Last picture and it's my favorite; yours truly, Matt Pavone from First Legion and Mike Miller.............
Overall, this was a very good show for me. The room trading traffic was lighter than last year, but sales were still strong; it's not always quantity, but quality. The day of the show for a time was a true back to the future moment; it was crazy and I mean CRAZY busy for a good hour and a half.
Thanks to everyone who came by my rooms and tables and supported me, so many forum members; WadePat, Leadmen, Zach, Mike Miller, Jazzeum, Raider (Raider is the most consistent customer for me at OTSN; he shows up every Saturday with a big smile on his face, he loves his K & C WWII Americans, that is for sure), Andreas, Steven Chong (who once again got me off to a roaring start on Wednesday, thanks as always Steve, also had the chance to meet his wife, a wonderful woman, she looked like she was enjoying herself), Hans Hedrich (thanks for the food), TDubel, Gary Kuepfert, Konrad (I wore the German soccer jersey just for you), Brian Dietz, Greg Guy (you know I was just busting your snappers all week long ya big lug ya) on and on it goes, my apologies if I missed anyone.
I attended this show with a heavy heart for obvious reasons, but made the best of it under the circumstances, it was not easy. Not to mention I got sick, some sort of Mongolian flu I came down with Saturday as I packed, was all banged up on Sunday, but I fought my way through it.
I've come full circle on this show; in days gone by, it was all work, work, work, open from 9:00am till 11:00pm, room service for dinner as I did not want to close the room, no socializing after I shut the rooms down, I kept my nose to the grindstone.
Shannon taught me to enjoy the show more, get out to dinner, go socialize at night, don't be so concerned with sales and just let it happen; one of the many life lessons she taught me.
I got out to the bar three nights as the above picture shows, had a ball, especially Friday night (and don't forget Julie; "I WANT TO TALK TO MATT!!!" of the other nice side benefits of the show is getting to see all the dealers and Manufacturers that I only get to see once a year; Julie from Treefrog, Mike from Sierra, Paul from The Toy Soldier Shoppe, Tim Tyler, Boyd Moore, Rick Berry, Nick from TSSD, Steve from the UK (the three of us in the corner on Sunday keep the comedy going) Andy from K & C, Gerard from Frontline, Ken from Britains, plus the other east coast guys I see all the time, Matt, Nick, Ted, John from the Marxman, Gary Green and the Jones Brothers just to name a few.
Thanks to everyone who made this such an enjoyable show. For those of you who came this year for the first time, I hope you enjoyed it; for those of you who've never gone, what are you waiting for, get off your backsides and come next year, you won't regret it and you'll be sorry you waited so long (and YES, I'm talking to you Sammy and Jason).
And last but certainly not least; I cannot begin to thank my sidekick Larry Allen, who was a great, great help to me all week long, he kept me going Saturday and Sunday when I was all banged up, is a HUGE asset for me and frankly, I could not have done this show without ya Larry, you second Dad to me you..................^&grin