More V weapons (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2010
More V weapons are coming our way before year end .
Can anybody guess what they will be ?
More V weapons are coming our way before year end .
Can anybody guess what they will be ?

ok I'll take a shot at it. Is it the late war jet He162 Salamander ^&grin ?
That's a good point, Figarti already did the Green camo, the raged type 2 & 3 camo and the black & white test versions. So there's not to many choices left.

I could really go for a TGM, V-2 with a removable warhead. With the warhead in a transport container so I can do a V-2 railcar transport the right way, like this . . . .

Funny Paul I have that photo in my collection and think you may like the photos I'm posting later ^&grin
Your right about needing a v2 with out the warhead ,personal I would like to see them make the raged camo type 2
I would think the V2 will be further down the line. With TG track record I would expect some releases that have not been made or even contemplated before. A few things we would possibly not expect. Its inevitable a V series will see a V2 made but, the V weapon programme had a lot of things other than V1 and V2 which everyone knows.

Just looking forward to a nice steady pace of releases for this range
I'd like to see an Me163 Komet. Its size is right, not too huge, and no one has made one in years.
Another Komet would be good and another 262 and an A9 sounds good!! That's the good thing with the range its wide and has some great possibilities.

Hopefully, TG will do some polystone etc warbirds and not focus on wood (a nice medium) I know I would want a couple of 262's but, with such low numbers made in wood its practically impossible to think of being able to get two
Nice try everyone but you have to think more outside the box
Can't see TGM making a 262 but maybe something a bit smaller,always expect the unexpected.

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