More Indentification Fun (1 Viewer)


Jan 18, 2007
As always, these are beyond my knowledge, so thanks in advance!

1. Set of 3 Officers with Batons, no idea of maker nor what they are, remind me of a South American Dictator!

2. American Marine Boxer Rebellion

3. Believe Mexican American War Gatling Gun?

4. ???? some type of Guard

5. Ships Captain, don't know maker

6. Britains Indian - not sure of era?

7. Britains or Crescent Cowboy? Era?

8. Makers?

9.Aussie Maker?
3. Believe Mexican American War Gatling Gun?

Hi, Tom, I have no idea who made this, but it can't be from the Mexican war. The Gatling gun was designed in 1861 and patented in 1862. I think the uniforms depict an army anywhere between 1870 to 1900. The equipment, though, suggests the British Army, to me.

4. ???? some type of Guard

The figure looks cobbled together from Prins August parts (base, body and arms) and a Rose Imperial German 1st Foot Guards head. The colors are completely made up as far as I can tell, perhaps vaguely reminiscent of various German palace household guard units.

Hi Tom - your Standing Injun with Tomahawk - is indeed a Britains - but the base should have told you that.

Your Standing Cowboy with lasso is from Crescent - and one that I don't have in my collection - yet.

Hope that helps. jb
Hi Tom - your Standing Injun with Tomahawk - is indeed a Britains - but the base should have told you that.

Your Standing Cowboy with lasso is from Crescent - and one that I don't have in my collection - yet.

Hope that helps. jb


Indian - it does, just not sure what era/timeframe?

Thanks for confirm on Cowboy!

The soldier in a red jacket and a white helmet with oval base is an early Trophy, the last one is WW1 Tommy Attkins I guess.
The photos are kind dim, it hard to see real colors: I would suggest to process them thru Photoshop or any other picture editor to change Brightness/ Contast.

Indian - it does, just not sure what era/timeframe?

Thanks for confirm on Cowboy!


Britains Injun: If he has a date underneath on the stand- he's early (and rare). Time of production is always quite difficult with these - because they were around for a long time - in various sets. Britains ceased production of metals in 1966 - so we know the Injun with tomahawk was before then. He's an early one - so probably around 1930's - would be my guess? Find someone with the BIG (expensive) Britains book for more info. I don't have one!!!!

Crescent Cowboy: Crescent started in 1922 - London based - and ended up producing plastics in 1980. Metal was produced from 1922 until about 1949 - though I believe they began stamping underside of bases DCMT (for Die cast Machine Technique) just after war ended in 1945. So........he could be from late 1920's until 1945 - if not stamped DCMT. (I'm assuming he's a hollowcast metal model).

Hope that helps narrow them down a bit - jb
Hi Tom,

I think Johnny is right on his dates and I will consult the Great big book of Britains to see and let you know. Do take a look at the base and see what it says as that also helps date them. As its 2345 here I will let you know sometime tomorrow.

The soldier in a red jacket and a white helmet with oval base is an early Trophy, the last one is WW1 Tommy Attkins I guess.
The photos are kind dim, it hard to see real colors: I would suggest to process them thru Photoshop or any other picture editor to change Brightness/ Contast.

That is what I thought, but he has the same features as the Scot next to him in the photo, the arms are the same. The Scot has a square base that was cut on the corner and has 3 intials in black magic marker APH? (Hard to read).

I think the Australian is a small english maker, not Atkins unless they have greatly changed their bases, he is compatible though.
As always, these are beyond my knowledge, so thanks in advance!

1. Set of 3 Officers with Batons, no idea of maker nor what they are, remind me of a South American Dictator!

2. American Marine Boxer Rebellion

3. Believe Mexican American War Gatling Gun?

4. ???? some type of Guard

5. Ships Captain, don't know maker

6. Britains Indian - not sure of era?

7. Britains or Crescent Cowboy? Era?

8. Makers?

9.Aussie Maker?

The second photo is a recast Britians Boer War figure from about 1901 or 1904. The oval bases were pretty early production.
That is what I thought, but he has the same features as the Scot next to him in the photo, the arms are the same. The Scot has a square base that was cut on the corner and has 3 intials in black magic marker APH? (Hard to read).

I think the Australian is a small english maker, not Atkins unless they have greatly changed their bases, he is compatible though.

Scot could be an early Trophy as well, but I have never seen one. Trophy has a habbit to cut a base corner on paint masters.
Scot could be an early Trophy as well, but I have never seen one. Trophy has a habbit to cut a base corner on paint masters.


Al is quite right about Trophy clipping the corners of "paint masters", they also drilled small holes in the bases of certain figures that didn't have regular corners to clip. I have found several "paint masters" in the last 4 weeks including a KRRC casualty with the small hole drilled.


thanks to everyone's help, this always is kind of fun as I learn something new!

I will relook at the potential Trophy, I thought I had seen every kind of Trophy done at this point!


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