Met the Man! (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
I meet John yesterday and spent several hours with him. Wonderful to talk to him. Can you guys collect your questions here so we can try to ask him today.
I meet John yesterday and spent several hours with him. Wonderful to talk to him. Can you guys collect your questions here so we can try to ask him today.

Good morning, Brad,

please try to find out if, for the Monongahela series, there is any chance for a vehicle depicted during the march of the troops, for example a cart with supplies or a limber?

Right now there are 4 subjects in his 18th century collection. Does he plan to add another one in the future or will "The Raid of St. Francis" be the end of this collection?

Is there a chance of a Woodland Indian Camp Scene?

Thanks for your help and please give my best regards to John.

Does he plan to make some more limited sets from time to time 250-300 sets? Thanks Joel
I know that Combat wanted to know about a George Washington figure so that will be on the list.
Ask him if there’s any chance of doing a series on the 1758 battle of fort Ticonderoga and with the war of 1812 collection has he considered doing the battle of Tippecanoe or the battle of the Thames with the death of Tecumseh?

Also, how often does he get a chance to check this form?

Hi Brad

Several of us are wondering about the figure in SWI-03 from the Battle on Snowshoes series with the French Marine pouch. Is he a French Marine gone native or an Indian who picked up some French gear?



  • SWI03.jpg
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Already passed on a question to Louis about possibly doing a mounted Braddock figure for Monogahela, and wonder about other future releases for this series, i.e. more Grenadiers especially. Also was wondering about a future Ticonderoga 1758 series, too. Finally, any info. on British figures forthcoming for the 1812 series including artillery? Thanks Brad!
I would also like to know if John could produce a well (water) and a civilian with a water bucket to with the fort scene.


BOS: Wounded Rangers, British, French and Indians.
Ranger and Indian camp sets (Special Christmas 2008/09 sets)

BOM: Mounted Braddock just before being shot.
Marching officers to match BM-04 and BM-05
Wounded Foot, same as BM-06 including officers.
More French Marines as well as La Reine regulars.
French and Indians firing laying down.
British gun being pulled by a horse with a rider.

POA: Have not started collecting yet, but many possibilities.

Even though I just started collecting figures, I hope to collect all of them.

Regarding editions, I think 500 is about the right number with maybe 600-750 for those sets that collectors will be buying more than one such as BM-04/05, etc.

Brad, would you please ask John if he would consider producing an "expansion" set for the Stockade that would just have wall sections (no corners or gates). That would be a nice plus for those collectors who want to build a large stockaded fort.

Thanks - Mike
A basic frontier settler's cabin (perhaps with a lift off roof) would also make a great addition for the civilian sets to the Raid on St. Francis series.

Thanks again - Mike
I was able to ask John some questions but not that many. I will post responses later tomorrow so my apologies to those whose questions didn't get asked.

I did take photos of John and will also post them later.
Hopefully, John will read all our comments posted the last few days.

Thanks for getting us some answers.

Wish I could have attended.

Rogers and French partisan leader Langy for Snowshoe collection.Rogers and other Ranger officers for St.Francis range.
Allright, here are answers to some of the questions I was able to pose to John:

George Washington - He said that in one of the figures he had made he had hinted at GW. However, he said that GW is such a massive historical person, that he wasn't sure he was ready to make him yet as he wanted to do a figure worthy of the man.

Konrad's questions:

For the Monongahela series, there is any chance for a vehicle depicted during the march of the troops, for example a cart with supplies or a limber?

John's answer: Yes (that's all he would say).

Right now there are 4 subjects in his 18th century collection. Does he plan to add another one in the future or will "The Raid of St. Francis" be the end of this collection?

John's answer: He does plan to add and expects the series to go through maybe 2010.

Is there a chance of a Woodland Indian Camp Scene?

John's answer: Yes.

Apachejol's question: Does he plan to make some more limited sets from time to time 250-300 sets?

John's answer: Yes.

BTSherman's question:

Is there any chance of doing a series on the 1758 battle of fort Ticonderoga and with the war of 1812 collection has he considered doing the battle of Tippecanoe or the battle of the Thames with the death of Tecumseh?

John's answers: Regarding Fort Ticonderoga, he said in two years maybe and that he might the death of Tecumseh.

I asked him a question about 1812 and he said he might consider doing Jackson at some point.

I'm sorry but that's all the questions I asked him as I didn't want to hog the Q and A session. Perhaps he will answer the others later on.
Allright, here are answers to some of the questions I was able to pose to John:

George Washington - He said that in one of the figures he had made he had hinted at GW. However, he said that GW is such a massive historical person, that he wasn't sure he was ready to make him yet as he wanted to do a figure worthy of the man.

Konrad's questions:

For the Monongahela series, there is any chance for a vehicle depicted during the march of the troops, for example a cart with supplies or a limber?

John's answer: Yes (that's all he would say).

Right now there are 4 subjects in his 18th century collection. Does he plan to add another one in the future or will "The Raid of St. Francis" be the end of this collection?

John's answer: He does plan to add and expects the series to go through maybe 2010.

Is there a chance of a Woodland Indian Camp Scene?

John's answer: Yes.

Apachejol's question: Does he plan to make some more limited sets from time to time 250-300 sets?

John's answer: Yes.

BTSherman's question:

Is there any chance of doing a series on the 1758 battle of fort Ticonderoga and with the war of 1812 collection has he considered doing the battle of Tippecanoe or the battle of the Thames with the death of Tecumseh?

John's answers: Regarding Fort Ticonderoga, he said in two years maybe and that he might the death of Tecumseh.

I asked him a question about 1812 and he said he might consider doing Jackson at some point.

I'm sorry but that's all the questions I asked him as I didn't want to hog the Q and A session. Perhaps he will answer the others later on.

Thank You Very Much, Joel
Hi Brad,
very happy to see those answers and I appreciate that you got them for us.
Thanks a lot.

Glad to be of help. It made a difference that you were the first one to post yesterday!


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