Little Legion Collections (1 Viewer)

Lovely figure.
When is Mike going to make a few Boers like old Piet Uys and his sons.
Very nice coolection you've acquired Brian not got to convience you to join photobucket and creating mini photo dios. Thanks for taking the timesharing your collection with us......The Lt.
Very nice coolection you've acquired Brian not got to convience you to join photobucket and creating mini photo dios. Thanks for taking the timesharing your collection with us......The Lt.

One of my goals this September at the Chicago Show is to pickup some scenic bases and other things so I can create some dioramas. I have the figures, now I just need the scenery.
Hi brian, i can see you have really jumped in with both feet. Great collection. As for nysoldiers question about little legion and trophy napoleonics they do go well together especially as accent pieces. Like a mtd 42nd officer, napoleon mtd waving to his troops, brunswick artillery, wellington and an aide. I will say that the french guard and line infantry as well as there cavalry are bigger than trophy. By the way i have bought all my little legion from paul at the chicago show. He and his partner are great to deal with and are more than willing to take figures out of the box and let you look them over with no pressure.
Does anyone collect Little legion Napoleonics?
They blend great with Trophy as well.

Okay, as promised these are my most recent purchases from LL. Really great looking figures and well worth the wait. Several more on the way already in fact. :)


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Long time no speak:eek: Those LL figs are really nice, and I have to reiiterate again, that those horses and bases look very "Trophyish", a good thing! And the painting is also very much like the later Trophy style, again a good thing!

Nice looking Napoleonics, I am also waiting for a shipment from LL.

Mike any word on your shipment from LL?
No word yet, but it's only been three weeks. Probably another month!

Nice looking Napoleonics, I am also waiting for a shipment from LL.

Mike any word on your shipment from LL?

Thanks Brian (and Mike ;)), so I have to ask what you are waiting for exactly...

Ordering from Mike takes a really long time.
He is not picking a set off the shelf and posting it to you. He makes up your order for you. It is a different business model to the big boys who make a range of figures and then sell them out and after they are gone they are essentially deleted.
Paul Herrmann at the Toy Soldier Shoppe says to allow 6 to 8 weeks for an order. I have been waiting that long for a replacement for a broken figure I received.
Paul Herrmann at the Toy Soldier Shoppe says to allow 6 to 8 weeks for an order. I have been waiting that long for a replacement for a broken figure I received.

6-8 months is more like it.
You have just got to remember that he is making it specifically for you.
Trophy was like that. They kept no stock as such. Whatever they made was made for a specific order either by an individual collector or a dealer.

I am waiting for the Rorkes Drift Building set (Bldg 2A). It should be coming soon, I hope.

What to order next?

Very nice figures Mister Dave...i'd like to buy some of their cavalry..but the size?Compared to Britains and Alexander?
Very nice figures Mister Dave...i'd like to buy some of their cavalry..but the size?Compared to Britains and Alexander?

Thanks. Should be really close to ATS Napoleonics (same sculptor keep in mind) Not sure about Britains as mattes would be a tad larger, while new gloss figures would be pretty close as well.

Thanks Mister Dave!:)Yes i was referring to the glossy Britains.. by theway very nice poses and the Zulu Range is outstanding!
Reinforcements have arrived, with one more fellow expected in a couple of weeks or so. :)

My apologies on the blurring and focus issues. :eek:



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Just came across this thread. Brian wrote
Here are some photos of my Little Legion Collection.

Very nice and thanks for taking the time to post. Beautiful figures.

And Dave yours look good too.:)

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