NAP0392-0400 British Royal Horse Guards Extremely Short Pre-Order!!! (2 Viewers)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We decided to squeeze in one more release with our January line up, so we held our shipment back a week to allow for us to add our stunning new British Royal Horse Guards! This famous regiment was part of the Household Cavalry brigade at Waterloo and took part in the British cavalry charge which threw back D’Erlons assault and supporting Cuirassiers and crashed headlong into the west side of the French Grand Battery. Counterattacked by French Lancers, their losses were heavy, but the damage had been done and the French assault collapsed under the weight of the British charge. With 9 stunning figures available, Waterloo dioramists rejoice with a heavy cavalry regiment other than the Scots Greys to put into the field!!! And, as the thread title shows, these figures will be shipping to customers and dealers worldwide late next week at the same time as our other January releases. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!


NAP0392 Royal Horse Guards Lt. Colonel Sir Robert Hill - $149.95
NAP0393 Royal Horse Guards Trumpeter - $159.95
NAP0394 Royal Horse Guards Sergeant - $149.95
NAP0395 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #1 - $149.95
NAP0396 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #2 - $149.95
NAP0397 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #3 - $149.95
NAP0398 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #4 - $149.95
NAP0399 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #5 - $149.95
NAP0400 Royal Horse Guards Trooper #6 - $149.95
Shipping Late January 2013




















First Legion Ltd
A few more shots showing some different angles for good measure!








First Legion Ltd
Wow, that is quite something else, a real treat for collectors. Well done Matt.
Still well worth the price. These figures are the best available.

Given time, I will be ordering all of them. :)

King's Man
I do not Have, the earlier Cavalry Version (Light Dragoon).So I can not Judge If the Color scheme Is Leaps And bounds with this version. But, This Ones definitely Looks great. With Our hobby Going The way it is, something This special might Be cheaper in the Long run. K&C Offers their Cavalry, at $50 or more, less than The First legion pieces. I personally, would not trade/ Buy K&C products. To replace The hunger for my Napoleonics. People has said, That the few K&C products that I have Are very Good, But when they see My First legion Pieces, They say it Is stunning on How great it looks. So it is up to the Individual Collector, to Figure out to their liking. On How Their collection, is going to be built. And On settling, for one or the other.
My hope is that if The Red Lancers, Ever Comes out, That it will have the Same great Quality, That The British Royal Horse Guard Looks.
I will definitely be buying, at least one. Just to see for myself. On how Good/ Great the piece it is.
Beautifully produced figures from start to finish {bravo}}{bravo}} I really love the new poses First Legion have created they add so many possibilities for Dio builders . Like every sane person in the world I'm also not very happy with the continued rise in Prices :mad: . Being a long time First legion collector I have seen thier price per basic calvary figure increase over the years from the give away price of $99.99 to $119.95 to $129.95 and now to $149.95 which is an increase of 50 bucks which is about 10 bucks a year I guess . Like I said I'm not happy about the current prices but when one considers what you have to pay to get a mounted figure from say Aeroart which are now starting at $425.00 up to $700.00 its a little easier to digest . I guess It all depends on what you want for your collection and for me when it comes to Napoleonic figures I will just not settle for anything less then First Legion but with the current prices I just have to settle for a few less figures per order . I hope Matt does not consider this a vote for higher prices because it certainly is not but FL have created IMO a new product what I consider the working mans Connoisseur . I think the raising prices are startingto make it harder for some collectors to add a few figures of a near Connoisseur level to thier collections which is disappointing as well . Regards Gebhard
Hi Gebhard
I've been waiting a long time for Blucher
At $165 i could not pull the trigger
i sold my prussians and nassau because
i don't think i'll be able to keep up with FL prices
in the future. I know it's lot less than Russian figures
but Russian figures don't have series
Like the new French artillery set , if u buy the
whole set it's $425. I paid $295 for my Brit artillery set.
I do understand the rising cost of production but for me
i will keep the AWI only and a few AK
I'm not complaining about FL i'm just stating my position
Regards Maple Leaf
Hi Gebhard
I've been waiting a long time for Blucher
At $165 i could not pull the trigger
i sold my prussians and nassau because
i don't think i'll be able to keep up with FL prices
in the future. I know it's lot less than Russian figures
but Russian figures don't have series
Like the new French artillery set , if u buy the
whole set it's $425. I paid $295 for my Brit artillery set.
I do understand the rising cost of production but for me
i will keep the AWI only and a few AK
I'm not complaining about FL i'm just stating my position
Regards Maple Leaf

I understand your problem with the prices Maple Leaf (what is your name?) with so many great ranges out by First Legion I would love to collect 3-4 of them, but I'm glad enough to collect the ones I do have, but I set a budget and stick to it, or I recently found out that Treefrog has a layaway payment that works for the bigger sets, anyway hope you stay with what you have, looks like the new AK sets are wonderful...Sammy
I think that I will get two. The Officer and another. Not knowing too awful much about Waterloo, I am sorry that there is no Flag Bearer again for the Brits, But if that is historically accurate, then I am OK with it and I will see my annalist in the morning.
aeroart figures are not the same as old aeroart pieces. the quality has really dropped in the last 5 years and i don't consider them true connaisseur quality anymore. their offering is at the same level as figures produced by grenada and amber studios but they are overpriced for what they are these days. FL figures in general are just one notch under overrall but it all depennds on the range you re looking that since some FL figures are trully outstanding while others are 'average'.
but there is also the question of one of kind which you will never get with any figure produced in china.
now at 150$-165$ (compared to 400$+ for aeroart) i think FL still offer the best you can get for your money if and only if you re not after unique pieces.
i have now completely reoriented my collecting habbits to only buying unique pieces, either produced in russia (russian vityaz, sineus or n. miniatura studio), painted by some great modellers or ... painted by myself lately.



Hi Gebhard
I've been waiting a long time for Blucher
At $165 i could not pull the trigger
i sold my prussians and nassau because
i don't think i'll be able to keep up with FL prices
in the future. I know it's lot less than Russian figures
but Russian figures don't have series
Like the new French artillery set , if u buy the
whole set it's $425. I paid $295 for my Brit artillery set.
I do understand the rising cost of production but for me
i will keep the AWI only and a few AK
I'm not complaining about FL i'm just stating my position
Regards Maple Leaf

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