King&Country January 2014 Dispatches Are Up !!! (1 Viewer)

My wife bought me a K98 Mauser for Christmas. I showed her this pic today and without even a word from me she said that she is not buying me a pig.

Maybe you can compromise with the wife Jason and you suggest she buy you the Wehrmacht uniform and a blow up pig! {sm4}

No WWII ETO this month apart from the SdKfz and a few Germans . Easy and cheap month for me . Can save my dough for next month
The one reference of British Marines in the Egyptian campaign that I have encountered was in Paul Strathern's Napoleon in Egypt, as regards to the Siege of Acre 1799. A British squadron under Commodore Sydney Smith landed both sailors and marines to bolster the Ottoman defences against the French. If this may be included as an Egyptian land campaign ... :salute::


Smith did lead a small group of Royal Marines to close a breach the French made in the wall at Acre, and it was against French troops from Egypt, so why not

To me this figure is another thinking outside of the box idea by K&C. I bet this scene occurred on many occasions :wink2: Dice up a captured swine versus eating daily rations or no rations at all !
I had no idea, prior to this figure, that Arnold Ziffel was in the German Army. Obviously, he immigrated to Hooterville after the war. I wonder if he is hiding out there to avoid trial for war crimes. Fred and Doris Ziffel have some 'splaining to do. -- Al
I had no idea, prior to this figure, that Arnold Ziffel was in the German Army. Obviously, he immigrated to Hooterville after the war. I wonder if he is hiding out there to avoid trial for war crimes. Fred and Doris Ziffel have some 'splaining to do. -- Al

Looking forward to seeing this figure in person..............Green Acres !!! {sm3}
Yes wanting to see this one in person, may not be able to hold back, gotta have it maybe two. Ron {sm3}
Well thankfully 2014 starts off quietly for my collecting habit. Cool dispatch but really nothing for me here. Finally no needs from the retirement list either! As an avid collector I welcome these types of dispatches every once in awhile to catch up on past releases still needed. Standouts for me are the Royal Marines from the Napoleonic era and that camouflage scheme on the German halftrack I really like........maybe a future pick up. Those picklehaub helmets on the WWI Germans are so cool but I must remain strong. I simply cannot start collecting another line........or can I? {sm2}

Speaking of the German halftrack I note we have grey, AK and now camo versions but really nothing in the way of troops to put in them either sitting down, standing up or jumping out. Hopefully that gets rectified this year.

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