MFCA 2018 Exhibition (2 Viewers)

It was real nice, after a long winter stuck in Northern Maine..................................

You did a great job beating Rip Van Winkle's record Friday night, out like a light at 8:30PM, you didn't move until 7:30AM, I actually thought you were dead.

You, your wife and your sister in law must have had some rough nights up in Maine over the winter, you should call yourselves the three restless knights; sounds like your days weren't so hot either................^&grin

At the show I had the pleasure of seeing Keith Rocco, we had a nice long chat, he also introduced me to a good friend of his, Scott Hartwig....................yeah, THAT Scott Hartwig from the NPS at Gettysburg, we had a nice conversation over Berdan sharpshooter uniforms and union troops dropping their packs before going into battle................too bad you weren't there GettysburgBuff...........................Scott said regarding your issue over figures with packs "As the war went on, many Union troops refused to drop their packs when given the order due to the fact that in the past when they had done it, after the battle when they went back to retrieve their packs, they'd be stolen................SO, it's ok to use figures with packs in your dioramas..........................see, you learn so much at these shows............................
You did a great job beating Rip Van Winkle's record Friday night, out like a light at 8:30PM, you didn't move until 7:30AM, I actually thought you were dead.


Well, George ... I think it was earlier than 8:30 .... you were babbling about something or another and I just "TUNED YOU OUT"

IF you didn't make so much racket in the morning I could have most likely made the 12 hour mark!^&grin

Listening to Scott Hartwig talk about Gettysburg was like he was there personally.
That guy is a 100% fountain of accurate information. Of course, the education and testing it takes to get to that position is grueling.

Case closed!!!

Well, George ... I think it was earlier than 8:30 .... you were babbling about something or another and I just "TUNED YOU OUT"

IF you didn't make so much racket in the morning I could have most likely made the 12 hour mark!^&grin

Listening to Scott Hartwig talk about Gettysburg was like he was there personally.
That guy is a 100% fountain of accurate information. Of course, the education and testing it takes to get to that position is grueling.

Case closed!!!


Ah, not really, we were in the middle of watching the Warriors/Pelicans game and you nodded off and slipped into your coma, must have been those Shirley Temple's you ordered at dinner..................I walked around in the AM like I was tap dancing in a mine field so as not to disturb your beauty sleep.......................yeah, Scott and Keith know their stuff, Keith showed me proofs of some of his upcoming work, I went over them with fine tooth comb and did not see any errors, but I'm sure someone will find issues, they always do....................
Yes the show was a bit depressing from the attendance standpoint, but as was mentioned, Brad (Baron) really put a lot of effort into the event and I found it very well organized and run.

John Jenkins gave (something like) 10 to 12 items to be raffled off. Not just single figures but his Tanks, Wheels across the dessert; War of the Roses sets, Planes and more. As was mentioned, John Jenkins was also there to announce his newest range ... The AWI series, Battle of Saratoga. (See other threads from more information). The venue was was setup and run well. I didn't hear any complaints.

The hotel seemed cooperative and parking was not an issue.

It was real nice, after a long winter stuck in Northern Maine to see Mark, Andreas, Brad (Jazzeum), Konrad, Brad (Baron), Travis Zach, Tom, Julie and some many more Forum folks. That makes the shows worth much more.

The biggest part of the show was the Exhibit of the exquisite works of art. THAT should easily be worth the price of admission.

--- LaRRy

The hotel was great, rooms were nice and comfortable and clean. The bar was good as well, nice pub food at fair prices. MFCA did everything they could to make it easy for the dealers, with a Thursday night set up, good table layout, coffee and donuts for the dealers in the morning, a hospitality suite on Friday night, can't ask for much more than that from a show promoter.

From there, it's up to the people in the NY, NJ, PA, MD and VA are area to make time over the weekend and show up to support the show...........................
Great compilation of pictures of very unusual sets, along with great art work! It must take the artists hours of work to roll out such detailed sets....All were great pieces of art with tons of immagination...from the demons to the soldiers/tanks
Thanks for sharing the pics with those of us that cannot attend the events....
I you could next time add pics of the stands of the dealers and a reference on how to reach them....would be great...some of us from overseas can only mail order....{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}
Enjoyed viewing your photo coverage of the show as well as the sneak peak at future JJD releases. Thanks for your time and effort of posting it all.
- Much appreciated.

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