Leave K&C Alone... (2 Viewers)

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Yes, after 22 pages, it should probably be closed. The rest of the post previous to Poppo's seems like a rant, anger at the world, maybe because few seem to agree with him.

If you mean that I m angry at the world you are wrong, I can be passionate, but surely not angry for this kind of things.....And about searching for agreement...I go my way, I never searched for it, I m not a politician. And it's obvious that here the biggest part of members, dealers, manufacturers defend to death the company so I not even try to get agreement..
If you mean that I m angry at the world you are wrong, I can be passionate, but surely not angry for this kind of things.....And about searching for agreement...I go my way, I never searched for it, I m not a politician. And it's obvious that here the biggest part of members, dealers, manufacturers defend to death the company so I not even try to get agreement..

No Poppo, if you read the posts correctly (including mine) you will see that the majority of K&C fans do not "defend to death the company" as you say and we don't mind criticism (and even find faults or do not like certain aspects of the products) so long as it's not repetitive and flogging the dead horse a million times over! Constructive criticism and debate yes, rudeness, incorrect facts and repetition no.

If you mean that I m angry at the world you are wrong, I can be passionate, but surely not angry for this kind of things.....And about searching for agreement...I go my way, I never searched for it, I m not a politician. And it's obvious that here the biggest part of members, dealers, manufacturers defend to death the company so I not even try to get agreement..


I should have been more direct, sorry. I was not referring to your post but Mitch's.

I think we all learned one thing that once again all of this discussion will not change a thing.....so it is futile...and that is a shame.

I did realize one thing I am not discussing this topic any more because it accomplishes nothing....If a manufacturer does not make what I like I am not buying it......And if there is a point where there is nothing to buy that meets up with my expectations...well I guess that is it.

The more I study the products and the more I learn I find my list of wants is steadily diminishing.

I say close it.


I looked back on your posts and one of the things you mentioned is the tracks. A couple of years ago, I commented on the tracks and Andy's reply was that was the way K & C made them. Now, I supposed I could have brought the issue up on a regular basis and hammered him on it. However, where would that have gotten me? Nowhere, and it would have probably created some bad blood in the process. What are my options? I can buy a tank with tracks I don't like, not buy or buy some other company's tracks that I find more acceptable.

Now, I'm not saying companies shouldn't be immune to criticism but we do have choices and as consumers we can vote with our dollars, pounds, etc.

I think the theme running throughout much of this thread for many is state your case, move on and do not bludgeon the membership with the same criticism repeatedly, particularly if the manufacturer wants to do it a certain way (which is their right) and not the way you want it.

Cheers Rob:salute::

Well. My interest was peaked by the mention of another toy soldier forum. I went over to check it out and found that I am referred to like this= The latest rants are the posts from "flyboy"...obviously another undercover minister of K/C propanganda waving the K/C banner lol lol lol....His views have been rebuked by Firebat who along with Mitch, Phantom Warrior, BL reed and others have refused to be brainwashed. This is from someone named Vezzolf. Unbelievable. I just joined this place and people act like they even know me and make up crud like this. Is this what one has to look forward to interacting on these forums? How bizzarre.
Anyway thanks to someone called Warrior whom gave it back to him. Mike

Warrior is George Guerriero of Minuteman, a great guy. Vezzolf also belongs here but he has an anti-K & C mania, probably the nicest way I could describe it. I wouldn't get too worked up by what Frank says.

If you're a K & C fan, the Canadian Forum is probably not the place to go. You need a strong constitution ^&grin


Warrior is George Guerriero of Minuteman, a great guy. Vezzolf also belongs here but he has an anti-K & C mania, probably the nicest way I could describe it. I wouldn't get too worked up by what Frank says.

If you're a K & C fan, the Canadian Forum is probably not the place to go. You need a strong constitution ^&grin


Thank you. No problem, I just couldn't believe it. If anyone wants to know who I am and what I am about just ask. Watch for my next scene. Mike

I looked back on your posts and one of the things you mentioned is the tracks. A couple of years ago, I commented on the tracks and Andy's reply was that was the way K & C made them. Now, I supposed I could have brought the issue up on a regular basis and hammered him on it. However, where would that have gotten me? Nowhere, and it would have probably created some bad blood in the process. What are my options? I can buy a tank with tracks I don't like, not buy or buy some other company's tracks that I find more acceptable.

Now, I'm not saying companies shouldn't be immune to criticism but we do have choices and as consumers we can vote with our dollars, pounds, etc.

I think the theme running throughout much of this thread for many is state your case, move on and do not bludgeon the membership with the same criticism repeatedly, particularly if the manufacturer wants to do it a certain way (which is their right) and not the way you want it.


Or suggest that with some research and a change in formulation in the polystone used in the wheels and tracks, it may be possible to make detailed tracks that are strong enough. There was a period several years ago when the tracks on K&C AFVs got much cleaner and more detailed for a period - so I think it can be done.. (I don't know at what cost) But I do know that the muddy tracks are probably the thing most complained about on K&C AFVs (and I do mean complained - not critiqued) As a manufacturer, I would be doing my best to clean up that issue.

My solution to the muddy tracks in the end all was to work with the ones I already purchased. To make it look like it was meant to be.

Quite right jazzeum...any more discussion and I think this website should start selling these...

Those straps are not the correct length or the correct color, plus the sleeves are not wide enough; on the straitjacket model 16RTKW, the straps are CLEARLY two inches longer, plus the sleeves are much wider to allow for larger looney tunes to be strapped in nice and tight.
My solution to the muddy tracks in the end all was to work with the ones I already purchased. To make it look like it was meant to be.

That looks spectacular, you did a great weathering job on those tracks, outstanding...................
Well I think another thread has reached it's end gentlemen. For the main it has remained civil but I believe it is now time to move on.
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