M26 Pershing arrived (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Oct 4, 2009
Mostly plastic, very light compared to the Easy 8. .50 cal. would not fit in the mount, the metal pin is too short, I will have to drill out the mount.
I would give a score of 8 on a scale of 1-10 because I had high hopes for it.cs m26 ez.jpgcs m26 eza.jpgcs m26.jpgcs m26a.jpgcs m26b.jpg
That's too bad. Did you contact Brian. Maybe he can replace it if he has some left.

The Pershing is way overdue being released. This is a nice model.

The weathering looks a bit too red and especially on the treads.

Is it an optical illusion?

Carlos, it might be... I just got back from the eye surgeon and my eyes are not 100%. You can see the rust stains, though. I think auto color in Photoshop may have bumped up the reds.

Brad, it's not a huge deal. I have done it on other AFV's before.
Very nice ^&cool thank for posting the photos
Nice looking tank. The rust is a nice touch and it is a good looking figure. -- Al
Certainly an upgrade from the FOV version. ^&cool I'm really surprised more manufacturers haven't produced this AFV. Shame the Allies didn't get this tank into their arsenal until the war was almost over. It likely would have saved a lot of lives that were lost using the inferior tanks they were going up against the Germans with.
The casting marks in the "steel" and the welding lines look nice; pretty realistic. I'll agree with the reddish being a little "off", but overall a cool tank model.
Here's another version showing the rust on the tracks. It's not a bright red but it is quite visible. I like the tank and the paint job. m26 ez 02.jpg
The M26 looks good compare to the Sherman side by side. I notice one of the Sherman tracks is crooked ?
I notice one of the Sherman tracks is crooked ?

Not my model of course, but the crooked track on the Sherman is the removable one for the damaged track option. Sometimes the holes for the removable track are just a tad too large and they can sit a little crooked (the one on my Porsche King Tiger is like this). Extremely easy to fix though, just use a little piece of card stock or equivalent to shim it up tight when you insert the track.

The track color looks the same as on my King Tiger.
Not my model of course, but the crooked track on the Sherman is the removable one for the damaged track option. Sometimes the holes for the removable track are just a tad too large and they can sit a little crooked (the one on my Porsche King Tiger is like this). Extremely easy to fix though, just use a little piece of card stock or equivalent to shim it up tight when you insert the track.

The track color looks the same as on my King Tiger.

Right you are about the Sherman track, it's the removable one and there is some play in the fit.
The tracks on the M26 are screwed to the bottom of the hull... no looseness there!
The weathering looks a bit too red and especially on the treads.

Is it an optical illusion?

I just got mine too.

The positive column: A very nice shade of Olive Drab. Very pleased with that.

The negative column: The muzzle brake is ever so slightly crooked, as it also appears in Jbonzo's...CS & all manufacturers in general need to keep an eye out on that quality control. Barrels need to be put in right; The rust is way over done, I need some convincing that these things were rusting that bad; dirt weathering is too red; rear deck has the postwar infantry telecom phone (actually it's more interesting to have it, although incorrect).

The positive wins out huge for me, it's a keeper. Sweet looking tank. Very impressed with the OD color.
I also received a CS Pershing - came with broken barrel and decals poorly applied. Nonetheless, the tank itself is very well done with nice casting detail on the turret and excellent tracks. Didn't like the overdone "rust" weathering, so I did some basic weathering of my own and replaced the decals with what I could find to be suitable for a Marine Pershing during the Korean War. Pics Below.

IMG_1961 (800x600).jpgIMG_1962 (800x600).jpgIMG_1963 (800x600).jpgIMG_1966 (800x600).jpg
Looks better with your weathering. Also, your .50 cal fits so that's a plus.
Actually, the .50 cal is borrowed from K&C M24 Chaffee; the gun provided by CS did not fit well nor did it look quite right.

Actually, the .50 cal is borrowed from K&C M24 Chaffee; the gun provided by CS did not fit well nor did it look quite right.


There is no excuse for this. CS needs to get this right.

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