Matter of doing the right thing (1 Viewer)



I know this is a TS forum for collectors and you allow me to post my work which is not always to do with TS....and I appreciate it...thank you for that...... Having no wish in offending anyone I would like to check out if it would be okay to post some Fantasy Figures,,,,including Topless Females....nothing raunchy...just female warriors,toy soldiering.........a wide range of people visit this forum and some may find it distasteful and take offense.......I would not want that to happen...... Thank You...TomB

Having known Pete and Shannon for a long time, I don't think they would want you to post images of topless women.

Good question, though, and it doesn't hurt to ask, because the FAQs and forum rules do not specifically ban nudity, just pornography. That leads to the question of nudity in a historical or artistic content. For example, is it appropriate to post a photo of a figure of an Amazon, or a figure of La Liberte/Marianne leading the proles storming the barricades?

If nudity is banned here, of course, it doesn't mean that you couldn't try showing your work on one of the painters' forums, like PlanetFigure or Timelines/Historica. Those forums have guidelines that address that particular question.

Padre, can you give a ruling?


Having known Pete and Shannon for a long time, I don't think they would want you to post images of topless women.

Thank you...that is what I wanted to know...I wanted to check so I would not offend is a great forum and I was out of line...TomB
Good question, though, and it doesn't hurt to ask, because the FAQs and forum rules do not specifically ban nudity, just pornography. That leads to the question of nudity in a historical or artistic content. For example, is it appropriate to post a photo of a figure of an Amazon, or a figure of La Liberte/Marianne leading the proles storming the barricades?

If nudity is banned here, of course, it doesn't mean that you couldn't try showing your work on one of the painters' forums, like PlanetFigure or Timelines/Historica. Those forums have guidelines that address that particular question.

Padre, can you give a ruling?

thanks for that.....I though I had better ask in case some time down the track I unthinkingly posted a topless amazon and offended have a good point reference the French dame....something like...swearing in context .......cheers TomB
Good question- not out of line at all- it needed to be asked. Let's hear the padre's official ruling, but I have a feeling I know what it will be. I think, however, that partial, minor nudity, occurring in paintings or figures, is acceptable.
Good question- not out of line at all- it needed to be asked. Let's hear the padre's official ruling, but I have a feeling I know what it will be. I think, however, that partial, minor nudity, occurring in paintings or figures, is acceptable.

K&C produced topless egyptian woman figures...That was not censored on any toy soldier site i have been on...just my two cents !

Thanks for checking in before posting.

As a forum with many young people on it, we have maintained a policy of not allowing nudity on the site, even in miniature form.

You may note that the K&C Egyptian dancing girls did not find their way to this forum.
K&C produced topless egyptian woman figures...That was not censored on any toy soldier site i have been on...just my two cents !


This may be unnecessary in light of Pete's response but if you go to the Treefrog (shopping) site you will notice that AE 23 (the legendary dancing girls) and 35 are not shown.

Thanks for checking in before posting.

As a forum with many young people on it, we have maintained a policy of not allowing nudity on the site, even in miniature form.

You may note that the K&C Egyptian dancing girls did not find their way to this forum.
Thank you.......I though that you may have had a non nudity view and it would be a good thing to check first to avoid offending worries.....I am glad I did not do the wrong thing........TomB
I just wanted to note how civil this discussion has been^&cool^&grin!
To our hosts- thank you for the clarification on the policy, totally understood.
Now, that's out of the way, who's going to be the first to post a photo of the Egyptian dancing girls? ^&grin
Sorry mate...but I think the Pirate's and the Roman Slave Markets are adult only viewing.......not what I had in mind......interesting site though......cheers TpmB

Yeah- that was my way of making a joke{sm4}^&grin.
Thought Tom did the right thing here, shows respect and consideration for others.

It occurred to me that this question probably should be added to the FAQs. I didn't see a specific reference for it.

As a forum with many young people on it, we have maintained a policy of not allowing nudity on the site, even in miniature form.

You may note that the K&C Egyptian dancing girls did not find their way to this forum.


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