Why not try to be a little less negitive? In the past we have decided not
to discuss individual sales in a negitive way because the parties involved
might be Forum members.
Why not simply note the sale, and comment... to rich for my blood, or some
other comment that might not insult the parties involved.
When I first brought these auctions to the Forums attention, I was careful
not to insult the seller, I was impressed with the attention a new seller
received however it is clear the items and there presentation spoke for
It has been my experience on this forum that too many times members have encouraged and applauded the inflated prices on e-bay for retired KC order to justify unfair business practices and price gouging by some sellers............I speak boldly and plainly in truth because these influences have a ripple effect on future prices of K/C products....... enough people are gullible enough to insist that "the emperor is wearing new clothes" .........The deception is now reaching new unprecedented levels; if some fool paid $600 for an item then it must be worth at least $400 (see Buy it Now WS43 for $375 on E-bay).........NOT........this is why I tend to respond "negatively" as you say......but it is this members opinion that the unfair pricing and unscrupoulous business practices unchecked and not responded to are negative for this hobby in general ........Thank you Vezzolf