Ltd. edition numbers of HB Jagdpanthers (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
Jun 8, 2008
While I was dusting and cleaning the German counter-attack set up of mine, I noticed that the HB Jagdpanther Ambush pattern camo I have is a numbered edition, IDed with a painted number #11/200, on the bottom of the hull. It is also signed in paint by what I assume are the artists. The numbers and signatures are in silver paint. I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but it is the first time I have noticed it and I have had the JP for a few years now. Were the JP's done in limited numbers of 200 for each of the three versions (which seems likely to me) or were there different amounts done of each version? At any rate, I never realized the limited nature of the issue.:redface2: -- Al
i cannot immediately recall if they were marketed as limited editions per se or were just simply accounted for with a run of 200. But yes, it was a 200 run of each of the three vehicles.
I have the Double Colour Camo Brown Jagdpanther and its signed and #47 of 200 so they must of been.
Chris and Wayne, thanks for the answers. The 200 per vehicle makes sense. I can't believe I had this JP for so long and never noticed the number and signature. Doh! It is still one of the best vehicles, in both detail and paint, that I own. Just a superbly done model. -- Al
Chris and Wayne, thanks for the answers. The 200 per vehicle makes sense. I can't believe I had this JP for so long and never noticed the number and signature. Doh! It is still one of the best vehicles, in both detail and paint, that I own. Just a superbly done model. -- Al

I agree a great vehicle.
I had the two tone- wish I had gotten the winter one or the 3 tone one would have made more sense for me. Wonderful piece of work!! Mine was number 8/200
When I purchased the HB JP, it was quite a while after that had more or less disappeared from the market/dealer shelves. While talking to my dealer, I mentioned that I wished I had gotten a JP while available. He told me that he had two on hold for different customers that had never been picked up and asked if I would like one. I was thrilled and said I would love one. He gave me a choice of a two-tone brown and tan or the three tone ambush scheme. I picked the ambush scheme (wish I had bought both:redface2:) and was very thankful to have gotten one at retail that late in the day (meaning from issue date). I also got one of the Barkmann series Panthers from him. I was very lucky and thankful. -- Al
I think they had a class and style all of their own. Each collector IMO needs at least one HB AFV in their collection.
I remember talking to Ana about this one long ago...I think there were less than 200 manufactured of ALL the versions put together.
I remember talking to Ana about this one long ago...I think there were less than 200 manufactured of ALL the versions put together.
Good grief! That would make the JP a truly limited edition then. I think there were 4 versions, the green and tan two tone, the brown and tan two tone, the ambush three tone, and the snow camo. A 200 or less total edition would make any version of the JP quite rare. Any way to confirm this? -- Al
I love them too. I have two of them myself. I never unwrapped them though and kind of afraid to do so now because they are so few of them out there.

As the former main distributor for HB, I'd say it's pretty spot on!
Thanks, Peter. I just meant if HB ever published or advertised the numbers to the public. It's quite a surprise to me to find out the JP was so limited in numbers. This makes it, easily, the most exclusive piece I own. ^&grin -- Al
The Jagdpanthers came out as HB was shifting towards the Gold Edition model for selling, so they enjoyed quite a brief production period! Producing in quantities was always a challenge in Argentina.
And by the time we decided not to make more tanks not all 200 had been manufactured, since we sold less than 100, of all versions together.

I don't have the number here, but less than 100 were made of all versions for sure.

And by the time we decided not to make more tanks not all 200 had been manufactured, since we sold less than 100, of all versions together.

I don't have the number here, but less than 100 were made of all versions for sure.

Thank you for the info. Less than 100 of all versions. Now that is a true limited edition. :smile2: -- Al
Thanks, Peter. I just meant if HB ever published or advertised the numbers to the public. It's quite a surprise to me to find out the JP was so limited in numbers. This makes it, easily, the most exclusive piece I own. ^&grin -- Al

Yes . .who knew...{eek3}

I love the 3 I have . . got 2 from TF ( Winter, Ambush ) and when I saw them I searched the world for more and found one in Germany ( Green ). Never found the Tan one though . . .
Yes . .who knew...{eek3}

I love the 3 I have . . got 2 from TF ( Winter, Ambush ) and when I saw them I searched the world for more and found one in Germany ( Green ). Never found the Tan one though . . .
Impressive number of HB JP's you have there, sir.^&grin -- Al

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