Man-at-work” video (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

In the runup to our (Gordon & yours truly) visit “down-under” we made this little video that we’ll be showing before Gordon gives his talks in Australia on building dios and displays that may help show off your collection.

Hope you like it…! All the best.


A minute forty one to make that structure, amazing!!!!!!!! Really great building, would love to own it. Robin.
PS I will settle for that desert building in the background.
Great stuff spewing i will miss all the get together s.
Mate again just take the weekend off, jump on a red eye and bob's your sweat, got a spare space under the stairs for you to kip. Claim the airfare as a business expense Tony will give it back to you in your tax return I reckon.....:wink2:{sm3}
Hi Guys,

In the runup to our (Gordon & yours truly) visit “down-under” we made this little video that we’ll be showing before Gordon gives his talks in Australia on building dios and displays that may help show off your collection.

Hope you like it…! All the best.


'Cool' is what I reckon.....:salute::
Mate again just take the weekend off, jump on a red eye and bob's your sweat, got a spare space under the stairs for you to kip. Claim the airfare as a business expense Tony will give it back to you in your tax return I reckon.....:wink2:{sm3}
Wayne. forgot to mention Wayne mate, that he'll also have the pleasure of meeting a real live Kiwi, that eats, roots and leaves.{eek3}:tongue:^&grin

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