Opel Blitz Truck? I hate to commission Alex to do a re-paint and KC comes out with a Field Gray version.

Anyways, kudos on the Opel Blitz. Clear windshield and detailed cab interior is a big improvement from the painted about a WC ambulance?

Thank you Louis for your kind offer.If you hear someone banging on your windows in the middle of the night screaming "for the love of god helllllllllllllp'' you'll know its me.

Actually come to think of it,that way i'll get to see your museum before i die!!

It looks like Louis's museum is going to be one of those places that all K&C collectors must make pilgrimage to before either, they leave this life or become insolvent. Whichever happens first. :)
Yes it could be a holy shrine to which we all trek once in our lives.Although Louis may feel inclined to move if we do!.

What we need is A LONDON SHOP! staffed by dedicated,commited,vigilant slightly insane fans of K&C.I can hear my wife now "oh darling,you've brought your work home with you again!!!" How about it Tony?!

Maybe a Birmingham branch too staffed by friendly and knowledgable staff whose name starts with J.

Is that a yes on a Field Gray Opel Blitz Truck? I hate to commission Alex to do a re-paint and KC comes out with a Field Gray version.

Anyways, kudos on the Opel Blitz. Clear windshield and detailed cab interior is a big improvement from the painted about a WC ambulance?


I'm not sure how you see a "yes" in there. Looks like a pretty straightforward "no" to me.

I will start a King and Country Shop here in Washington - with you - we then can call it the Atlantic Bridge Company. :D

Then i can deal with toy soldiers in the morning and then visit battlefields in the afternoon....its a deal!

Then i can deal with toy soldiers in the morning and then visit battlefields in the afternoon....its a deal!



There are THREE Toy Soldier Shops in Gettysburg! :eek:
It looks like Louis's museum is going to be one of those places that all K&C collectors must make pilgrimage to before either, they leave this life or become insolvent. Whichever happens first. :)

You better hurry, because at this rate I may become insolvent myself!
Are, see we should return to the theme of president Bush granting Louis aid for the museum,so that K&C may be preserved for future generations.

Then i can deal with toy soldiers in the morning and then visit battlefields in the afternoon....its a deal!


You could have the battlefield all to yourself today. It is about 15 degrees this morning.

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