Mosquitoville (6 Viewers)

I think an alliance between all us little people might work. We can surround the two Superpowers and cut off their TS deliveries if some sort of mutual agreement (to our advantage, of course) can't be reached. Invasion could be the last resort. Central Pa. would be staging area with the F18's providing the air umbrella. -- Al

Sounds like a Fremen has learned a thing or two from Paul Muad'Dib :smile2:

Wow {eek3} A great collection of AA to protect our airfields ^&cool Our defenses are ready for the onslaught ^&grin {sm4} A curtain of steel will greet the enemy {sm3}

Can the Aussie Mercenary Squadron get into this fight. Available to the highest bidder. Knowing both your collections its going to cost you big time.^&grin^&grin Squadron comes with a "G' for George Lancaster supported by two Hurricanes and two Spitfires as air cover. Supported by a couple of ME262, a FW190 and two Me109s and a Mustang as back up.
All flown by dinky dye Aussie pilots of VC quality.:smile2:
Great thread fellas. Keep up the great work.
Cheers Howard:smile2:

Patton will be making his way to you to discuss terms :wink2:^&grin
{sm4}{sm4} Mechanicsburg AFB ready for action General Lancer- you handle the air forces and I will handle the ground forces. We will recruit Mr. Jazzeum for pre-invasion intel. We will enlist the aid of our British allies to blockade NY Harbor with naval forces.

I do believe this plan is coming together nicely.......................:p

Et tu Brute {eek3}
Fly Navy ^&grin
Lawrence, saw your Mosquitos, Just saw Mosquito Squadron on Netflix. Starring the Doctor from NCIS, David McCallum. Fairly good WWII movie for anyone who watches that sort of thing.{sm2}{sm2}

Will be on the lookout for it. Thanks. By the way, we are in need of night fighters. Any interest?^&grin
North of Sietch Tabr ^&grin
The Fremen hordes, using "desert power", are about to descend upon the Sardaukar and seize the throne. We will then spread out over the universe of TS, sweeping all into our grasp. Just need to make sure the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood are on our side.^&cool -- Al
They can't stand upright because of the indigestion. :D:D

Now, now, we may be at war because of Larry's descent from upstanding history geek{sm4} to insane science fiction geek{eek3}{sm3}, but I will not abide libelous statements about his food - Larry has the best Chinese Restaurant in NYC, and that's not just my opinion, that's confirmed by Zagats.:wink2:
The Fremen hordes, using "desert power", are about to descend upon the Sardaukar and seize the throne. We will then spread out over the universe of TS, sweeping all into our grasp. Just need to make sure the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood are on our side.^&cool -- Al

Are you trying to recruit Shannon? {eek3}^&grin
Are you trying to recruit Shannon? {eek3}^&grin

hmm...Shannon is away this week. She SAID she was on a vacation with a friend of hers...but perhaps she's gone underground. Question is, will she infiltrate Manhattan or Long Island???
I don't think she's away. It's just a ruse as I got the Rivet from her this week ^&confuse^&cool
Now, now, we may be at war because of Larry's descent from upstanding history geek{sm4} to insane science fiction geek{eek3}{sm3}, but I will not abide libelous statements about his food - Larry has the best Chinese Restaurant in NYC, and that's not just my opinion, that's confirmed by Zagats.:wink2:

Louis mate,
If Lawrence is offering free food from the magificent restaurant of his, then I am afraid my mercanary air force will have to favour his side. I still have great memories of the 2010 NY Symposium and the night out in the best chinese restaurant in the Big Apple. Come to think of it that was a totally fantastic weekend right thru. I hope I thank you and boys for that but if I forgot "Many Aussie Thanks"
The Annual New York Symposium is recommended highly to all Aussie Treefroggers.
Plan your trip now boys for 2012 --- The West Coaster Show in LA, then a couple of days in beautiful San Antonio and then onto the NY Symposium.
Cheers Howard

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