Lose Weight, Live Longer! (7 Viewers)


1st Lieutenant
May 20, 2005
This is for any members that have put on a little weight they are tired of

carring around this winter! I sky-rocketed up to 262.5lbs before I dared to

face the scale again!:eek:

I was out of control, just enjoying life, eating what I felt like, whenever I

felt like it. May 1st when I returned from vacation I desided enough was

enough today I am 246.5lbs down 16lbs in 18 days, and you can do it also!

I had a couple of members drop me a note so I thought I would post this

thread. You do not need diet pills, or strenuous exercise, you do not need to

starve yourself or go hungry. You simply need to watch what you eat, and

eat the right stuff!

I have done this before, last time I went from 240 to 206 in a month and a

half. Then six months later I began with a coke here, and a burger there and

back to packing on the pounds!

I don't know how many of you guys are interested, but if you are drop me

a PM or post your questions here and I will give you the details its really

quite simple. Just watch what you eat, and read labels, I used to enjoy a

quart bottle of Peach Snapple a day, diluted with a 16% bottle of water....

now how bad could that be? How about 1000 Calories! If you had that and

a fast food lunch, and a nice diner with desert you could easily be at 4000

Calories a day which would add 1lb each night unless your Michael Phelps!:D

Drop me a note if anyone is interested!:)

PS: This is not an offer to sell anything, or any special program.
All you need is a good pair of eye glasses and the desire to drop a few pounds!
Yo Trooper lol, this thread is going to hit a few nerve ends:eek:. But I like your honesty. What I did notice on my two visits to the States was the unbeliveable amount of overweight people man they were enormous, I say that with no disrespect meant towards them. I have noticed in the last few years with the onset of the fast food trend how many overweight kids there are in the UK and Ireland which is rather worrying for parents. Never been able to put a handle on why people put on weight, maybe its just in there make up, I was 168 pounds 45 years ago, and am still 168 pounds today. Maybe its something to do with when your a kid, growing up after the War (no Jeff not the Crimean lol) food was rationed sweets were once a week if you were lucky, chicken once a year at Christmas, and WOW a big treat was an apple or orange. It was all home cooking the choice was eat it or starve, and of course no tellys, so as kids we were out all day playing Cowboys & Indians or football etc, and had to walk everywhere no cars. So you can see the change for the younger generation, loads to eat, play video games all day or watch the telly, and get driven everywhere, and eat fast foods all day. One is totally lost today if the tin opener packs up. So come on parents, get the kids into shape for their own well being and learn to say NO to them. Well thats my version, so good luck with the losing weight Trooper, just think about the poor horse if you were an Hussar:eek: lol.
This is what I do, I have been at 185 lbs for the last 35 years, I,m now 62.
I work out 6 days a week, 3 weight training, 3 cardio, riding stationary bike. Each workout for an hour.
I eat two meals a day and each one I eat anything and everything I want, however I do not eat between meals. This does not include the beer I drink.
My philosophy is I would rather due the exercise and burn off the calories and enjoy whatever food and drink I want. I know exercise is not for everyone but it becomes a life style. It,s all about how many calories you put in and how many you burn.
Plus exercise is just plain good for your over all health.
Just my thoughts, and yes I know I,m a nut when it comes to this!
Yo Trooper lol, this thread is going to hit a few nerve ends:eek:. But I like your honesty. What I did notice on my two visits to the States was the unbeliveable amount of overweight people man they were enormous, so good luck with the losing weight Trooper, just think about the poor horse if you were an Hussar:eek: lol.


Thank you Bernard, I certainly hope no one is offended, no reason they should be. This is directed at anyone that wishes to lose a few pounds, not anyone in particular.

A few lucky people have a high metabolism, and can eat what ever they like. Other people eat healthy already, perhaps exercise a lot and do not have a problem. I believe the point you made about the unbeliveable amount of overweight people you saw is directly related to the foods available to us here in the US.

Food manufacters know that if it tastes good people will eat it so they load everything up with calories and we eat it! I picked up a medium sized box of rasins the other day in the store thinking it would be a good snack item.....I mean rasins they have to be good for you! The box had nearly 1000 Calories!

Who doesn't love fast food? You stop for a quick Big Mac, large fries and a Coke (perhaps a free refill) you just had 1500 Calories enough for a normal man for an entire day! Forget breakfast, break-time, and diner!

A man works hard at his job, he takes a couple of breaks a day and has a coke, and something out of the vending machine. Two trips to the breakroom could be 1000 Calories you aren't likely to burn that off at work!

I would like to see a red stop sign, a yellow caution sign, and a green go sign on all our food products to tell the consumer this product is good for you and your family! No more green spray on limes, or yellow spray on lemons lets get used to how they look when they come out of the ground.

But we do need a little help, how many people really read the small label on the side of the box that tells you how many calories Coco Puffs have?

Case in point, I love Oatmeal, so the wife picked up two boxes, regular, and heart healthy........the heart healthy had 5 more calories from FAT!

It did say HEART HEALTHY in big letters though!:eek:
And that heart healthy thing is a big swizz !!! at least over here. The manufacturers pay the heart assoc. to have that symbol on their products and in most not all they are high in sodium or sugar.
This is what I do, I have been at 185 lbs for the last 35 years, I,m now 62.
I work out 6 days a week, 3 weight training, 3 cardio, riding stationary bike. Each workout for an hour.Plus exercise is just plain good for your over all health.
Just my thoughts, and yes I know I,m a nut when it comes to this!


You are certainly not a nut, and your healthy routine is to be admired. But you must understand a fellow that is 30 or 40 or 50 lbs overweight is never going to work out, jog, or run a marathon! Maybe when they lose 25 or 30 pounds they will have the energy to do it......but today No way!

Before I lost weight the last time I talked to my doctor, he told me to start jogging when I came home from work.......he is perhaps 5'6" 135lbs:eek: He actually thought I was going to work 12 hrs, then come home and go for a jog? Then he gave me pills (some sort of speed I guess) I went off to work and ran all around like a crazy man:eek: I lost maybe 5lbs, insulted 12 people, got into nearly a fist fight a day and talked so fast even the wife couldn't understand me!

Finally I just started watching what I was eating, ate a lot of pasta, and grilled chicken, gave up soda and drank water.....next stop a calm 206.:)
I ride bike, training for the MS City to Shore Tour in October. My regimen consists of riding 17-20 miles every night, and replenishing the calories I burn, with hot dogs and beer.

It worked for the Babe...
And that heart healthy thing is a big swizz !!! at least over here. The manufacturers pay the heart assoc. to have that symbol on their products and in most not all they are high in sodium or sugar.

Yes its crazy, you really have to carefully read the labels, check everything!

You will find quite a few things you like, that you can enjoy. You don't have

to be hungry, just eat the right stuff. For me its pasta, perhaps its my

Italian heritage, but I can eat all the pasta I want and I just continue to

lose weight. But you just have to read, they like to try and fool you with a

lower calorie count, and a ridiculos number of servings per package!:eek:
I ride bike, training for the MS City to Shore Tour in October. My regimen consists of riding 17-20 miles every night, and replenishing the calories I burn, with hot dogs and beer.

It worked for the Babe...

Hey thats great, but if your 260 your not going to get on a bike unless it

comes equipt with truck tires!:D
Glad to hear you are making changes in your lifestyle and you'r determined to drop some lb's.

I eat six small meals a day; oatmeal and some fruit for breakfast, a cup of joe mid morning with a wheat bagel or english muffin, soup or salad for lunch, a cup of tea and another wheat bagel mid afternoon, dinner is usually fish three times a week, chicken three times a week and pasta once a week, last meal of the day around 8:00 or so is usually another cup of tea, some fruit or some egg whites.

The toughest part for me is eating right on the road and since I attend shows basically every other weekend, it involves a lot of food premade in coolers. Stay away from the fast food, it's a killer.

I also drink at least 8 bottles of water a day, soda is a no no. I lift weights four days a week, walk 7 days a week basically around my complex here for an hour a day.

Best of luck to you..............
It just goes to show the abundance and choices we have in the USA. Technology replaced a lot of manual labor and life has never been better. One thing I learned from the love of history and toy soldiers, is the sacrifice of many for the freedoms we enjoy today. I think the problem with people today, especially younger adults & kids, do not realize the value of the freedoms they have. I always love the 4th of July when the newpaper or radio recounts what our founding fathers lost in order to gain our independence. That being said, eat more fruit & vegetables.
I have a big gym in the basement, that could be a good hobby room, but i better not :) I have a treadmill, stationary bike, lots of free weights, lat machine & a leg press. Beats paying gym fees, just buy decent stuff & it will last years. I do alot more cardio as i get older. You just have to burn more than you put in at the end of the day. Good job on losing the 16lbs.
Glad to hear you are making changes in your lifestyle and you'r determined to drop some lb's.

I eat six small meals a day; oatmeal and some fruit for breakfast, a cup of joe mid morning with a wheat bagel or english muffin, soup or salad for lunch, a cup of tea and another wheat bagel mid afternoon, dinner is usually fish three times a week, chicken three times a week and pasta once a week, last meal of the day around 8:00 or so is usually another cup of tea, some fruit or some egg whites.

The toughest part for me is eating right on the road and since I attend shows basically every other weekend, it involves a lot of food premade in coolers. Stay away from the fast food, it's a killer.

I also drink at least 8 bottles of water a day, soda is a no no. I lift weights four days a week, walk 7 days a week basically around my complex here for an hour a day.

Best of luck to you..............


Thanks, I'm glad I got my mind around it again. It certainly sounds like you have a really good program that is really going to pay you dividens in the future.

My goal is to one day live at the beach.....not have the old ashes scattered
there!:eek: I'm still a Bull.....but I really don't want someone cutting a hole in the side of the house one day to get me out!:D
I have a big gym in the basement, that could be a good hobby room, but i better not :) I have a treadmill, stationary bike, lots of free weights, lat machine & a leg press. Beats paying gym fees, just buy decent stuff & it will last years. I do alot more cardio as i get older. You just have to burn more than you put in at the end of the day. Good job on losing the 16lbs.

Thanks but its nothing, the next 40 now thats something!
It just goes to show the abundance and choices we have in the USA. Technology replaced a lot of manual labor and life has never been better. One thing I learned from the love of history and toy soldiers, is the sacrifice of many for the freedoms we enjoy today. I think the problem with people today, especially younger adults & kids, do not realize the value of the freedoms they have. I always love the 4th of July when the newpaper or radio recounts what our founding fathers lost in order to gain our independence. That being said, eat more fruit & vegetables.

Believe it or not I really don't think a persons choice is always the answer. Okay I'm not talking about the guy with the box of donuts, but you could think you are doing the right thing and through misinformation be going in exactly the wrong direction.

I used to be a big coke drinker, I worked for them for awhile and have a nice chunk of their stock. I have enjoyed them my entire life. When I checked a can one day and saw 200+ Calories I gave them up and went to Snapple (quart) diluted with a 16oz bottle of water. I thought I was doing better, when I finally did the math I found out that bottle of snapple had almost 1000 calories!

If you are eating hershey bars, ice cream & donuts hey its your choice, but I am not a sweets guy. I like burgers, fries, soup, steak, the normal stuff guys from Jersey eat........which is why a lot of us are the size we are.:eek:

But if you want to change that its up to no one but yourself.:)
Njja, What I was getting at is, life got too good for our own good. Wasn't it Pogo who said, "we have seen the enemy and he is us".
Njja, What I was getting at is, life got too good for our own good. Wasn't it Pogo who said, "we have seen the enemy and he is us".

Yes you are correct, I am now reading "Eat this not That" and it explains how the food producers have raised the caloric content of most everything which automatically adds weight to the average consumer.

Consider the simple snack of a bag of potato chips and a coke. Lets say you got used to this snack back in your high school days. Todays bag of chips contains 93 more calories, your coke 49 calories. If you had this snack every day for a year you would gain 14lbs more then you would have back in high school.......from eating the very same thing.

They are also putting High-Frutcose Corn Syrup into just about everything in place of sugar because it is cheaper. Since 1980 the US obesity rate has risen proportionately to the increase of HFCS. The average American consumes 200 calories of this crap a day! Its in almost everything!:eek:

There was an article I read about sugar in kids cereal. Instead of the manufacturers reducing the sugar content they changed the serving size so as to adhere to the guidelines. That is pretty darn sneaky IMO !!!
246...You keep going !!! Willpower (the mind) will accomplish most things...Of course a tobacco habit is how I maintain my girlish figure:(:D
Keep us updated, it might put something positive in our heads, like health and focus

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