Miracle at St. Anna (3 Viewers)

I'm curious to see it, too, but I'll probably wait for the DVD or TV.

I don't like Spike Lee or his politics, either, he's a reverse racist, and I don't think he's that particularly good a director. But that doesn't mean he can't turn out a good movie.

I don't favor Spike Lee's politics but it would be a rare case for that to stop me from seeing a movie; his share of my ticket wouldn't buy him a cup of dinner coffee. Ok, maybe I would make an exception for Michael Moore but then I think his movies are silly Caricatures of his own warped world views so in that case I avoid them to avoid the pain of watching them.:eek:;)
I occasionally read the NYPD's message board. And a few months back someone started a thread as to what celebrities in their course of work did they meet.
And much to my astonishment more than one NYPD officer stated that one of the nicest celebrities they delt with was Spike Lee, now who would of thought that?
What I would like to know before seeing this, is how does it depict the German soldiers? As bumbling Sgt. Schultz caricatures or as monstrous evildoers who commit unjustified war crimes at every possible opportunity? To date, there does not seem to be any middle ground (or room for the nuances of real history) in Hollywood's depiction of the German armed forces in WW2.

It shows the both sides of the Wermacht, you have the common Wermacht officer that has no more intrest in fighting and the fanatical S.S. who are no more than butchers. Not saying anymore you're just going to have to go see it.

I don't favor Spike Lee's politics but it would be a rare case for that to stop me from seeing a movie; his share of my ticket wouldn't buy him a cup of dinner coffee. Ok, maybe I would make an exception for Michael Moore but then I think his movies are silly Caricatures of his own warped world views so in that case I avoid them to avoid the pain of watching them.:eek:;)

Maybe my money by itself is not much but combined with many others, it can make a point. I stick to my principles and if I know the movie, or music, or book, etc. is made by someone who goes beyond just disagreeing with my politics and is a race baiter or hates America or has Bush derangement syndrome, then my money goes elsewhere. Like "American Carol". That looks to be a very enjoyable movie.

Miracle at St Anna will be out on HBO someday. I can wait.
My definition would be Joy Behr, and the crew from the View.

We enjoy Freedom of Speech here but some people see it as a license to

insult, and slander elected officials.

Instead of making their point, which may be entirely valid.....they just

call the person a "murderer", "child killer" or "psychopath".

I believe people should respect the office, even if they dislike the person in


Insulting people we have chosen to lead diminishes us in the eyes of the


It takes us back to grade school when playground arguments reached the

"oh yeah, well your fat" level.

Unnecessary, and unfortunate.
I would agree with Njja, some in this country use the 1st amendment only to insult others without unrest.

"The View"? Who pays attention to those yentes, anyway? I can't believe anyone ever considered Barbara Walters a serious journalist, and what shreds of credibility she may have had were torn away when she started that televised hen party. Same goes for Meredith Viera.

Just more dreck coming out of the idiot box...
Just to be clear, I stick to my principles as well. One of those is not to discriminate against someone's product on the basis of their political or racial views, however I may disagree with them. Another is to choose products based on their actual merits. Of course I might make an exception for an extreme case but fortunately I don't like the product of the one movie maker that would fit that situation for me.
Just to be clear, I stick to my principles as well. One of those is not to discriminate against someone's product on the basis of their political or racial views, however I may disagree with them. Another is to choose products based on their actual merits. Of course I might make an exception for an extreme case but fortunately I don't like the product of the one movie maker that would fit that situation for me.

You want to spend your money on their product... go right ahead. I don't. Choosing not to spend my money on their product is not discrimination against that product. And it isn't necessarily the political views that keep me from parting with my money...it is the way they are presented. For example, the guy who played BJ in MASH is a bleeding heart liberal who I disagree with on every issue affecting this country but he debates and argues in a rational manner.

He doesn't bad mouth the country or call President Bush "Hitler", or some other such nonsense. On the other hand people such as Penn, Lee, Clooney, Alec Baldwin, Glover, etc. just go on a rant and spew this hate filled rhetoric out there.

As far as Lee is concerned, his attacks on Eastwood were unjustified. Most of us who read these boards should have at least a little understanding of the state of the American military in 1945 as far as race is concerned. Iwo Jima was mainly a US Marine/Navy operation. According to USMC records, there were only 700 black marines on Iwo. All in support roles. Yes they did fight off a banzai attack, but what was Eastwood to do? The movie was about the flag raisers, not the battle itself.

I will wait for Miracle at St. Anna to be shown on tv.
You want to spend your money on their product... go right ahead. I don't. Choosing not to spend my money on their product is not discrimination against that product. And it isn't necessarily the political views that keep me from parting with my money...it is the way they are presented. For example, the guy who played BJ in MASH is a bleeding heart liberal who I disagree with on every issue affecting this country but he debates and argues in a rational manner.
Believe me I will spend it on what I like. Not to put to fine a point on it but one of the definitions of discriminate is "to make a different in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit." When you chose not to buy a product for way the political views of its producer are express, I'd have to say you are discriminating against it, unless of course those views are expressed in the product you avoid.;)
Believe me I will spend it on what I like. Not to put to fine a point on it but one of the definitions of discriminate is "to make a different in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit." When you chose not to buy a product for way the political views of its producer are express, I'd have to say you are discriminating against it, unless of course those views are expressed in the product you avoid.;)

Why get so hostile? Can't someone have a view other then yours?

If someone doesn't want to go to a Spike Lee movie, thats their choice.

A person can't have a point of view with being "labeled"

You want to go see the movie, fine, good for you......see no labels.

Why not buy 3 tickets, to make up for the two of us that will be busy

that day.:D
Why get so hostile? Can't someone have a view other then yours?

If someone doesn't want to go to a Spike Lee movie, thats their choice.

A person can't have a point of view with being "labeled"

You want to go see the movie, fine, good for you......see no labels.

Why not buy 3 tickets, to make up for the two of us that will be busy

that day.:D
Sigh:rolleyes:, last I knew there is nothing hostile about a technical correction which, oddly enough, should correct any misimpression about labeling. If the notation of a correct definition is hostility, politicial correctness knows no bounds. Why be so paranoid? I have not once suggested in this thread or elsewhere that anyone, even you, should not do or see what they want, notice the lack of hostility. The only reason I replied to the first post is to correct the suggestion that those of principal would not see the movie; see the labeling? Perhaps you should re-examine cognitive dissonance before indulging your labeling.;):D
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Sigh:rolleyes:, last I knew there is nothing hostile about a technical correction which, oddly enough, shoud correct any misimpression about labeling. If the notation of a correct definition is hostility, politicial correctness knows no bounds. Why be so paranoid? I have not once suggested in this thread or elsewhere that anyone, even you, should not do or see what they want, notice the lack of hostility. The only reason I replied to the first post is to correct the suggestion that those of principal would not see the movie; see the labeling? Perhaps you should re-examine cognitive dissonance before indulging your labeling.;):D

Look its simple if someone doesn't want to see Spike's movie thats

his choice ok?

If you want to see it, thats ok.

Lets leave the "Labels" out ok, some of us are not impressed.:D
Fine, lets drop it shall we?

Move on to something more positive.
Having looked at the exchange of posts, I'm not sure what the issue is with what Spitfrnd has said. He's expressing his opinion on what another poster has said and if you don't like what Sptifrnd said, that is your option to express that opinion as well.

So, why don't we leave it at that and reduce the temperature a little bit.
Why get so hostile? Can't someone have a view other then yours?

If someone doesn't want to go to a Spike Lee movie, thats their choice.

A person can't have a point of view with being "labeled"

You want to go see the movie, fine, good for you......see no labels.

Why not buy 3 tickets, to make up for the two of us that will be busy

that day.:D

What he said!

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