Lose Weight, Live Longer! (2 Viewers)

246...You keep going !!! Willpower (the mind) will accomplish most things...Of course a tobacco habit is how I maintain my girlish figure:(:D
Keep us updated, it might put something positive in our heads, like health and focus

I recently quit and put on about 15lbs. I really need to replace eating now with something else.
There was an article I read about sugar in kids cereal. Instead of the manufacturers reducing the sugar content they changed the serving size so as to adhere to the guidelines. That is pretty darn sneaky IMO !!!

Isn't that something, I also read where they show the caloric results for a smaller size then the package actually contains! They consider they are being generious giving you more.....they are actually trying to show less calories by listing results for smaller portion.:eek:

40% of all the items in grocery store now contain High-frucose corn syrup which is cheaper then natural sugar and has no benefit for your health.
246...You keep going !!! Willpower (the mind) will accomplish most things...Of course a tobacco habit is how I maintain my girlish figure:(:D
Keep us updated, it might put something positive in our heads, like health and focus

Thanks Mike, I will, I think we should all enjoy our life. I'm happy to be able to enjoy myself, not walk around hungry or hept up on pills, and still be able to lose weight.:)

Its also nice to do it on your own by watching what you eat with nothing to buy, no program to have to follow, no real change except reading the label on what you eat.:)
You really never know what is gonna happen in life. A good friend of mine who is a Firefighter in the same jurisdiction that I'm a Police officer died the other day at the early age of 34 leaving behind a 3 year old daughter. He was in tip top shape and one of the biggest health nuts I ever knew. So when I found out he died of a heart attack it was a shock to me.
In the end I really don't think it matters much what one does or eats. If its your time its your time, just make sure you have some life Ins. so the ones that depend on you won't suffer when your gone. Sorry if this sounds depressing I just have alot on my mind.
You really never know what is gonna happen in life. A good friend of mine who is a Firefighter in the same jurisdiction that I'm a Police officer died the other day at the early age of 34 leaving behind a 3 year old daughter. He was in tip top shape and one of the biggest health nuts I ever knew. So when I found out he died of a heart attack it was a shock to me.
In the end I really don't think it matters much what one does or eats. If its your time its your time, just make sure you have some life Ins. so the ones that depend on you won't suffer when your gone. Sorry if this sounds depressing I just have alot on my mind.

Certainly sorry to hear of your friends passing, and what you say is very true. But still in all you should make an effort to do what you can to keep everything working as long as possible!

Outside of a thyroid problem I have had excellent health for nearly 60 years.
I have done hard physical labor (selling scrap metal) and even been hit by a car (which totaled my motorcycle) yet I walked away from it. But you have to take a little responsibility. When I saw myself get up to 262.5lbs I knew it was time to take some action before something happened!:eek: No sense
looking for trouble at this stage of the game!

Funny thing is I'm actually enjoying my food more?:D I guess when you start
watching what you eat, instead of just eating, you take a few more moments
to really enjoy what you are eating.

I'm not hungry (which is great) because I eat when I feel like it....just watch what it is I'm eating. I must say all the TV commercials are really weird, you
sit and watch the Sonic Burger, Pizza Hut, and McDonalds commercials with
the "Super Size" option and its scary! Man-o-man are they trying to kill us or what?

Today 245:D
I know it is probably the best thing to keep your body in shape and eat responsibly but when something like that happens you just sit back and say how and why? I usually try to workout an hour each day to keep my body in shape so I don't get my ace handed to me on the street. If it was not for my profession I seriously don't think I would give a darn, after seeing what just happened to my friend.
John, This is a good thread you've started. It's also brave. I hope it does all of us some good. Good luck to us all.:)
John, This is a good thread you've started. It's also brave. I hope it does all of us some good. Good luck to us all.:)

Thanks Russell, I hope it encourages a few members to change what they eat and shed a few pounds and feel better.

I have hit a wall at 245 weight has not changed for last couple of days. I am
not overly concerned as I feel better (now down 17.5 lbs) my clothes fit
better and I have a lot more energy. I even went out to dinner last night where I had 1 coke, and chicken parmesan yet weight remained the same.

I know that eliminating my daily 1000 calorie bottle of snapple and all the
other junk will pay dividens.

Good luck to anyone being more careful of what they are eating.

Sorry about being so negative in my last comments. I was just a little bitter at the time because of my friend. I went from being a very positive person to a negative person really fast. My wife saw that and called me out on it. I had to sit back and re-evaulate everything for a couple days and I realized that I couldn't take the negative spin on things I couldn't stand by and watch the world go by and do nothing and care about nothing.
To sum things up, yes your right you need to do everything you can for your body so you can stay healthier. I congratulate you on your success with your weight loss. It sounds like you hit a plateau though, if thats the case switch something up that your body isn't use to. If you don't already go for a short walk add it into your daily activities, If you go for walks do something different. Keep the body guessing that way it can never adjust and it will always have to work.

Sorry about being so negative in my last comments. I was just a little bitter at the time because of my friend. I went from being a very positive person to a negative person really fast.


Why no problem at all, I hope you listen to your wife and become positive again! Life can be difficult at times, but we should all try and keep a positive outlook and enjoy each day we are given!

You are right I was stuck but after 3 days I dropped to 244. I am currently at my daughters enjoying my grandaughter and I am away from my trusty scale!:eek:

I am still doing well eating the oatmeal and grazzing on salads.......I'm back in Jersey and no one has called me FATSO yet so I guess I am doing OK and I don't have any broken knuckles to deal with either.:D

Lets hope the scale doesn't run and hide when I return home!:D

I am still doing well eating the oatmeal and grazzing on salads.......I'm back in Jersey and no one has called me FATSO yet so I guess I am doing OK and I don't have any broken knuckles to deal with either.:D

Welcome back to Joisey! Unless that was you in the black Beemer tailgating me on the way home. Broken knuckles would have been the least of worries:eek::D
Very good thread, but i have to go againts the trend here gaining weight is harder for me i need to eat about 5,000 calorie's a day just to gain 1/2 a kilo.
when it comes to eating im a Barbarian Red meat yes lots of red meat and whole eggs gotta eat them too...but thats ok i use up the protien.
drink about 3 litre's of full cream milk a day :D.
Garage would make a good Toysoldier room but to much gym stuff in there but i like it has a real old school gym feel to it.
Leaking roof and a few spiders and the odd snake (and that one realy did scare me) :eek:
Very good thread, but i have to go againts the trend here gaining weight is harder for me i need to eat about 5,000 calorie's a day just to gain 1/2 a kilo.
when it comes to eating im a Barbarian Red meat yes lots of red meat and whole eggs gotta eat them too...but thats ok i use up the protien.
drink about 3 litre's of full cream milk a day :D.
Garage would make a good Toysoldier room but to much gym stuff in there but i like it has a real old school gym feel to it.
Leaking roof and a few spiders and the odd snake (and that one realy did scare me) :eek:

I was like that as well in my youngers days, now it appears to be catching up with me :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Welcome back to Joisey! Unless that was you in the black Beemer tailgating me on the way home. Broken knuckles would have been the least of worries:eek::D

Thanks Mike! Nope that wasn't me!:D I will be here through next Tuesday having lots of fun with Grandaughter! We have been to the beach, seen several movies and have a trip planned into NYC to visit the Museums!

That should keep me out of trouble!:D
Thanks Mike! Nope that wasn't me!:D I will be here through next Tuesday having lots of fun with Grandaughter! We have been to the beach, seen several movies and have a trip planned into NYC to visit the Museums!

That should keep me out of trouble!:D

It's what It's all about....Enjoy to the max!
Thanks Mike! Nope that wasn't me!:D I will be here through next Tuesday having lots of fun with Grandaughter! We have been to the beach, seen several movies and have a trip planned into NYC to visit the Museums!

That should keep me out of trouble!:D

Does that include The Museum?;)
Does that include The Museum?;)

Louis! Could you just imagine my grandaughter in your museum?:eek: She is

coming for a visit here in July so that will really be an experience! Actually I

went throught the same thing with her Mom (the daughter) when she was

little. My solution was to give her everything she wanted to look at, once she

knew she could touch anything she wanted she was always great in the den.

Even when she was in High School if she brought anyone into the den she

would simply leave anything that had been touched on a table to be wiped

off and put back later.

I'm hoping our Miss Sophie handles things as nicely!

Here she is in Rome......and that is still standing!:D


  • our miss sophie-1A.jpg
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Louis! Could you just imagine my grandaughter in your museum?:eek: She is

coming for a visit here in July so that will really be an experience! Actually I

went throught the same thing with her Mom (the daughter) when she was

little. My solution was to give her everything she wanted to look at, once she

knew she could touch anything she wanted she was always great in the den.

Even when she was in High School if she brought anyone into the den she

would simply leave anything that had been touched on a table to be wiped

off and put back later.

I'm hoping our Miss Sophie handles things as nicely!

Here she is in Rome......and that is still standing!:D

My 20 month old Ashley is already a regular visitor to the museum, and she knows what she can and can't touch, and hasn't destroyed anything yet (she came close yesterday, when she nearly knocked a 1990 issue K&C ME109E off a cabinet while reaching for something else).
Okay new report even made it through vacation.....new weight 240 that is

a 22lb weight loss in about 1 month.:D

Still watching what I eat and No Snapple! (saving 1000 Cals) a day on that


Only 40 more pounds to go until I can no longer be confused with a grazzing



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Congrats on the loss so far!

I have been lucky to have been blessed a high metabolism.

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