My small LAH display (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Oct 10, 2010
Same shot, different tone.


  • 0001_71.JPG
    380.5 KB · Views: 461
  • 0001_70.JPG
    531.9 KB · Views: 468
  • 0001_72.JPG
    514.5 KB · Views: 455
Small but beautiful.
I prefer the brownish coloured photograph
Small but very well done.

I like the BW picture most. Looks like it was taken from the Riefenstahl film "Triumph of the will".
Very nice pics. I prefer the Sepia wash effect on the first picture
Nice display, love it. I have been mostly spending my hard earned cash on WW2
axis armor and figures. But one day I would like to start working on a good LAH
display like yours.{bravo}}
It is a start.

I'm sure you collection wil extend in due time.

More troops will add :)
A Red back ground for LAH displays seems to work well. I used it for one of my dio's and it also did the trick.
Small but a good start
B&W makes it look like an old newspaper
Good job my freind
In my opinion this is the most addictive series K&C produce. Never should have bought the first one; couldn`t stop ever since. I`m sure soon enough it won`y be a "small" display anymore... Congratulations on the pictures and display, they make a "big" impression!{sm4}
Addictive, certainly. I now have three LAH displays on the go at the same time :eek:

I like all the pics, for different reasons, but my preferred choice would be the full colour one if what you want to see are the figures in their full, unadulterated glory! {eek3}

Keep it going :)

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