Mosquitoville (6 Viewers)

Larry and Mario,

I just sent Brad 30 photographs of 123 warbirds (80 K&C, the rest Heco Tinplate, Figarti and John Jenkins Designs), many displayed on three permanent airfield dioramas, ranging from early WWI through modern Jets including an F14 Tomcat, F104 Starfighter, and F86 Saberjet. I've got everything from light recon through heavy bombers (including B17 Flying Fortress, B25 Mitchell, A20 Boston, & Heinkell HE111). There are transports (Junkers JU52), gliders (Horsa), floatplanes (Arado AR196 and Japanese Seiran floatplanes), flying boats (Pan Am Yankee Clipper), but my favorites are the fighters. Just for WWII, P51 B and P51 D Mustangs, P47 Thunderbolts, P40 Tomahawks, P38 Lightnings, Spitfires, Hurricanes, Gloster Gladiators, Corsairs, and Hellcats are prepared to combat ME109's, FW190's, ME262's, ME110's, a JU88J Nightfighter to knock down his Lancaster, Zeros, ME163 Comets, even the imaginary Fuhrer's last fighter. For ground attack, joining the Thunderbolts are Typhoons and even an IL3 Sturmovic. I can even send air cav out in a Huey! I also have V1 and V2 rockets to launch at Larry's temporary airfield.

Larry definitely has more ground forces, but I can still hold my own in the skies.:wink2:
I was enquiring about not being able to post ones own pics


I am barely computer literate (I never touched a computer until I was out of lawschool), and have never been able to figure out how to resize my photographs to fit the format used for this forum. Kevin tried to teach me once, but the ones I tried to resize still wouldn't upload. Brad has always been kind enough to resize and post my photos for me.
One of the first planes made in K&C's new line of wood Connoisseur Warbirds and she is a beaut. Here is another photo

Thank for that ,I will be very happy if the new version K&C is as good as that
Larry and I are the best of friends, and we are, of course, just playing at competing as an excuse to break out more photos of our toys.:smile2:

Dear Louis,I look forward to your's a great hobby:smile2:
It has to be that kind of version anything else would be a travesty. Both those pics are superb

Thank for that ,I will be very happy if the new version K&C is as good as that
It has to be that kind of version anything else would be a travesty. Both those pics are superb

You want to see some really superb photographs of the K&C warbirds, just wait until Kevin Elliott (Panda1gen) gets around to finishing up and publishing Volume II of the K&C book he, Larry and I put together. There will be photographs of more than 125 K&C warbirds from the collections of Larry, Brad (Jazzeum), Harvey Hammer, Chuck Karen (Evilchuck) and myself, photographed with all of the various airwar related vehicles, figures, buildings and diorama pieces K&C has made from 1989 until the photography was completed a couple of years ago.
Louis asked me to post some photos of his Warbirds collection. More to come later{eek3}

Warbirds 2.jpg

Warbirds 5.jpg

Warbirds 4.jpg

Warbirds 1.jpg

Warbirds 3.jpg
Cheers Chaps,

Lawrence simply has more fire power as that glider, Lysander and B-17 are sitting ducks aka "tail end Charlie" victims! I am going with the "Lo" Squadron!{sm4}

Tally Ho,
Cheers Chaps,

Lawrence simply has more fire power as that glider, Lysander and B-17 are sitting ducks aka "tail end Charlie" victims! I am going with the "Lo" Squadron!{sm4}

Tally Ho,


You don't think the F14 Tomcat, the F86 Sabre, the F104 Starfighter and the ME262 Swallow make up for it?:rolleyes2:

The Force is strong in you!! Welcome fellow Rebel ^&grin Methinks the Dark Lord is nervous. Our rebel force of propeller driven planes grows daily and so he resorts to bringing out his fleet of jet fighters. I say to my fellow aviators we will defeat his jets, but that will not be the end as he will stop at nothing to maintain his grip over the Warbird community. He will eventually unleash - the Death Star. {eek3} But fear not, there is strength in our numbers and right is on our side. We Shall Overcome ^&grin

The Force is strong in you!! Welcome fellow Rebel ^&grin Methinks the Dark Lord is nervous. Our rebel force of propeller driven planes grows daily and so he resorts to bringing out his fleet of jet fighters. I say to my fellow aviators we will defeat his jets, but that will not be the end as he will stop at nothing to maintain his grip over the Warbird community. He will eventually unleash - the Death Star. {eek3} But fear not, there is strength in our numbers and right is on our side. We Shall Overcome ^&grin

What have you been drinking tonight, Larry? ^&grin Did you same me some . . . :wink2:
Louis asked me to post some photos of his Warbirds collection. More to come later{eek3}

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The time has come for you to see the light and join our growing fleet. Your leader grows weaker and confused. Look at how blurry the pictures are. :tongue: His recent fascination with elephants - and we are not talking about the flying variety - like Dumbo. {eek3} Are you not tired of his remarks about Monty {sm2} Do you not grow weary of those requests to post photos? Join your vast air forces with ours and share in the glory of victory that will be ours ^&grin^&grin

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