Nassauers in my shelf.
Hi Paulo,
Thanks very much for sharing your Little Legion collection.
I like your display cabinets.
Here is a Little Legion Square
Here is a Little Legion Square
Does anyone collect Little legion Napoleonics?
They blend great with Trophy as well.
Hello! I have a large collection of both Trophy and LL Napoleonics. They blend in beautifully with each other. Mike Norris was once a painter for Len Taylor at Trophy so you can see that the painting style is quite similar.
As well, the main sculptor for LL also does sculpting for Alexanders Toy Soldiers and those figures blend in as well. I have their Prussian Brandenberg Lancers, Guard Jagers, Landwehr and French Young Guard Voltigeurs. They look great btw.
I just recently researched the colours for the Dutch-Belgian Army c1815 for Mike and and he just produced a magnificent Dutch Jager Standard Bearer firing pistol, similar to the Brunswicker Standard Bearer in the series. I have been assured by Mike that he will add the much maligned Dutch-Belgian Troops to his Napoleonic range.
Anyone attending the London Show this weekend should see if it's on display yet.
Nice pictures I always enjoy seeing LL.
Paulo, your picture albums are great! Thank you.
Thought I'd share a couple of photos featuring LL The Kings Dragoons that arrived At Lady Puptents. I'm sure you'll agree she's got great taste when it comes to sets and figures to her Little Legion Collection. Thanks Boots for sending them along as requested love seeing what Debbie adds to her LL collection Fred.........The Lt.
Thought I'd share a couple of photos featuring LL The Kings Dragoons that arrived At Lady Puptents. I'm sure you'll agree she's got great taste when it comes to sets and figures to her Little Legion Collection. Thanks Boots for sending them along as requested love seeing what Debbie adds to her LL collection Fred.........The Lt.