Murat and the Wurttemberg Jaegers (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
NAP0061-NAP0065 Murat and the Wurttemberg Jaegers are now complete and available for Pre-order and will ship to customers on October 20th when they arrive at our US warehouse. These figures are meant to capture the moment at Borodino when Murat was nearly captured by a Russian counterattack and was saved by the nearby Wurttemberg Jaegers. This is a special collector's release and we're only doing 200 of each code, so we don't expect them to be around for too long.

Please note that these figures will make their debut with George Guerriero at Minutemen Toy Soldiers in Chicago. He will have a very limited quantity of them so go by and check them out with him. I'm confident that you will agree that these are our best release to date in terms of the painting and sculpting and further reinforce that First Legion makes the finest Napoleonic Toy Soldiers in the world.

Photos of the production figures...

NAP0061 - Marshal Murat
This figure comes with a detachable cape that can be rested freely over his shoulders and be displayed with or without it.


NAP0062 - Wurttemberg Jaeger Wounded Officer


NAP0063 - Wurttemberg Jaeger Standing Firing


NAP0064 - Wurttemberg Jaeger at the Ready


NAP0065 - Wurttemberg Jaeger NCO


Next month is the Westphalian Jaegers carabiniers followed by the French Old Guard Grenadiers in November!



First Legion Ltd
George will be selling those like hotcakes in Chicago. They look great.
Thanks for hooking me up with these Mr Matt; just got the email that they are on the way to the hotel, will be waiting for me when I get there.

Thanks again my friend............
Hi First Legion,

Regarding to this set, what's your reference source? It's pretty obvious that Del Prado got all their designs from Osprey illustrations and K&C sort of spin off from it. Collectorshowcase, on the other hand, was inspired by Lady Butler's drawing (although the curassier bulger doesn't have his own uniform is way off).

I've never seen a picture of Murat, seemingly in a non-French style blue uniform as well. Could you send me a picture of your source?

Also, how's First Legion's curassier coming? Is there a side-by-side photo next to K&C so that we can compare the scale (i.e. how much bigger is K&C's scale). While all the companies (K&C, frontline, CS) had produced their own version, why don't consider making something else, like the 5th and 7th Hussars fighting in Russia?
Hi First Legion,
....Also, how's First Legion's curassier coming? Is there a side-by-side photo next to K&C so that we can compare the scale (i.e. how much bigger is K&C's scale). ...
I think it has been established here (including by comparative photos) that the overall scale of the First Legion figures is in line with the scale of the K&C figures but that certain proportions (hands, weapons, are more internally consistent. Here is another link to the FL scale page showing together (near the bottom) two FL Cuirassiers and one K&C one.

FWIW, I am very pleased FL is doing these since I am not satisfied with what is currently available and am really looking forward to some non Russian conflict related figures. These will go great with the Brit Guards. I just wish we could get both a bit sooner but patience is a virtue I am told.:)
For all the guys in the UK admiring the photos- the Wuttenburgers and Murat should be winging their way to us any day now (as well as a re stock of the French infantry). Get in touch with Mark as usual or come and see us at the Birmingham show at the end of the month.
I can't wait to see them in the flesh- they look amazing!

Hi First Legion,

Regarding to this set, what's your reference source? It's pretty obvious that Del Prado got all their designs from Osprey illustrations and K&C sort of spin off from it. Collectorshowcase, on the other hand, was inspired by Lady Butler's drawing (although the curassier bulger doesn't have his own uniform is way off).

I've never seen a picture of Murat, seemingly in a non-French style blue uniform as well. Could you send me a picture of your source?

Also, how's First Legion's curassier coming? Is there a side-by-side photo next to K&C so that we can compare the scale (i.e. how much bigger is K&C's scale). While all the companies (K&C, frontline, CS) had produced their own version, why don't consider making something else, like the 5th and 7th Hussars fighting in Russia?

I can pretty much guarantee that it isn't Osprey and is most likely a Russian Language or French Language source, but I'd have to ask my partner exactly which source he used. Remember, we did Murat specifically for Borodino and the outfit that we have him in is what he was wearing on that day. Though I'm not sure if these images were specificially the source, please see the following images of Murat at Borodino. I hope you will agree that our version is an excellent reproduction of him as he appeared at the battle.



As for our Cuirassiers, they were actually sculpted over 2 years ago for one of my partners' personal collection of figures because he felt there were no suitable Cuirassier figures available, so we've had the sculpts for quite awhile now. You'll be happy to know that, while we are of course going to release them, they WON'T be the first French Cavalry unit that we release. So you're going to get what you're asking for in a manner of speaking in that our first French Cavalry release will be something else and is due out in the April timeframe or so. That's all I'll say about that for the time being.


First Legion Ltd
I too wondered about Murat uniform, so I went looking. I found the exact same uniform illustrated in Faber Di Faur's book WITH NAPOLEON IN RUSSIA, published by Greenhill Books. In plate number 49 it shows Murat and the Wurttemberg troops, in fact the Wurttemberg troops are in the same poses as the new figures.

Faber Du Faur was an artist who went with Napoleon and his invasion forces. He was an eyewitness who drew pictures at the time. I am very impressed with all the research First Legion has done on all their figures.

First Legion is first CLASS!!! :)

King's Man
...As for our Cuirassiers, they were actually sculpted over 2 years ago for one of my partners' personal collection of figures because he felt there were no suitable Cuirassier figures available, so we've had the sculpts for quite awhile now. You'll be happy to know that, while we are of course going to release them, they WON'T be the first French Cavalry unit that we release. So you're going to get what you're asking for in a manner of speaking in that our first French Cavalry release will be something else and is due out in the April time frame or so. ...
Well I was really looking forward to your Cuirassiers for the same reason your partner wanted them and have been ever since I saw them on the site. I do hope to see them soon and while these Russian front figures are superbly done, I can't help but eagarly anticipate your attention to the British v French side of this period.:cool:
I too wondered about Murat uniform, so I went looking. I found the exact same uniform illustrated in Faber Di Faur's book WITH NAPOLEON IN RUSSIA, published by Greenhill Books. In plate number 49 it shows Murat and the Wurttemberg troops, in fact the Wurttemberg troops are in the same poses as the new figures.

Faber Du Faur was an artist who went with Napoleon and his invasion forces. He was an eyewitness who drew pictures at the time. I am very impressed with all the research First Legion has done on all their figures.

First Legion is first CLASS!!! :)

King's Man

To this post I have to offer a HUGE thank you to King's Man. It is only the most die card of collectors, or those who are willing to question our research and find out for themselves, who actually pick up on the all of the little things we do to make our figures the best and most accurate that they can be. I don't mean this in anyway as a slight to anyone who didn't know why we did Murat the way we did, I simply mean it to say that we do in fact put a LOT of research into each and every one of our figures, and it's just nice to hear when somoene recognizes why we did something a certain way. I've had a lot of questions emailed to me saying "Murat looks great, but his uniform and hat are different than anythig I've never seen" or something similar. I personally find it very gratifying when someone out there independently validates our research, which we put a lot of effort into, and not only appreciates it, but recognizes that perhaps we didn't do something in it's most popular fashion, but rather we did something as accurately as we could for whatever it was we were trying to recreate. Our goal is to bring you the most accurate figures that we can, even if that the result is that it may not be as popular as it could be.

Anyway, thanks King's Man, I really appreciate your post.


First Legion Ltd
Well I was really looking forward to your Cuirassiers for the same reason your partner wanted them and have been ever since I saw them on the site. I do hope to see them soon and while these Russian front figures are superbly done, I can't help but eagarly anticipate your attention to the British v French side of this period.:cool:

TRUST ME ON won't be disappointed. While I hope this doesn't generate some unwanted mail for you, after you read this message, check your email............. :D



Thank you for your kind words. I have been able to find the picture in question on the Internet; however it is not in color, unlike the one in the book which is. Also the left side of the picture has been cropped removing the part of the picture showing the wound Wurttemberg officer.

I have posted three pictures, the overall, close-up of Murat and the close-up of the Wurttemberg troops.

King's Man


  • close-up-Murat.jpg
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  • troop-close-up.jpg
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  • murat.jpg
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Now that you've posted it and thus refreshed my memory, I'm quite certian that I've seen the image you posted on the right hand side about a year ago when we first discussed creating this set. Our uniform/sculpting research is done by my partner in Moscow and his sources, especially for Borodino/1812, are typically in Russian. As such, he is privy to an entire world of stuff that the western world typically doesn't have access to. However, I'm pretty positive, that when we talked about creating a set of Murat and the Wurttemberg Jaegers (which, truth be told, most people just don't "get") the image below along with many others were part of the conversation that resulted in the set we created.

Again, it's this type of research and interest on the part of collector's which makes it worthwhile. We are not a company that looks at one image and creates a line of figures. Typically, one image inspires us, and then we find 20 more to validate it and modify it to make it historically accurate. Our goal is to provide you all with the most accurate figures we can, as we won't accept any less for our own collections and we don't expect you to either. Sometimes we end up going against conventional thinking or the generally accepted reality. But all of the research is worth it when someone like King's Man does the research on his own when our figures "don't seem right" to him as in the case of our 1812 Murat, and in the end he appreciates what we've done and dare i say perhaps learned something in the process. For us, it doesn't get any better than that.



PS- After two bottles of wine tonight in my chinese city's only italian restaurant, I'm feeling philosophical, so forgive my long posts please!!!
TRUST ME ON won't be disappointed. While I hope this doesn't generate some unwanted mail for you, after you read this message, check your email............. :D
Thanks Matt, I think you are absolutely correct.;):D I hope to be able to have as many as possible of your figures to put on my wife's shopping list for December.:cool:

This is the second time that I'm making this request... Please print inserts with historical background and exclusive diorama photos with your figures!!!

I do think your research process is extremely interesting and the history stuff is very marketable...

Also please provide historical details of the uniform and colors about these figures. Unlike King man, I find it very difficult to search for relevant and 'English' information about these figures.

I know many collectors do collect K&C brochures amateurishly written by their 'creative director.' I am sure you guys at FL can do it in a much more intriguing fashion!

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