Mass Shooting in NZ Mosques. (1 Viewer)

I can see where you are coming from and change my mind on what to do, part of me thinks they do not deserve to live, but then I think that would be an easy way out for them. locking him up and letting him suffer over years even decades for me is a worse thing for me. I know people think that prison cushy but I do not think it is, let him suffer for decades, but lets not hear anything from him or his kind.

Perversely prisons and the costs add to a country's GDP, increasing it, so the more people you have in prison the higher your GDP.

That doesn't appear to be the case in the US where death row inmates appeal their sentence endlessly for decades on end to avoid execution. They prefer prison to death. And I'm pretty sure our prisons are worse than many others. I've seen just about everything blamed for these atrocities. Social media, guns, politicians, video games etc. The responsibility is that of the perpetrator. This type of crime not only results in a great loss of life but puts an entire society in fear at schools, churches, or any public gathering. It has longer term implications in terms of security costs and how a society functions. It is a crime against humanity. But almost no one in media or politics advocates the death penalty. It is a sign of how out touch such folks are with reality.
I lean liberal on many social issues but believe the death penalty should be used for certain crimes. For example....serial killers, mass killers, cop killers, child killers, rape and torture and probably some I have left out.
In many cases the families of victims seek closure, they don't want to think that the killer can possibly be paroled or escape. Once the killer is terminated there is a better chance for some healing.
Of course the evidence must be overwhelming so there is no chance of a mistaken execution.
This man should be executed as soon as possible.
Here are many good points for and against capital punishment, my personal view is against it. I believe it only lowers ourselves to the same level as the scum that commit such appalling crimes as terrorism, torture, rape and etc. But I do fully understand the sentiments of the victim's families and loved ones towards the scum who commit these acts. I believe they should be sent to prison for the full term of their lives with no right of appeal or parole ever, and such prisons must be the harshest regimes possible with very hard labour and solitary confinement the norm, no sun and no contact with other inmates or any family and etc ever allowed. Having said that I would not shed a tear if such sumbags are executed as they have fortified their right to be considered human beings.
If there isn't going to be a death penalty for those convicted of murder then life in prison should be the closest thing to death:

No windows on cells
Bare minimum of nutrients for the prisoner
No exercise
No interaction with other prisoners
No TV or entertainment of any kind
No visitors, however each prisoner can have a plaque made. The plaque can be placed in some building in the middle of nowhere. The prisoner's family and friends can visit the plaque the same way the victims family visits a tombstone or grave marker. Just as the victims family will never see their loved one again, the same shall go for the prisoners family.

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