London Show! (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
Just to let you know that Ken Jackson from Maison Militaire will have our new tank on display at the London show along with NAP002 'RHA Rocket Set Part 2' and ATW003 'House Party.'
I may be able to push forward a few other surprises for the day as well!
Make sure you drop by and see what's new - its sure to be a great day!

As an update this week we have now sold out here: SS025 Desert, LOA001 Lawrence both versions, SS026 Normandy Kett with only 2 grey left, NAP001 RHA now all gone and most of the new NAP Imperial Guard so thank you for your support.

Best Wishes Tom
Certainly will Tom, look forward to seeing your items as always{bravo}}

will it be russian or german first. Looking forward to seeing what TG release and if it follows what they have done so far in terms of AFV's then it should be very good
A TG Tank !!! Hourra , Hourra!!!!!!!
and I knew there were some new US paras coming .Look forward seeing them .
Hi Tom,

I was hoping with all the tank riders a tank would be around the corner. When will they be available for purchase? thanks Ron
Hi Tom,

I was hoping with all the tank riders a tank would be around the corner. When will they be available for purchase? thanks Ron

Hi Ron
The tanks will be available in April for sale - the first batch arrive early April with the remainder arriving 3rd week of April.
Best Wishes Tom
A TG tank! This is VERY GOOD news!!! I still don`t know what it is ^&confuse, but something tells me I`ll like it regardless....!!! Like everyone else that can`t be in London, hope to see this release soon!
Hopefully it's Russian and something different than what the other companies are making. KV-1 anyone?
Would think if russian something like a BT7 or variant of that AFV.

If it is Russian then I am betting on a armoured tractor or a captured German panzer ( with another lick of paint could also become a 100% German Panzer)
Given TGM's previous releases, I think a US, British, or German piece of armor is more likely than Russian. These have all been covered pretty well but there are still many variants to do. Maybe even a WW1 AFV. -- Al

We have the making of a nice little pool here!!!!
What does Tom means by 'House party' for the next dispatch of US paras ? Hope he means paras in non-combat positions .:)

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