Live Long and Prosper: Leonard Nimoy RIP (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Leonard Nimoy aka Mr. Spock has passed away at 83. RIP.

Spock was one of the great characters in TV history, a character who had to sublimate his adventurous side to his duty side.

A great series that I still love to watch.

As the attached article demonstrates Leonard Nimoy was an accomplished actor and writer but will forever be known for Spock.

Live long and prosper.
awwwww...I liked him...he seemed so professional...who can forget the Vulcan Death Grip?
What can you say? He was a true icon. I first watched him as Spock in 1966 and every year since then. I going to miss him. RIP. -- Al
Another sad story Brad

I always enjoyed watching Star Trek which was one of the first TV programmes broadcast in colour in the UK in the late 60's.

About 8 weeks ago I discovered a satellite channel that had started broadcasting re-runs of the original Dragnet series from the early 50's, Leonard Nimoy appeared in one of the first episodes from 1954.

The time has started where all my childhood heroes are slowly passing away. Sad news indeed. RIP Mr Spok.
I was (and still am) a huge Trek fan and I loved the show when it first came on in 66 and never missed an episode.I even got my aunt to make a patch to put on my shirt.RIP Leonard.
We happened to be at the Houston Space Center the day Mr. Nimoy died. The museum noted his passing.

For those of you who have Netflix, the entire three seasons of Star Trek are on there. I'm about a third through season 1.
For those of you who have Netflix, the entire three seasons of Star Trek are on there. I'm about a third through season 1.
Brad, I have watched a few of the episodes. They look great cleaned up and in HD. Netflix is a Trekkers nirvana as they have ALL 5 of the Star Trek series in their entirety, and the cartoon series, as well. That is a lot of Star Trek tv to watch. -- Al
Canada changed it's $5 bill in honour of the Vulcan.



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