Member 666 - Poor Devil (1 Viewer)

Boyer PFC

Private 1st Class
Aug 9, 2007
Shannon - I noticed that the Forum is up to 665 members. Congrats - you have really created something that many of us greatly enjoy. Trying to be a good Christian and all, do you think you should assign a fictional name to member number 666, so no one feels marked by the sign of the devil?
I'm all for a fictional forum member name.

Damian would seem appropriate? (No offence Damian :eek:)
Shannon - I noticed that the Forum is up to 665 members. Congrats - you have really created something that many of us greatly enjoy. Trying to be a good Christian and all, do you think you should assign a fictional name to member number 666, so no one feels marked by the sign of the devil?

I can see that next member's first post now, the skies darken, volcanoes go active, flames leap from beneath the earth, all our computers go out at the same time and..and...and.......I could not finish as I was scaring myself....It does seem to me ,that all these signs usually happen during the Ramathinger posts anyways...:DMichael
As chaplain of the Forum, I'll put in a few words...(danger, a pastor is about to have a 'few words'):D

The history behind 666

In the book of Revelation in the Bible, there is a 'beast' which is numbered '666'.

Here's the passage:
11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of everyone. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 It was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let those who have insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. [e] That number is 666.

In the day and age in which Revelation was written (in the 1st century AD), the number of 'perfection' was 7, so three 7's is even better. 666, then, is seen as a perversion of the perfect number. Also, if you read through the passage you see that each description is a perversion of the perfect God (in Jesus) viewed in many other places in Revelation.

Popular culture has had a heyday with this beast and the number - enjoying all the death and destruction it brings about. Ask anyone about the book of Revelation and they talk about thiese beasts.

But the focus on the beasts misses the point completely. Read ALL of Revelation, and you see a God easily overpowering the beast and bringing a new creation. So while the beast sounds pretty scary in this passage, Revelation shows that nothing can stand in the way of God or God's power.

So I don't get too anxious about 666. There's evil at work in the world, but it can't stand up to God and God's power.

Sermon over ... you think I enjoy talking about toy soldiers...get me going on God and I have a real blast! :D

Enough preaching ! Anyone interested in hearing this preacher do his thing can PM me and I'll send you a link to some streaming audio of our weekly sermons....
My son's a metal head and when I told him about this, he said he wanted to join so he could become member number 666. :)
My son's a metal head and when I told him about this, he said he wanted to join so he could become member number 666. :)
When your glossy K&C figures come alive and attack you in the night, you'll know why.:D
Some biblical scholars also note that the number 666 refers to the name Nero, if numerology is your choice of belief.:) I personally am glad that Treefrog's new building does not have a 13th floor.;)
The Devil only exists if you let him, just keep thinking happy Toy Soldier thoughts, and remember killing Sux. I don't even know what my fourm # is, and don't need to know. Mike:)
How do you find your forum number? I need to see if mine has any secret meaning...
You don't actually have a forum number, only a date you joined. The number of forum members changes as people join or are deleted so numbers are not assigned to specific members.

The Devil only exists if you let him, just keep thinking happy Toy Soldier thoughts, and remember killing Sux. I don't even know what my fourm # is, and don't need to know. Mike:)

Your ten posts away from 666. :eek::D:D
You don't actually have a forum number, only a date you joined. The number of forum members changes as people join or are deleted so numbers are not assigned to specific members.


Shannon - Is it just a coincidence that member 665 is the "CHOSENMAN"?
Please spare us this nonsense, this pap.

Maybe we should divide time on Treefrog as BC (Before Chosenman) and AC (After Chosenman) :rolleyes:
Please spare us this nonsense, this pap.

Maybe we should divide time on Treefrog as BC (Before Chosenman) and AC (After Chosenman) :rolleyes:

Not long and Brad will be on post 6066!:eek:
If I saw the Devil I would Run Run A Way! Go Noddy!:p

NO NO I am not a number........I am an indevidual!!!!
Not long and Brad will be on post 6066!:eek:
If I saw the Devil I would Run Run A Way! Go Noddy!:p

NO NO I am not a number........I am an indevidual!!!!

Great link to that old Slade song! That was one of my favorite songs when I was in college back in the 80's.

By the way, the Iron Maiden quote from "The Prisoner" should go as follows:

"We want information . . . information . . . information

Who are you?

The new number 2.

Who is number 1?

You are number 6.

I am not a number, I am a free man.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . ."
Cue heavy operatic music for the new member. My son does not want to have that number:rolleyes:
Speaking of Iron Maiden (Yes I grew up in the 70s 80s so they are a favorite band of mine), one of their breakthroughs was the album, The Number of the Beast and yes it was 666. Louis, I believe Prisoner was on that one too!

Obviously, there were certain groups back in the day who blasted them for this, but what a marketing ploy, it really worked.

Wow, blast from the past, now that **** song will be in my head for hours.

As chaplain of the Forum, I'll put in a few words...(danger, a pastor is about to have a 'few words'):D

The history behind 666

In the book of Revelation in the Bible, there is a 'beast' which is numbered '666'.

Here's the passage:
11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of everyone. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 It was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let those who have insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. [e] That number is 666.

In the day and age in which Revelation was written (in the 1st century AD), the number of 'perfection' was 7, so three 7's is even better. 666, then, is seen as a perversion of the perfect number. Also, if you read through the passage you see that each description is a perversion of the perfect God (in Jesus) viewed in many other places in Revelation.

Popular culture has had a heyday with this beast and the number - enjoying all the death and destruction it brings about. Ask anyone about the book of Revelation and they talk about thiese beasts.

But the focus on the beasts misses the point completely. Read ALL of Revelation, and you see a God easily overpowering the beast and bringing a new creation. So while the beast sounds pretty scary in this passage, Revelation shows that nothing can stand in the way of God or God's power.

So I don't get too anxious about 666. There's evil at work in the world, but it can't stand up to God and God's power.

Sermon over ... you think I enjoy talking about toy soldiers...get me going on God and I have a real blast! :D

Enough preaching ! Anyone interested in hearing this preacher do his thing can PM me and I'll send you a link to some streaming audio of our weekly sermons....

Peter - Did not know you were a man of the cloth! Good for you. I am Catholic and am one of the voluteers who lead a bible study for a small group of 8th grade boys, at the catholic school my kids attend. You may know that the Catholic Church as a 3 year cycle for Gospel Readings. We are in Luke's Gospel and I am having a lot of fun sharing with these guys about what Jesus is saying in his parables. Maybe we should start a Bible Study Thread. I enjoy bible study as much as toy soldiers, and we are always to share the "Good News of Christ." Truthfully, Toy Soldier Collecting is a material obcession that I should do without, but I find it so very enjoyable, its not hurting anyone, and it keeps me out of trouble.

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