That King Tiger is an absolute beauty. I dislike the practice, however, of not listing the prices for items or just listing for lower cost items. That seems to be a trend for most manufacturers now when they post a new item on this forum. It's almost like they want to generate enthusiasm before the sticker shock kicks in. As I said, not directed just at FL, but it resonated after seeing the price here.
When we posted this tank here as we do with all new items on release, we always post the price. In fact, I can't think of one time where we did post a new release here and didn't include the pricing. We don't include pricing in our magazine adverts though because those are submitted so far in advance that often times the price hasn't been set yet.
Glad you like the LWG KT. We are enjoying the flexibility that the Late War German series is giving us by not being tied to a specific battle and have lots of vehicles (winter and non-winter) and figures coming. We are also looking at doing the same for the Russians as well...…….
I can think of one. Post #1 in this thread. There is no price associated with the KT. Just the tank riders. Like I said before, however, it is just a generalized concern as others don't post their price. Not directed solely at FL. It's a great looking tank. Just surprised at the cost.