Mr Louis
The pictures that jazzeum put on i imagine are ur planes
attachment 70120 the german floatplane is it 1/30
and who makes it
Thank u
Maple Leaf
whats the story on the f-86? when was that released? that's one of my all time favorites paired up with the mig 15
Mr Louis
The pictures that jazzeum put on i imagine are ur planes
attachment 70120 the german floatplane is it 1/30
and who makes it
Thank u
Maple Leaf
That's the only Sabre made with a clear canopy and open cockpit detail. When K&C first relaunched the wood warbirds, Andy offered it to me in the markings of the Japan Defense Force. I told him I would prefer it in USAF Korean War markings, and he had it repainted for me.
Both F86 Sabres and MiG 15's were done in the mid-1990's, also in very limited quantities, no more than 5 of each.
I'm thinking the more up to date F 86 was made in 2007/2008 timeframe, AIR 028.
Here's another photo courtesy of K & C. I maintain a photo library of all K & C planes issued since the line was re-launched.
View attachment 70217
Lots of beautiful aircraft on this thread. Congratulations on gtting that gorgeous He-111, Mario. {bravo}} -- Al
Your He 111 is fantastic. It's amazing the detail they've gotten out of a piece of wood.
Louis and Brad,
Thanks for posting up the extra pics. As you say, the cockpit detailing is nothing short of superb.
That's a K&C Arado 196 Floatplane, made in 2007. I think its 1 of 5 made.
I feel a bit guilty looking at this discussion, the warbird and other books were almost complete in 2009 but have had some issues my end so sorry for not getting them out. Here is a pic of the Arado ...... hope to get round to finishing them later this year, or next, or .......
View attachment 70224
I feel a bit guilty looking at this discussion, the warbird and other books were almost complete in 2009 but have had some issues my end so sorry for not getting them out. Here is a pic of the Arado ...... hope to get round to finishing them later this year, or next, or .......
View attachment 70224
Today´s morning...:smile2:
I can't breathe,i don't speak,i have sweaty...... Lawrence help me..........
Today´s morning...:smile2:
Obi Wan is gone. Look to the Death Star my friend, heh-heh :wink2:
Last set.
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View attachment 70119
View attachment 70120
View attachment 70121
The Evil Empire returns, eh, Lawrence {eek3}
View attachment 70124
From my collection, here are a couple of Me 109s.
View attachment 70251
View attachment 70252
Only two of these were made