Missus Heid Joins Treefrog Forum (1 Viewer)

Yes of course we are still here! and enjoying it. :)


Indeed and I look forward to more. I especially liked the "unedited" direct post by the lady herself I must say. I think you (and the rest of us, except Bob perhaps) better start practicing our layout technique and photography or she will put us to shame.;) Please pass that along to your lovely wife.

I'm quite certain you lot especially liked the "unedited" and too direct post by the Lady herself....
Still, my own discomfort with it is self-inflicted and I guess that's why this shirt-of-the-moment is most appropriate;

I have translated your kind comments and passed them on though.

It's not the best of internet connections I have here meaning that uploading photos is quite time-consuming, so I'll get some more posted on our return to Dalian.
While the primary reason for us popping up in Beijing again, (yet another visit to the Brit Consulate), was successfully concluded, I have to report that we've run out of time to fully attend to the secondary reason, (getting an international TS order out of Customs hot and sticky clutches and chasing up the postal service). However, I now have the couriers contact details and the necessary import documentation and ought to get that order released over the next week or so, and then couriered on to our residential address. Unfortunately, it means I won't get to play with my new WWII Tanks and Figure sets until I get back from Thailand sometime in early September....
Aye, the simultaneous joys of being a TS collector and living in China. The really frustrating part of it all is; this is where the things are manufactured...!!!

The weather has been fairly disgusting this week. Either unbearably hot and humid - or lashing down with rain, so we haven't really done too much of the touristy stuff on this occasion. However, I did get some vaguely TS-related snaps that Yvonne, (and others), might find interesting and I'll post them when I get the chance.

Aye, and "unedited" posts ought to be an event of the past, given the tongue-lashing I handed out. Trouble is, I'll be ignored as usual; for years I laboured under the preconceived and completely incorrect notion that Chinese Ladies tend to be somewhat subservient towards their men. LOL and HO-HO-HO....it didn't take too long for Missus H to put me right on that one....I don't think I've ever met such an independent individual in my life and I'm actually dreading the antics I'm imagining she might get up to on this forum when I disappear off to Bangkok again next Saturday.
Time to think about changing my password I reckon. Hey, maybe I can get THE COUNCIL OF MODERATORS to temporarily ban any attempted posts from the IP address we use at home - now that's a comforting idea.
Her pal who helped her put up that "unedited" post is a different story though, and I look forward to the verbal I'm going to dish out when I eventually get my hands on her.
Not really, cos I'll just get even worse verbal back, but its a consoling thought.

Anyway, it's virtually impossible to remain even slightly mad at My Wee Tin of Boot Polish for too long - especially when she lets me take her to places like this for an entire day;

Unbelievably, Missus H has also been working during every spare moment on that silk embroidery picture that I'm intending to purloin for my own display. It ought to be finished today - and she's been muttering and mumbling about heading straight to the framing shop as soon as we arrive home around 06:00 tomorrow morning. Good luck, cos she'll be going there herself. Hope she chooses a decent frame though.

As previously mentioned, we've picked up a few more nick-nacks that ought to enhance her displays, and I'll get them posted next week as and when the opportunity, (and inclination), arises.

H & L
Got home this morning at 07:00 after catching the overnight train from Beijing. Mission not 100% successful but the TS order that’s stuck in Customs ought to be okay.
No sooner in the house than Missus H was unwrapping her purchases, rearranging her K&C Imperial Collection display and snapping away to her heart’s content. Yup, she’s caught the bug bad. She’s gone out do whatever it is she does when she goes out – but I’m under strict instructions to get the results of this morning’s photoshoot up on the board. So here you go;


That’s two of those “Golden Gate” pieces she has now – and I’m not allowed to use them in my displays anymore. Also two small spotlights so’s the display can be highlighted. Think I might replace those bulbs with the type that radiate less heat though.


I particularly like the imagination demonstrated here by using two figures from completely different sets – and they work extremely well together. Palace intrigue, anyone?


And here’s another one I like a lot. I don’t know how she did it – but check the look the Lady in Waiting standing on the left is giving poor old Flashman.


Here’s a close-up. That Lady in Waiting is practically talking to the camera;



More coming up
And the rest;


Needs to learn to keep the camera straight though – and run an iron over that tablecloth;




And I really can’t believe I’m posting this, but here’s Missus Heids latest “Miniature Figurines”.
They’re about 12” high and I’ve no idea how it works, but they’re articulated to bop to any music that happens to be playing on the home stereo. I wish I could show them working and dancing to the beat – Absolutely hilarious.


There’s a Rat, a Lion, a Donkey and a Tiger in there. I like the Lion; reminds me of me – around 20 years ago.


The silk Dragon picture is finished. Getting framed along with a couple other pictures tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to getting it into the back of my main East of India Samurai/Ashigaru display. Only drawback is Little Boss is insisting on it being framed using a glass cover, so I’ll still get reflections in photos.
Ho-Hum, I suppose she’s right – SHE’s ALWAYS RIGHT….!!!!

hello everybody i am lucy
my husband say he is taking camera to taiwan with him
i mke more photographs of my soldiers today i hope you like them very much
thank you
my husband say my girlfriend is not help me put photographs of my soldiers on forum again my husband is pest
thank you






Very nice collection:cool: The chinese paintings on the wall look great with the figures. :)
Lucy, welcome to the Forum! Your pictures are very nice, and your collection

is wonderful! Hope you are having as much fun posting your pictures as we

are having viewing them!:)
Dear Harry,

I am a bit slow in catching up on this super thread, best wishes to your lovely wife and thanks for posting. Great set up and figures.
Harry may I also say I am enjoying this thread!

First off your collection, and Lucy's are wonderful! You displays are a pleasure to view! You must have a warehouse somewhere to store all the boxes!:D:D

I wouldn't worry to much about Missus H concern about the prices.......just make sure she doesn't have access to a calculator!:eek:

She looks like a good sport:D and good luck on diverting the silk embroidery to your display!:D
Hello Harry
Your collection is stunning ,these must be some of the best stuff k+c has done
Best Regards Scott:):)

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