Miracle at St. Anna (2 Viewers)

I second the motion!

Ok, read through a bit better.

So what?

Race baiting politics? I am plenty sure there has been worse and some onthis board grimmaced but went ahead and watched or bought or looked the other way to some degree.

I always liked Spikes movies. I lived in the neighbor hood where Do the Right Thing was filmed a bit before the gentrification took place. It was a very racially charged area and I got a real sense of that tension. I felt Spike nailed it.

Other than that, I don't always agree with him but I like his work.
What he said!
Look Larry and others, I am fine to drop this but not at the renewed suggestion that I stated that you are anyone else could not have whatever view you wanted or watch whatever you care to. To make this abundantly clear, I said that while my view on this matter was different than yours, it was nonetheless based on my principles and I am just as entitled to exercise them as you are yours. I did not label you and I expressed no hostility toward you, and if you found any it was not my intent. Is that now clear? If so, lets move on as they say.:)
I joined Nexflix last week and rented this movie; IMO, it was excellent. The story was very, very good, the acting was as wel, the battle scenes were well done too.

The equipment, vehicles and uniforms were all spot on as well. Aslo, the Italians all spoke Italian and the Germans spoke German, a nice touch by the way.

Politics and personal feelings aside, I highly recommend this movie to any WWII buffs...................
Thanks George,That's what I wanted to know about in the first place,is it a good movie or not.It only took 40+ posts for someone to say it.
You are welcome; the ending got to me, just a good story.

There are some 105mm guns, an 88mm gun, etc, etc; all things considered, I have to give credit where credit is due, Spike did a superb job of getting the equipment and uniforms spot on considering this was his first war movie.................I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I borrowed a friend's copy and watched it today. It was well done but was a little slow at times. The ending was a surprise. Has anyone read the book this is based on?
I watched the movie tonight.
Politics aside I thought the movie was average at best. Spike should stick to his gritty, comic/serious social commentary genre.
Totally outclassed by war movies such as Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket and Flags of Our Fathers.
I did not find it a fitting tribute to African American GI's in WWII nor a compelling indictment of racial prejudice in that time period.
The ending was "silly" and totally unbelievable.
Just couldn't take it seriously.
Just watched this movie on PPV. I found it mediocre -- at best.

For one thing, I didnt really care about the characters. The leads were not unlikable, but they were not terribly likable either.

Of course, I expected most of the white american soldiers to be portrayed as bumbling idiots and racist *********, and they were.

There was a total lack of humor in the movie. No laughs at all. When dealing with tough subjects, ie war and racism, that can help take the edge off.

The battle scenes were pretty poor, IMO, especially at the end. I thought we gotten away from the Germans grabbing their stomachs and falling off roofs?
Got the movie from the library, watched about the first half hour and turned it off.
The southern drawl speaking white captain putting down the blacks was a little over done, but then I remembered Spike Lee did the film. Got the remote and hit stop.
Glad I didn,t pay anything for this.

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