Kurt Welter ME262 Fighter Ace Competition (2 Viewers)

Congestion to Ivanmoe{sm0} I'm just waiting for my free Me 262 for all the ideas and help I've given Tom^&grin
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Dear All
We received lots of replies to the recent Kurt Welter competition and some were very well thought through I must say! 'Willi' was the most nominated name after Willi Messerschmitt but we also had some excellent other names like 'Jumo' and 'Mosquito' both of which have links to Kurt Welter.
However it was decided that 'Schnapps' by Ivanmoe on the forum here was probably the most suitable name for our small dog, the dog by the way is a German Schnauzer in case you were wondering.
So well done to Ivanmoe this time, please email in your address details and we will send you in a Kurt Welter figurine set when he is released, which is hopefully this month!!
Thanks to all of you who entered and another competition soon so don't give up, still plenty of chances to win something in the future.
Best wishes
Vicki Lucas

Thank you Vicki!^&grin

Emailed you my address. I probably ought to mention that, in addition to toy pilots, I'll buy just about anything in the way of a TS-dog. So, keep 'em coming madame.:)

BTW, I tried to "Like" your post twice, but the UI wouldn't allow it. Must be a bug in the forum software! ^&confuse:wink2:

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