Marilyn Monroe Sculpture Inappropriate? (2 Viewers)


Jan 26, 2008
I saw this story while looking for something else. It might fit here as some of us paint their figures....


I was quite surprised by some of the narrow minded puritanical views of some of the comments shown in the article. "Think of the children...", sounded like something out of the Simpsons. I'm sure that the kids are exposed to a lot worse on TV every day. It's a well sculpted piece of art showing an American icon in a well known pose. Chicago should be proud. Trooper
Why is he wearing a mask.........................{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}

Sad narrow minded people are everywhere. Should one not just be accept this is an iconic pose from the iconic lady herself????

Looks very nice to me and well done so, don't see the problem
Have never come across a situation where Marilyn Monroe would be inappropriate. Ever.:wink2: -- Al
for every oneperson who has a problem with this there are likely 30-40 who just wouldn't care.

so, this begs my next question: what's the point of this thing? looks like somebody dropped off a mardi gras float statue on subway grate.
Does there have to be a point? It is art.

Hey, I come from a long line of artists. Some are hanging in various museums around the world. I know 'art', I get it. But some things I just don't understand. Like this. Is this 'original' or unique? It's novelty, I wouldn't call that 'art'.
It not that bad I have seen it many times, as I only work a few blocks from it. :eek:;)
Hey, I come from a long line of artists. Some are hanging in various museums around the world. I know 'art', I get it. But some things I just don't understand. Like this. Is this 'original' or unique? It's novelty, I wouldn't call that 'art'.

It has been created which is more than can be said about some things that have been classified as "art" recently i.e. a tent with names scrawled on the inside, a pile of cinder blocks and the classic unmade slovenly bed. If the latter can be classified as art then we are all artists as we all produce this every day. Trooper
For the younger generation, this sculptor was made from an iconic photograph of MM standing over a cool air grate. The placement of the workmen make the photo rather humorous in this geezer's mind, but I can see why some might think it inappropriate. You must admit that the photographer has an eye for a good picture . . . . certainly got him or her a lot of press!

Bosun Al
{sm5} Nothing surprises me anymore.Theres always someone who finds something to bag, and get all worked up about.Narrow minds indeed.It's a wonder they even reproduce.Theres nothing rude, inappreopriate or vulgar about this statue.I think we see more on the bill boards and adds every day.It's a great piece of art design, in my humble opinion. Cheers guys,Johno.{sm2}
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See the film version of Tommy by Ken Russell. In the film there are people worshiping a large statue of Marilyn. Roger Daltrey as Tommy knocks it over.[img/]

I did have a nice 90 mm miniature of Marilyn in that pose that I traded for something years ago.


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It has been created which is more than can be said about some things that have been classified as "art" recently i.e. a tent with names scrawled on the inside, a pile of cinder blocks and the classic unmade slovenly bed. If the latter can be classified as art then we are all artists as we all produce this every day. Trooper

What was it David Gilmore said about Roger Waters? "You've got to let a man have his vision"? Something like that.

I attend first Fridays and gallery openings from time to time and most of the time, what I find interesting is the work in back areas of said galleries getting little attention.
What was it David Gilmore said about Roger Waters? "You've got to let a man have his vision"? Something like that.

I attend first Fridays and gallery openings from time to time and most of the time, what I find interesting is the work in back areas of said galleries getting little attention.

I grew up and still live in the "art colonies" of Rockport and Gloucester. Much that comes from here is representational art but there are sculptors and painters of abstract art. Beware the shops that sell "art by the yard" mass produced "paintings." It come into the States in containers on freighters. Really.

If you plan it and do it, it's "art" no matter the subject or the medium. If it stands the test 'o time OR someone wants to pay for it is another thing.
Well, if some people in Chicago don't like it, not to worry. It's
only going to be there until Spring 2012. Then it gets moved
to the Kennedy Library outside the front entrance. South Boston
or where ever it is located. Tells a story before you even get

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