A very warm welcome to the forum Lucy,hope you have fun here.Many congratulations on an excellent collection.
Best wishes
I fear this is going to cost you yet another fortune as Lucy certainly appears to be flying high with her splendid collection and am sure she will want to add to it-with complete abandonment.
And there was me whingeing last week-end for having to fork out £350 on a new dress and shoes for Mrs Reb to attend the Summer Ball next month.
That's a mere drop in the ocean compared with what lies ahead for you old son and don't we all know it
It's not funny Reb...
I've put my foot right in it by helping her post on here. I'm trying to catch up on East of India's Samurai/Ashigaru ranges - then I want to go for their Boxer range - and I'm not at all sure what Lucy's reaction's going to be when I turn up with those. Plus I'm simultaneously playing catch up with First Legions excellent products.
Now there's some new SOHK stuff on the horizon - and I seem to remember a whisper that K&C are going to be releasing new Imperial Chinese Collection items fairly soon. And if they really do go for an updated (1920's/1930's) Streets of Shanghai range, as was discussed on thios forum a `wee while ago - how am I EVER going to get the stuff I want to focus on next year????? And that reminds me, Missus H has been moaning about 1/30 scale Tanks and FAV's taking up far too much space in Heid Mansion. She discovered 1/72 scale Dragon products last week and made me buy 5 of them which are presently on display in the glass shelving about 4 feet away from my nose as I type this. And I'm under orders to buy at least 5 more next time I hit HK.
Now, put that on top of the fact that her IC display is really excellent - AND - her prowess with the camera is already better than mine - AND - no matter how I drag my feet, she'll be getting that new laptop of hers configured properly as soon as I disappear off to Thailand again, with all that implies. Not only will she then have free access to manufacturer's catalogues - she'll also have free access to THE PRICES as well. (Something I've always been mega-careful to keep hidden from her, even to the extent of destroying the receipts).
And as if that's not bad enough, a couple of her girlfriends were visiting us yesterday, and while most of it was in Chinese, (which I can follow to a certain extent), I gathered they were blethering about looking in on these toy soldier forums - and maybe even joining them.
And you lot can laugh all you like - its not funny. I've spent years pretending I'm a roughie-toughie Oilman, while in actual fact, in real life I'm just another hen-pecked Oilman.
And with all due respect, 350 Quid for a new frock and a pair of clogs for the lovely Missus Reb is an absolute drop in the Ocean compared to how much last week in Hong Kong cost me with My Precious Little Cherry Blossom tagged along - which also reminds me, I need to have a real good look at what this 7-day luxury holiday in Thailand she "won" is all about. There's just got to be a catch somewhere in there.
And I've got a backload of my own photos piled up that I haven't had a chance to get posted yet.
Harry, so sorry to read about your woes but it's all self-inflicted!Whereas mine are all your fault. Yes, Yvonne has started gathering items of Chinese and Japanese origin since seeing all your wonderful stuff on here.....Thanks!
All the best
Dear Harry, when you are out of town, if Lucy offers to sell us your 1/30 scale stuff to make room in the house, are we to say no? After all of us spent all this time welcoming her to the forum, it seems to me that we might be broaching some form of forum etiquette ,as well as being downright impolite to refuse her clearance sale of your excess armor. We promise to give them a good home and every now and then we could post pictures of your models in our collections.. Now, off I go to learn Chinese ,what's their word for volume discount?..Michael
Wonderful pieces, Gnädige Frau Heid! Do I understand correctly from your post, you're painting as well? Have you tried painting figures yet? I think I speak for everyone that we'd love to see your work, can't wait!
Prosit, ganbei!
Hope I'm not causing disharmony in the House of Heid![]()
hello everybody I am lucy
my husband go to bar so I make more photographs of my soldiers my girlfriend helping me with english and my computer put more photographs of my soldiers on forum
I hope you like my soldiers very much
my girlfriend name is ho sau jai my husband say she is bad woman my girlfriend say my husband spend too much money at bar of shangri la hotel
my husband take me to shangri la hotel tommorow here I am at bar of shangri la my girfriend say my husband maby very angry when he come home from bar because he not know my jai jai can do go to forum
i am taking train to beijing tonight my husband have more soldiers in beijing
thank you very much
Indeed and I look forward to more. I especially liked the "unedited" direct post by the lady herself I must say.In case anyone is still reading this thread, Little Boss has picked up some quite excellent Chinese accessories intended to be used with her new found enthusiasm for taking and posting photos of her displays on here. I'll possibly/probably be persuaded to post her photos in this thread next week.
In case anyone is still reading this thread, Little Boss has picked up some quite excellent Chinese accessories intended to be used with her new found enthusiasm for taking and posting photos of her displays on here. I'll possibly/probably be persuaded to post her photos in this thread next week.
Indeed and I look forward to more. I especially liked the "unedited" direct post by the lady herself I must say.I think you (and the rest of us, except Bob perhaps) better start practicing our layout technique and photography or she will put us to shame.
Please pass that along to your lovely wife.