Modern "Ode to a Young British Soldier" (2 Viewers)

Martin Tabony

Command Sergeant Major
Nov 6, 2009
Great play on Rudyard Kipling!!:salute::

When you’re lying alone in your Afghan bivvy,
And your life it depends on some MOD civvie
When the body armour’s shared (one set between three),
And the firefight’s not like it is on TV,
Then look to your oppo, your gun and your god,
As you follow that path all Tommies have trod.

When the gimpy has jammed and you’re down to one round,
And the faith that you’d lost is suddenly found.
When the Taliban horde is up close to the fort
And you pray that the arty don’t drop a round short.

Stick to your sergeant like a good squaddie should,
And fight them like satan or one of his brood
Your pay won’t cover your needs or your wants,
So just stand there and take all the Taliban’s taunts.
Nor generals nor civvies can do aught to amend it
Except make sure you’re kept in a place you can’t spend it.
Four fifty an hour in your Afghan cage,
Not nearly as much as the minimum wage.

Your missus at home in a foul married quarter
With damp on the walls and the roof leaking water.
Your kids miss their mate, their hero, their dad;
They’re missing the childhood that they should have had.
One day it will be different, one day by and by,
As you all stand there and watch, to see pigs fly.

Just like your forebears in mud, dust and ditch
You’ll march and you’ll fight, and you’ll drink and you’ll *****.
Whether Froggy or Zulu, or Jerry, or Boer
The Brits will fight on `til the battle is over.
You may treat him like dirt, but nowt will unnerve him,
But I wonder sometimes, if the country deserves him.

To which I might add the following verse..............

"So listen to advice - from an old hand,
Don't follow the others - the call of the Band.
Save yourself trouble - let go of the pain,
When your time's up this time - DON'T SIGN ON AGAIN! "


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