More V weapons are coming our way before year end .
Can anybody guess what they will be ?
More V weapons are coming our way before year end .
Can anybody guess what they will be ?
ok I'll take a shot at it. Is it the late war jet He162 Salamander ^&grin ?
More V weapons are coming our way before year end .
Can anybody guess what they will be ?
I hope a V-2 is in the works ...
ok I'll take a shot at it. Is it the late war jet He162 Salamander ^&grin ?
Here is mine
But which one Do you want ?
That's a good point, Figarti already did the Green camo, the raged type 2 & 3 camo and the black & white test versions. So there's not to many choices left.
I could really go for a TGM, V-2 with a removable warhead. With the warhead in a transport container so I can do a V-2 railcar transport the right way, like this . . . .
Nice try everyone but you have to think more outside the box
Nice try everyone but you have to think more outside the box
Can't see TGM making a 262 but maybe something a bit smaller,always expect the unexpected.