Kingtiger&Jagdtiger 60mm (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 7, 2010

The photos are of a W. Britains 60mm Fallschirmjager with size compatible Kingtiger and Jagdtiger Panzers. The forth photo shows a WWII Panzerwaffe with his Jagdtiger; for comparison of a human figure with the Panzer.

Availability of size compatible armor with 60mm tall figures by actual measurement is limited and expensive. The Panzers in the photos are selected and measured Die Cast models that are very close to the 60mm size. The Panzers are placed upon a 3mm thick platform to offset the 3mm thickness of the figures base. I think they look realistic with the figure; what do you think?
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Figure is too big for the Jadgtiger. I saw the one in Aberdeen (before they moved it). And it is huge. The deck is well over my head. It looks the period picture was taken looking an upward angle giving the illusion he is above the deck.

The WWII photos show more figures in relation to the Kingtiger and Jagdtiger. The deck of the King and Jagd tigers is about 74 inches high; both being built upon the same hull. A 6'2" adult male wearing a helmet would be higher than the deck. The Kingtiger crew photo shows members taller than the deck wearing only the campaign caps.

The deck of an M4 Sherman tank is 78 inches high; 4 inches higher than the Kingtigers deck. WWII photos of armor and crews are a valuable online research tool to show the correct size relationships. Many impressions of the of Tiger Tanks are based on damaged vehicles. A fire can cause the suspension springs to lose their temper and collapse lowering the vehicle by a considerable amount.

Model armor can be disproportionate i.e. the length and width are correct but the height is too high or too low. The Figarti Panther G deck is too low and measures only 60mm. The Figarti Jagdpanzer IV is too high and measures 70mm high; when the Jagdpanzer IV should measure 61mm high at 1/30 scale. The real Jagdpanzer IV is only 6' high. I cannot imagine how Figarti made these errors as the dimensions of these vehicles is well documented.
Figure is too big for the Jadgtiger. I saw the one in Aberdeen (before they moved it). And it is huge. The deck is well over my head. It looks the period picture was taken looking an upward angle giving the illusion he is above the deck.
I agree 1/32 scale AFV don't work with 1/30 figures
The King Tiger is by 21st Century Toys Cold Steel, the Die Cast version. The Jagdtiger is by Unimax/Forces of Valor and the gun is movable in both elevation and azimuth; a nice feature.
I consider it one of FOV's best models and an extra benifit is that it is overscale and size compatable with 60 mm figures IMO.

The photos clearly show an interesting difference between the King Tiger and the Jagdtiger. Built on the same hull the Jagdtiger has a lowered front deck in comparison with the King Tiger. Probably to have greater clearence for the large mantlet and provide for more depression of the main gun.
Figure is too big for the Jadgtiger. I saw the one in Aberdeen (before they moved it). And it is huge. The deck is well over my head. It looks the period picture was taken looking an upward angle giving the illusion he is above the deck.

Brad, I was so bummed I went to Aberdeen Proving Grounds a few years back and didn't realize they were in the middle of moving all the tanks/vehicles to Fort lee in Virginia!! :( needless to say very disappointed, I went there as a young teenager years ago and loved it, the German Eelphant has to be my fav there but soo much to see, hopefully on a return visit I can visit the new location at Fort lee, while I'm there I'll make sure to post some pics of myself/Jadtiger for scale purposes :)...Sammy
Brad, I was so bummed I went to Aberdeen Proving Grounds a few years back and didn't realize they were in the middle of moving all the tanks/vehicles to Fort lee in Virginia!! :( needless to say very disappointed, I went there as a young teenager years ago and loved it, the German Eelphant has to be my fav there but soo much to see, hopefully on a return visit I can visit the new location at Fort lee, while I'm there I'll make sure to post some pics of myself/Jadtiger for scale purposes :)...Sammy

It was cool to visit. The last time I was there was around 2004. The Elephant and Panthers were huge and Jagdtiger. I really like the Hetzer. It was sectioned though. Which was good and bad because you could see inside. But it was causing the inside to rust.

The good thing is right now they are indoors in Petersburg. But I don't know when they we be accessible to people :(
It was cool to visit. The last time I was there was around 2004. The Elephant and Panthers were huge and Jagdtiger. I really like the Hetzer. It was sectioned though. Which was good and bad because you could see inside. But it was causing the inside to rust.

The good thing is right now they are indoors in Petersburg. But I don't know when they we be accessible to people :(

They really need to be inside, from some of the photos I have seen the weather has taking a beating on those tanks/vehicles, also read where many of the tanks were getting a fresh coat of paint and restoration!!! not many of those babies left in the world and they certainly need the care of a staff to preserve the life of some awesome vehicles...Sammy

opps...sorry Kat for getting off track...Sammy
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Growing up in Churchville, MD which is about 10 miles from APG and the original Ordnance Museum, it is a disgrace in my opinion what the Army did. There was Zero reason to move the museum. They could have moved the school, no issue, but the Museum was fine as is and the base is still a very active base. I am looking for an aerial photo I have of Tank Field from the early 1980s, late 1970s? that clearly depicts just how many pieces of armor and equipment were there at one time. When I took my first trip at age 5 to Armed Forces Field Ordnance Day, it was amazing. In those days, you spent the entire day on Base, they put you on the old officer's train and took you by rail to the test field where we watched an M60 Tank "race" at the time, the new tank - XM1. They fired tanks, field guns, etc and actually let the kids run out and pick up the shells! Bet you could not do that today, heck they wont even let you see anything fire as that is Not PC!

Regarding the field, at one time, there was a V1 Buzz Bomb on cart, V2 Rocket, Tiger 1, Elefant, Hetzer (3 variations), etc. The greater mystery is what happened to the items over the years, there are a number of pieces that have been unaccounted for and the records left by the later curator were awful. He was more interested in appearing on the history channel restoring the Hetzer and Elefant than anything else. My stepdad is a retired Division Chief from ARL which was housed at APG and he made inquiries from his position over the years for an armor inventory and one was never produced to him. In my sole opinion, it was a real shame how the demise and movement of the museum occurred, for Baltimore Colts fans, it is very reminiscent of the move in the middle of the night!!! Oh, one more tidbit, from my time spent there as a kid, they actually let you climb up Anzio Annie on the rear!

swiftly moving the thread back to the insane. Katana could you add the reasoning behind the FL Panzers being 1/31st scale
growing up in churchville, md which is about 10 miles from apg and the original ordnance museum, it is a disgrace in my opinion what the army did. There was zero reason to move the museum. They could have moved the school, no issue, but the museum was fine as is and the base is still a very active base. I am looking for an aerial photo i have of tank field from the early 1980s, late 1970s? That clearly depicts just how many pieces of armor and equipment were there at one time. When i took my first trip at age 5 to armed forces field ordnance day, it was amazing. In those days, you spent the entire day on base, they put you on the old officer's train and took you by rail to the test field where we watched an m60 tank "race" at the time, the new tank - xm1. They fired tanks, field guns, etc and actually let the kids run out and pick up the shells! Bet you could not do that today, heck they wont even let you see anything fire as that is not pc!

Regarding the field, at one time, there was a v1 buzz bomb on cart, v2 rocket, tiger 1, elefant, hetzer (3 variations), etc. The greater mystery is what happened to the items over the years, there are a number of pieces that have been unaccounted for and the records left by the later curator were awful. He was more interested in appearing on the history channel restoring the hetzer and elefant than anything else. My stepdad is a retired division chief from arl which was housed at apg and he made inquiries from his position over the years for an armor inventory and one was never produced to him. In my sole opinion, it was a real shame how the demise and movement of the museum occurred, for baltimore colts fans, it is very reminiscent of the move in the middle of the night!!! Oh, one more tidbit, from my time spent there as a kid, they actually let you climb up anzio annie on the rear!


i am still pissed about the colts which is why i hate elway. My confirmation name is raymond after the great raymond berry. As for the tanks at aberdeen it sounds like a shame. I was there in 1978, 82, 92, and 95. The jagdtiger looked huge to me but i am 5'8'and it was sitting on the cement and i was on the grass so the deck seemed a foottaller than my head. I want to go see the tanks again and had no idea they had moved. Going to dc a could hit aberdeen and gettysburg easy . How far is fort lee from dc tom?
FT Lee is in Petersburg. But at this point nobody can view them. The only good thing is that they are protected inside. I believe the ultimate goal is to have a museum. But funds are tight.
FT Lee is in Petersburg. But at this point nobody can view them. The only good thing is that they are protected inside. I believe the ultimate goal is to have a museum. But funds are tight.

Confirmed true, I visited Fort Lee last year for work on a project there and they kindly at my request took me over to Fort Lee. I can confirm Anzio Annie looked good as well as French? Rail Gun (small) and a Rocket Carrier. All other items are under cover and out of the public eye. Also, NOT all of the pieces went to Fort Lee unfortunately. There are a number of items that are unaccounted for and the folks I talked to are not sure where they went, they left Aberdeen, but didn't go to Fort Lee. Additionally, some Sherman Tanks stayed as monuments at Aberdeen along with the Coastal Gun the last I checked.

Honestly, its a mess and shame.

Anyhow I concur the Jagdtiger is huge, I am 510 and it was seemingly towering over my head.


A better photo of the 21st Century Kingtiger with the new W. Britains Fallschirmjager. The Fallschimjager is 61 mm tall and the detail is amazing for the price. I used better lighting for this photo than I had for the photo below. You cannot have too much light in photography!

The second photo of the 21st Century Kingtiger compares a 60 mm figure on the left; with a 54 mm figure on the right. The 60 mm figure emulates the Kingtiger crew in the WW II photo posted earlier.

I agree with what has been said earlier about the size of the actual Kingtiger. The deck height is between 72 and 74 inches high fully loaded. A person must be about 6' tall to have the top of their head even with the deck.kingtigerscale.jpg
View attachment 190124View attachment 190125

A better photo of the 21st Century Kingtiger with the new W. Britains Fallschirmjager. The Fallschimjager is 61 mm tall and the detail is amazing for the price. I used better lighting for this photo than I had for the photo below. You cannot have too much light in photography!

The second photo of the 21st Century Kingtiger compares a 60 mm figure on the left; with a 54 mm figure on the right. The 60 mm figure emulates the Kingtiger crew in the WW II photo posted earlier.

I agree with what has been said earlier about the size of the actual Kingtiger. The deck height is between 72 and 74 inches high fully loaded. A person must be about 6' tall to have the top of their head even with the deck.View attachment 190126

To me the 21st century tank is to small next to WB figures
To me the 21st century tank is to small next to WB figures

I have the same problem with the K&C Kingtigers; too small for the figures. I consider the 21st Century Tiger a better size match. The Size of the WB figures relative to the Kingtiger are the same as the WW II photo of the Kingtiger Crew beside their Panzer. I consider WW II photos the Gold standard for size comparisons of Panzerwaffe and Panzers. Mutch more objective IMO.
That picture of the guy next to the king tiger has to have been edited or PS. There is no way that scale is correct from someone just going to a museum. That makes the king tiger look more like a Maus
That picture of the guy next to the king tiger has to have been edited or PS. There is no way that scale is correct from someone just going to a museum. That makes the king tiger look more like a Maus

Those photos are another reminder that amongst other factors, different camera lenses and the relative positions of people can really skew size perspectives.

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