Mike Tarantino's Toy Soldier Collection (2 Viewers)

This is Hiriart's Spanish Civil War set ES-06 ESCOLTA MORA CABALLERIA which I don't have in my collection yet, but which is on a future order. This is the Moroccan cavalry escort of the Generalisimo.


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    ES-06 Escolta Mora Caballeria.JPG
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This is the final Hiriart Spanish Civil War set that I don't have in my collection yet, but which is on order: set No. ES-40 AVIACION LEGIONARIA ITALIANA. The Italian Aviation Legion was similar to the German Condor Legion and included various squadrons from the Italian Air Force. There are also a couple of SCW sets that I may ultimately order in the future including Guardia Civil cavalry, Carlist Requetes cavalry, and Italian Bersaglieri motorcycle troops. In addition, I have, on a future order, a non catalog special commission of Republican Carabineros wearing caps with red stars and 2nd Republic tri-colored (red, yellow, and purple) arm bands.


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    ES-40 Aviacion Legionaria Italiana.JPG
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There is a book by Jose Maria Bueno entitled "El Ejercito Espanol en Parada" which has 40 colored plates and which Hiriart used as the source of its 40 SCW catalog sets. Here is a stock photo of set ES-12 plus a copy of the Bueno color plate that was used as its inspiration.

Hello Mike,
I am following this thread for a long time. I think that HIRIART are doing a fantastic job in creating this series of figurines. I never had the chance fo find the actual book you are refering to. But one of my lucky finds (back in 1989) are those three different envelope binders published under the same title "El Ejercito Espanol en Parada" by Jose Maria Bueno in 1979.
As far as I can see there are supposed to be 6 (six) volumes in this series. Each envelope containing 8 (eight) different high quality single prints on sturdy cardboard plus one papersheet with additional notes of the author. I got volumes No. 1, 3 and 4. The different volumes plus their individual contens of this series are listed on the backside of each envelope cover. Volumes 1 and 3 list 6 volumes all together, oddly volume 4 only lists 4 different volumes. Now without trying to sound smart but there seem to be at least 48 different prints(IF all had been published as intended). I do have my daubts that I will ever find an additional copy of this series, my lucky find way back in 1989 has remained the only time that I have ever encountered this fantastic series on spanish civil war.
Kind regards
There is a book by Jose Maria Bueno entitled "El Ejercito Espanol en Parada" which has 40 colored plates and which Hiriart used as the source of its 40 SCW catalog sets. Here is a stock photo of set ES-12 plus a copy of the Bueno color plate that was used as its inspiration.

Hello Mike,
I am following this thread for a long time. I think that HIRIART are doing a fantastic job in creating this series of figurines. I never had the chance fo find the actual book you are refering to. But one of my lucky finds (back in 1989) are those three different envelope binders published under the same title "El Ejercito Espanol en Parada" by Jose Maria Bueno in 1979.
As far as I can see there are supposed to be 6 (six) volumes in this series. Each envelope containing 8 (eight) different high quality single prints on sturdy cardboard plus one papersheet with additional notes of the author. I got volumes No. 1, 3 and 4. The different volumes plus their individual contens of this series are listed on the backside of each envelope cover. Volumes 1 and 3 list 6 volumes all together, oddly volume 4 only lists 4 different volumes. Now without trying to sound smart but there seem to be at least 48 different prints(IF all had been published as intended). I do have my daubts that I will ever find an additional copy of this series, my lucky find way back in 1989 has remained the only time that I have ever encountered this fantastic series on spanish civil war.
Kind regards

Hi Wolfgang,

Thank you, I also obviously agree that Hiriart is doing a fantastic job of creating this series of Spanish Civil War figures. I don't actually have the Bueno book or books, but a friend of mine in Denmark and Hiriart collector, Per Finsted, was kind enough to send me copies of the 40 color plates several years ago. My recollection is that the Bueno volume he had, numbered the color plates ES-01 through ES-40 and that Hiriart followed his example and numbered their sets exactly the same. So, I am not sure what to make of the possibility that there might be 48 different prints. How are the plates numbered in the volumes you have?

. How are the plates numbered in the volumes you have?


Hello Mike,
as of the copies I hold the plates are numbered like this.
As for the volumes I do not hold I simply copied the Index.
The Index for volumes 2, 5 and 6 do not refer to the actual plate number but if
there is a system than I think one could be safe numbering each volume as they appear
on the index. Hope this helps
Kind regards

Tiadores de Ifni Plate 1
Mehal-la Jalifiana Plate 2
Bandera de F.E.T. y de las J.O.N.S Plate 3
Infanteria de Marina Plate 4
Escolto mora de S.E. el Generalisimo Plate 5
Escuadron de la Policia Montanda de Sevillia Plate 6
Escuadron de Borgona del Requete Plate 7
Caballeria de las Milicias del Requete Plate 8

Artilleria anticarro de la Legion
Bandera de la Falange de Marruecos
Batallon del Requete (Tercio del Sur) I copied this from the Index on CARPETA NUM.4
Legion Condor as you can see there are only 7 plates listed but
Bandera de Flechas Verdes the same goes for CARPETA NUM. 1 which really got
Escuadron de Lanceros 8 plates as well. Plate 8 is not mentioned on any of the
Tabor de Caballeria de Regulares de Melilla index I got


Artilleria de montana Plate 17 plus Plate 18
Primer Tercio del Navarro Plate 19
Grupo de Regulares de Melillia Numero 2 Plate 20
Tabor de Caballeria de la Mehal-La Plate 21
Marineria Plate 22
Servicio de Trabajo De F.E.T. y de las JONS Plate 23
Bandera de Camisas negras Plate 24


Guardia Civil de Infanteria Plate 25
Guardia Civil de Caballeria Plate 26
Infanteria Plate 27
X Bandera de la Legion Plate 28
Hehal-La Jalifiana Infanteria Plate 29
Bandera de Falange Espanola Plate 30
Compania de Bersagalieri Motorizados Plate 31
Compania de Carros Ligeros del C.T.V. Plate 32


Escuadron de Callaeria
Compania de Viriatos
Compania de Renovacion Espanola
Infatria de Marina
Tropas de Aviacion
Guardia Civil a pie
Guardia Civil a caballo
Voluntarios del C.T.V.


Bersaglieri motociclistas
Enlances motorizados
Bandera de Falange
Batallones de Trabajo de Falange
Estado Mayor a caballo
Banda de Musica
Hi Mike,
the previous text got a bit unorganized
These are the isolated remarks I had for Volume 2
Hope the context becomes a bit clearer now

I copied this from the Index on CARPETA NUM.4
as you can see there are only 7 plates listed but
the same goes for CARPETA NUM. 1 which really got
8 plates as well. Plate 8 is not mentioned on any of
the index I got
Thanks for the information Wolfgang. Your plates seem to generally follow Hiriart's numbering system. However, there are several plates listed on CARPETA NUM. 6 that I don't recognize. For example, Enlances motorizados, Estado Mayor Cabalo, and Banda de Musica.
For example, Enlances motorizados, Estado Mayor Cabalo, and Banda de Musica.[/QUOTE]

My pleasure, looking forward for any new figure-sets in future. Great thread and thank you very much for shareing.
kind regards
I bought this Nickolson Miniatures Indian Army set No. I-45 12TH PIONEERS "PRESENT ARMS" on eBay a couple of months ago. I have pretty much limited my Indian Army collection to Trophy, Nickolson, and Kingcast. However, I also currently have several nine-figure Hiriart Indian Army infantry sets plus I have on order about half a dozen of their five-figure cavalry sets.


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Is Nicohoson still in business ? Their web address is listed as availible, Hopefully not another glossy manufacturer:( gone:(
Very nice figures! I have a few sets as well. Always enjoy seeing Indian Army subjects.

Is Nicohoson still in business ? Their web address is listed as availible, Hopefully not another glossy manufacturer:( gone:(

I believe so. The web site is not one of my favorites because it doesn't show all his sets.
This is my Hiriart set No. 1081 BENGAL NATIVE INFANTRY, British India. The second set in the first photo was for another collector.


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This is a stock photo of my Hiriart set No. 1161 PUNJAB INFANTRY, British India.


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    1161 Punjabi Inf British Empire.JPG
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This is a Hiriart Indian Army set that I have on order, but have not yet received: set No. 1304 THE 127TH BALUCH LIGHT INFANTRY, British India. A handsome, colorful set; I especially like the sculpting of the heads.


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    1304 127th Baluch Light Infantry.JPG
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This is Hiriart's non catalog set of the 9TH BENGAL LANCERS, British India, which I have on order.


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Continuing with my Hiriart Indian Army collection, this is set No. 1204 THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT'S OWN LANCERS. It is Hiriart's only Indian Army cavalry regiment set that is not mounted.


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    1204 The Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers.JPG
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Man you are very quickly convincing me that I need to get into this company if only to try and fill major gaps in the Britain's Durbar parade. So absolutely lovely sets here!

Thanks Mike for sharing and I look forward to seeing more.

Man you are very quickly convincing me that I need to get into this company if only to try and fill major gaps in the Britain's Durbar parade. So absolutely lovely sets here!

Thanks Mike for sharing and I look forward to seeing more.



Hiriart does make some unique or rarely seen sets in addition to the multitude of sets they make that are inspired by Britains. They are also reasonable priced compared to where much of the matte, 60mm toy soldier market has been going. I have about 50 collectors on my Hiriart mailing list including 24 from the Treefrog Forum. Interestingly, the bottom third (eight collectors) have ordered one of two sets each while the top third, has ordered more than 200 sets, including one collector who has ordered 46 sets and another who has ordered 35 sets. But I am happy to accommodate one and all.

I limit my Hiriart order to 120 sets per year due to Hiriart's production realities. The 2014 and 2015 orders are complete and submitted while the 2016 order is a work-in-progress that is already up to 114 sets.

You are welcome---more to come.

In 2015, I have ordered the four Hiriart Indian Army cavalry catalog sets. This is set No. 1109 THE QUEEEN'S OWN CORPS OF GUIDES, British India.


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    1109 The Queen's Own Corps of Guides British Empire.JPG
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