King & Country -- May Dispatches (1 Viewer)


I don't know what anyone's complaining about. These past dispatches were fantastic. 95% of what I collect is WWII but I just had to preorder the 6 Day War value pack, and am thinking I'm going to order another because they just lend themselves to multiples.

I guess my only issue is that I'll have to neglect WWII for a couple months while I catch up on the Israelis and the new Romans and their fort. This a good problem to have I must say hahah.

Thanks again Andy for making my buying decisions tough and please don't retire any Battle of the Bulge pieces for a few months if possible :)

Phil Garcia

PS - or any village diorama buildings because I need them for the Israelis when they arrive.
I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?

I don't know what anyone's complaining about. These past dispatches were fantastic. 95% of what I collect is WWII but I just had to preorder the 6 Day War value pack, and am thinking I'm going to order another because they just lend themselves to multiples.

I guess my only issue is that I'll have to neglect WWII for a couple months while I catch up on the Israelis and the new Romans and their fort. This a good problem to have I must say hahah.

Thanks again Andy for making my buying decisions tough and please don't retire any Battle of the Bulge pieces for a few months if possible :)

Phil Garcia

PS - or any village diorama buildings because I need them for the Israelis when they arrive.

Many thanks Guys for your continued support and enthusiasm!
As many of you know myself and K&C welcome and encourage ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism from collectors like yourselves.

Every single day I correspond with folks around the world and really appreciate their thoughts and input. Some of the best and most popular products K&C have ever produced over the years have come directly from this kind of dialogue.

Of course you cannot please everyone...but we try to please as many as possible on a regular monthly basis. Best wishes to one and alll...and happy collecting!
I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?


I guess Long story short......If a particular Series was not selling, K&C wouldn't make them.

I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?

Many thanks Bridport for joining the conversation and Thankyou for raising your points...
From a historical perspective...During the period before Israel's independence in 1948 there were extreme elements within the Jewish resistance (The Stern Gang for instance) that did indeed commit terrible atrocities and terrorist outrages that other Jewish leaders condemned and the British authorities fought vigorously.
However I have no information on any terrorist outrages committed by the IDF in the 1950's can you elaborate please. Also the IDF and British and French Forces collaborated (clandestinely) during the Suez Operation in 1956...Hardly likely if the British considered the IDF terrorists..?
As far as inflicting terror on the West Bank goes...I would suggest that the PLO, the PFLP, Hamas and Hezbollah have inflicted more harm and terror on their own people than anything the Israeli Army has ever done!
Time and time again Israel has offered peace and land and normalisation to the Palestinians only to receive terrorist raids and countless rocket attacks in return...Just look at Gaza as an example!
The Israelis could pull down every Jewish settlement...remove every Israeli and evacuate the entire West Bank tomorrow...and I guarantee Hamas and Hezbollah would move in the next day and start the rockets flying into Israel immediately...from the shelter of schools and hospitals of course!
Very few military forces have shown as much forbearance and restraint in the face of constant aggression and attacks than the IDF...Just look at how Syria's loathsome leader deals with an uprising against him...And consider the bloodbath between Sunnis and Shia in Iraq...In terms of the Middle East (and elsewhere) the IDF is a highly professional, well trained and superbly led force and a very worthy subject for military miniatures/toy soldiers and K&C is proud to produce them.

I'll return to the remainder of your post later...Thanks once more and best wishes, Andy.
I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?

That's a troll post.

On the old atrocity-meter, the IDF probably registers about a .5 (on a hundred-point scale).

Ought to be deleted.:mad:

That's a troll post.

On the old atrocity-meter, the IDF probably registers about a .5 (on a hundred-point scale).

Ought to be deleted.:mad:


To be honest Moe I don't consider Bridport's comment 'trolling'...a wee bit misguided perhaps but still a legitimate post and comment...And it gave me an opportunity to reply and give my side of the story!

Thanks for your interest and best wishes, Andy.
I have much to say in response, but this isn't the place and don't want this threwad locked and deleted. Saying occupied... tells me enough.
I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?

Hi Brid,
Me again as promised...Re.'The K&C obsession with 1930's Hitler'...Nothing 'perplexing' about it...The Nazis rise to power in Germany and their iron rule before the outbreak of war on September 3,1939 is vital to a fuller understanding of WW2 and all that happened in it.

I and many others are fascinated by why and how Hitler and his motley collection of misfits and malcontents took over one of the most sophisticated, cultured and civilised countries in Western Europe..?

And we are not alone in that interest (or as you might put it 'obsession')...Hence the continual release of books, movies and documentaries on the self same subject more than 84 years sinceHitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933.

From my own experience I have not met any 'Closet Nazis' collecting these figures but I have met and talked with many collectors around the globe who find the period, the personalities and the events extremely interesting...and collectible!

Best wishes and happy collecting, Andy.
Hi Andy,

I make Phil´s words mine, just that my % on WW2 is not as high as his...I am still in the Victorian Little Wars .. gradually but slowly into Battle of France and the German Grey armour....:salute:::salute::
But especially on the village diorama buildings because I am a great FAN of yours AND THOSE BUILDING series....{sm4}{sm4}
Luiz ( aka Artillery_Crazy )


I don't know what anyone's complaining about. These past dispatches were fantastic. 95% of what I collect is WWII but I just had to preorder the 6 Day War value pack, and am thinking I'm going to order another because they just lend themselves to multiples.

I guess my only issue is that I'll have to neglect WWII for a couple months while I catch up on the Israelis and the new Romans and their fort. This a good problem to have I must say hahah.

Thanks again Andy for making my buying decisions tough and please don't retire any Battle of the Bulge pieces for a few months if possible :)

Phil Garcia

PS - or any village diorama buildings because I need them for the Israelis when they arrive.
I do find the IDF somewhat sensitive. As any student of history knows, In the 40s, 50s, they were classed as terrorists by the UK, and they have inflicted their own terror on the occupied West Bank. I fail to see what their display on any shelf would offer to any observer of miliary history. Only those who have served im the IDF might be interested?
Similarly, the K&C obsession with 1930s Hitler is somewhat perplexing. Who buys this stuff?

I'm with Moe on this. The British were not even handed when it came to the Jews and the Palestinians so that they were classified as terrorists by the Brits means little. It also depends on your perspective. I'm sure the British saw the American Rebels as terrorists whereas we see them as heroes and you lot as oppressors. Wars are not won by by observing the Marquess of Queensbury rules.
Don't see how the IDF can be classed as sensitive when the majority on here will collect;

* WW1 German
* WW2 German
* WW2 Japanese
* USA Vietnam/Indochina figures
* Nazi figures
* British Colonial figures
* Any American Wild West - Cowboys/Indians figures

I'm pretty sure a case could be made for every single figure every TS manufacturer has made to be 'sensitive'

Personally I can't understand the excitement over the IDF figures (excellent pricing aside) but they are no more sensitive and certainly a whole lot less insensitive than the figures most of us collect
I'm with Moe on this. The British were not even handed when it came to the Jews and the Palestinians so that they were classified as terrorists by the Brits means little. It also depends on your perspective. I'm sure the British saw the American Rebels as terrorists whereas we see them as heroes and you lot as oppressors. Wars are not won by by observing the Marquess of Queensbury rules.


If you think it is complex in the TS world try being pro-Israel in staffrooms in Catholic schools. That is a lonely road to travel. I once said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster that I did not understand why the Israelis didn't just trust the world community to look after them and leave it at that. No one got it!

The idea that the IDF figures produced by KC are controversial is perverse. While people are obviously entitled to believe what they want, one has to question some individual’s motives. Much of what we collect, myself included, commemorates colonialism, imperialism and the subjugation of many indigenous peoples, that is life and that is history. In some instances certain ranges inadvertently romanticize the destruction of indigenous peoples, such as the 19th century Native Americans. British interests in Mandate Palestine were largely dictated by the desire for Middle Eastern oil. Perhaps the Palestinians and Arab armies in 1948 should have employed more former Nazis as military trainers, then they would have stood a better chance of fulfilling their desire to push the Jews in the Mediterranean sea. On the role of Bosnian Nazis in the 1948 war see
There are many sources online that describe the role of foreign fighters that served with the IDF.

By the way is there any controversy in the 1/35 scale model industry about the plethora of IDF kits?

I'm with Moe on this. The British were not even handed when it came to the Jews and the Palestinians so that they were classified as terrorists by the Brits means little. It also depends on your perspective. I'm sure the British saw the American Rebels as terrorists whereas we see them as heroes and you lot as oppressors. Wars are not won by by observing the Marquess of Queensbury rules.

Very right!

Pity that the dominant american culture today sees the confederates as if they where a bunch of perverted slavers and terrorists against the "sacred" Union. Instead, they where only heros defending their land against the northern oppressors....Only one problem....They lost the war.:)
35 $ ​​figure is a good price to attract new collectors or recover old collectors dissatisfied with price increases.


Good point Francisco, yet is that the real reason.

I attended the Texas Toy Soldiers Show this weekend and saw them in person. They're terrific and looks like same quality as other recent toy soldiers they've released.


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